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 Coffee, call with client, new cofounder killing it

Life is good

GM frens 
 Welcome to nostr! @zaaxi 
 “every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam” 
 Da iOS non posso zappare il post ma ho zappato il profilo! 
 Working on the 2min narrative: 

I want to have the engine for world trade in it: the enemy is both rogue counterfeiters AND swamping regulation, the solution is letting humans do what they do best, flourish with trade. We build the tools to allow that.

#Bitcoin #tradefinance #startup #pitch 
 How do social platform die?

It’s a bit premature but found this interesting:


#Nostr is very different, at least for what I see, businesses can use this but the way to gather views is either excellent content or offer a relay (or both), but even in the relay scenario users are not locked in. 
 How do you articulate: why open source?

I speak with decision makers (either investors or enterprise) and there is always a suspicious push back for open source: 
-difficult to monetize, 
-must be careful not to share “the secret sauce” of the business, 
-security flaws went undetected for years (android for instance)

Of course I can reply:
- even Tesla open sourced some patents to allow the creation of the market
- security flaws are everywhere, crowdstrike and windows, at least you have more eyes in open source 

But I want to hear how do you articulate it? How do you position open source as superior to closed source?

#opensource #foss 
 This resonates well with consumer related businesses, what about pure b2b tools? E.g. why btcpayserver vs opennode? 
 “Successful capitalism seems built on easy failure”

For #startups this resonates with “fail quickly”

The question for the non-startup rest of the world (i.e. most of the world):

For how much more is this sustainable? 

Is progress generating request of new capital or is new capital requesting progress?


Is progress the new gold? Is fiat money anchored to progress? Is fiat money failing its promise of progress? https://image.nostr.build/4222dded299afb1e0b5b3529248b70f81cea7c9457b65d86aa3d43533ad5b510.jpg  
 it connects people and allows to share tips, I guess one could use it for sort of mechanical Turk? Delegate simple tasks to unknown workers?

Still, I just like the memes, send a zap here and there and chill 🤙 nostr:note1w2jncqwkvh0tnx0gructgjcwrunk7mxqwpu3fte9dat5dt9ux46sl3klds 
 Bullish on El Salvador

Bearish on Germany 
 Bye bye 🇩🇪 

Viel Spaß, arm zu bleiben 
 Names change but the concept remains

What is money? 

What is it worth?

Who are you trusting for it to work? https://image.nostr.build/07eb91fceaf3ab94cf12fda06834d736596d9b8a0d9fc784cdd80b4688143f55.jpg  
 Because it’s a politician in campaign, very different from a politician in office! 
 Normies may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like https://image.nostr.build/47f35052ea77e138e1ab6448d518f2ab7498c63f2f1b98d582dc8ff6575c3225.jpg  
 This was me 👉

Yea.. concrete risk for all engineers nostr:note1v7z3jzmmxh5mqecw6yy7w4a6d5zlps5sc4mga0c4ld6c2ymvqpjsud2hg6 
 I known I know, technical analysis is just horoscope, this pattern though.. very bullish indicator for fast food job applications https://image.nostr.build/39528282b022c67d577c14719a148eedc12f8a019fa2492515c69da375576bc2.jpg  
 Maybe, retracing always happens for a reason or another, especially in the months following the halving.

Just wait for the reverse McDonald pattern, any day now 😵‍💫 
 To all lasereyes in the Bay Area, what meetup do you suggest? #bitcoin related or not 
 Thanks for flying Assange, whoever you were! 
 Went to get a haircut earlier and unexpectedly #bitcoin was brought up, almost everyone said they... 
 No reference to gold or limited real estate in a city center?

But if you found folks just in for self custody savings, that’s already pretty radical on their end! 
 So only branded goods can be counterfeit you say.. I have a new rabbit hole for you:

Fake materials

Same patterns, same expensive problems.

Who do you think is the PnL owner in this case? Supply Chain or Compliance department?

#supplychain #counterfeit #fake #airline #aerospace

 GM nostr! 
 A wild breakfast spot appears, was in town for an early meeting, got some dumplings just in case https://image.nostr.build/717306d7df50d776e9f33944b7cce3bd8fef634e3878b4a85fe07b0775f74907.jpg  
 GM frens, e-mails, code, coffee ☕️ jet lagging 
 @jack hey, I’m in 500 startups!

