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 I'm gathering a team right now to build a Web3 kickstarter-like fundraising tool for non-profits and NGOs, focused on the developing world. 

I believe we can disrupt traditional non-profit funding, which often requires big corporate middlemen and high overhead, so more funds reach those in need.

Interested in joining the amazing team? DM for a Discord invite. 
 People doing ground-level marketing and education projects frequently consult me for advice. They usually want to know how to keep their projects going.

After a solid 4 years of doing that, my advice is simple...

 I'm thrilled to launch the Yap Bay partial MVP with Backdrop Build!

YapBay is a Web3 remittance platform that combines TradFi and DeFi to enable faster, cheaper & more accessible cross-border payments for the world's unbanked and underbanked population.

 I'm looking to hire a VA (virtual assistant). Please DM me your portfolio where it shows what services you offer. @georgedonnelly on Telegram. 
 A new version of Harvard's CS50 is out. Can't recommend it highly enough for people learning computer science. It's a great foundation.

Last year's version of the course got 9 million views on YouTube.

 Labor is rebalancing things with capital. 
This is good.

 I am a fan of @ProsperaGlobal. Best keep an eye on this situation as interesting things are bound to happen, be they a socialist government getting smacked with some expensive karma, or some true voluntaryist prosperity.

 It would be interesting to leverage artificial wombs to create sufficient children to reverse the demographic decline that is affecting much of the world.

Lots of risks but lots of upside as well.

 Here's a neat trick for overcoming your resistance to getting up early... get a puppy.

This goofball has me up by 6:15 AM daily!

He goes nuts, eats, chases the cat and then promptly is back asleep by 8AM.

 I have developed an appreciation for this law of attraction kind of content, not because I necessarily accept it is prima facie true...

but because it tells an engaging story about ultimately useful principles of thought and action.

A lot of it however is simply unbearable to listen to, and it must be noted that some of it is even scammy.

I guess I am just an intellectual free spirit, endlessly looking to take interesting ideas from X context in order to apply the best parts to Y context.

 Why are you still playing this guy up, Bloomberg @business ?

He was not super critical to crypto. Was he even ever a billionaire (not counting other people's money!)?

This guy is a straight-up scammer. Stop turning him into some kind of legend.

 I’m looking for a full-time remote job as a technical writer, content writer, project manager or similar in Web3 / tech.


I transform complex projects into triumphs through inspiration & storytelling.

I built & scaled $5.5mm of projects for tech, creative & crypto clients by recruiting & managing diverse teams towards uncharted territories.

I'm a content writer, project manager, Web3 coder, sci-fi author, weekend hiker and dad.

I'm an idealistic pioneer in Bitcoin & Web3 adoption who's known for taking the initiative and inspiring people.

I lead with authentic influence, initiative-taking, relationship-building and tech-savvy.

My toolbox includes Solidity, Javascript, CashScript, Rust, Python, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, React, Next.JS, Flask, Django, Astro.JS, GraphQL, WordPress, DaVinci Resolve, native-level Spanish, AirTable, Zapier and many other no-code tools.

Check out my portfolio here: 



“George, in my personal dealings with you, you have always been kind, courteous, professional, clear-headed, and a visionary about what cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Cash can do for the world. I am glad you are and continue to be a part of our community.”

“Every project that George gets involved with is successful. Tasks are completed on time and with a fluidity that allows for ever changing circumstances. George’s enthusiasm and professionalism is infectious and brings out the best in others as well as a desire to be part of anything George is associated with.”

“George has vision, integrity, and energy.”

“George is an excellent communicator and has a knack for really distilling complex ideas in a way that makes them easy to understand. In my experience he has always treated others with utmost respect, and he’d be a great asset for any organization that needs someone with his skills.”

“It’s been a pleasure having you in charge, George. I think the whole project would have sunk if you didn’t take over.”

“You really overdelivered. That’s what I call ‘much bang per buck’ Thank you!!”

“George is just a relentless problem solver.”

“George’s team has demonstrated an extremely high level of professionalism, communication, and most importantly accountability.”


I'm ready to take on new challenges in project management, marketing, writing & tech. I love to connect with new people. Feel free to email me at me@georgedonnelly.com.


 The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is so complex and so long-standing that I don't see how it's possible to take sides...

other than to advocate for non-violence and for dialog to reach some kind of enduring resolution.

The initiation of violence is always wrong. Period. 
 Put yourself on death ground... create some urgency for yourself.

 There are simply not enough David Fincher movies in this timeline. 
 This situation with Israel is frightening... too many flashpoints right now. 
 Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain 
 Great are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world. — Ralph Waldo Emerson 
 Trying out @Mutiny Wallet Wallethttps://m.primal.net/HMdf.png with an open mind, since I want to pay a relay service to host my Nostr content... 
 I wonder how we could create a CoinMarketCap alternative that measures real use or real development because seeing posts about price is so tiresome.

I really don't care about price, just progress towards the vision of monetary freedom and prosperity across the globe. 
 You're missing the uncensorability & freedom: Line up them WEF against a wall and shoot them all!... 
 Sure, I get all that. I have been imprisoned for exercising free speech rights, so I totally get it. Just commenting on what the trending topics are. 
 Is Nostr like 90% BTC/Lightning talk or am I missing something? 
 nostrdirectory Verifying My Public Key: "GeorgeDonnelly" 
 “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”

~ Ram Dass 
 Very true. My family is hard to tolerate frequently. Had to leave a lot of them behind. 
 It must be possible to integrate BCH with Nostr... Anyone working on that? 
 Hmm how to undo a repost? 
 TokenStork.com now has price, circulating supply, market cap and TVL (total value locked), as well as a few new tokens.

The BCH Cash Tokens ecosystem is growing!

The code is FOSS and is available under an MIT license, tho I stole the chaingraph code from @p2pcashadvocate.


I welcome feedback and thoughts on this project, the code, how things are presented, etc.

Note the code is pretty hacky atm. I will clean it up and optimize it at a later date.

What features should I add next? Vote in the poll here:

Thank you to Mathieu Geukens, Dagur, mainnet_pat, Paytaca, Cauldron Swap and CoinGecko for mentoring and/or use of their APIs.

Visit the site: https://tokenstork.com/

 Iris.to seems to me the best-looking desktop/browser client for Nostr. Tho Snort.social is a close second in my book.