End game: trade finance on Bitcoin 

Currently Eonpass builds open source tools to connect companies and customs and we have our models to detect counterfeiting, theft, etc.. the perfect data feed for trade finance.. or for adaptor signatures! 

Would love to chat, I’m in Palo Alto until end of August 

*Hit send and luck🤞* 

1) security reviews and project continuity are better with open source, there are so many employees you can hire

2) Bitcoin specifically requires you to trust the code, therefore everyone must be able to review and run the code (open source by definition)

3) we have example of captured Bitcoin versions (bch, bsv) and the market doesn’t like them 
 nostr:npub1qny3tkh0acurzla8x3zy4nhrjz5zd8l9sy9jys09umwng00manysew95gx made nostr:npub15dqlghlewk8... 
 Bullish nostr 
 But that’s just a very basic misunderstanding of open source development. It’s like getting upset because there’s a grant for Linux or WordPress 
 That’s not very realistic, it’s like saying openAI is afraid of a new tensorflow version. That open source part is open source for very good reasons (better security, testing, having brains from universities viewing and reviewing) and all the value delivered to customers come from how the company uses that part.

For Bitcoin it’s the same, better security, cryptography, etc.. come from open source, if a company wants to build their own Bitcoin you end up with a crap like BCH or BSV which the market does not like.

It makes zero business sense, that can’t be the reason 

 That doesn’t sound right. Only competition that matters is for clients  and what’s your marketing proposition? 

“wE DoN’t SupPort OpeNSouuRce”?

You even have Cathie “I’ll-get-your-401k” Woods sponsoring Bitcoin developers, whoever they are are new to the game and/or very small. 

 What does “crush an etf” even mean? Crush them personally?

As many other said, it would be best to have more context. I am neutral on Saylor, not simping, but I don’t see the logic behind that position either 

- is he afraid ETF sponsors will decide development?
- is he afraid of any development?
- is he afraid of a specific development which was to be sponsored?
- the crushing part is weird, crushing “how exactly”? 
 But that’s just a very basic misunderstanding of open source development. It’s like getting upset because there’s a grant for Linux or WordPress 
 Anno di elezioni = anno di pump? Bitcoin Cabana ep 4.20 #podcast

YouTube: https://youtu.be/XuMmnyxgLS0

Arrivano le elezioni e assieme a loro arrivano gli stimoli! I Democratici combatteranno fino all'ultima legge pur di tenere il votante assunto e soddisfatto. Agli orsi rimane il podio del giusto, di quello che sarebbe corretto, ma qui al Cabana ci importa fino ad un certo punto. La recessione più annunciata di sempre è rimandata. Continuiamo ad osservare da vicino la disoccupazione, ricordandoci la nostra soglia del +0.6% MoM che però fino ad ora continua a reggere. Parliamo del nostro Fanta-portafoglio, come sempre è un discorso a fini di studio e approfondimento culturale. Non diamo consigli di investimento, i dati che mostriamo sono accurati per quanto ne capiamo noi. Confrontatevi con il vostro consulente finanziario prima di fare qualsiasi cosa. 

00:00 Intro 
03:20 Tagli sulle tasse 
15:24 Unemployment 
20:43 Delinquencies 
27:10 Stimoli fiscali 
28:43 Fantaportafoglio 
40:34 Medio Oriente 

#bitcoin #macroeconomia #elezioni #ita

 🔊🔊 Audio Links 🔊🔊 
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/it/podcast/bitcoin-cabana/id1561631462 
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI5NjE1NTg5MC9zb3VuZHMucnNz 
 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GqAcWtIJ7Yf2FXspe6zk6?si=fef18c104e124280&nd=1 
 Fountain: https://fountain.fm/show/hfsmBsJaITsc0T2C7IjB

PS: can’t find a way to post from @bitcoincabana - weird, let’s see if this works 
 Been missing from #nostr for a while, what’s up? What’s the latest fancy service being developed? Search users by names/NIPs look a cool side project 
 Oh no idea, I’m curious 👀