Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by 402 Payment Required | export

 I will probably make a video about setting up a Dead Man Switch.

It must be easy, but I don't like email for this short of thing. You can do everything right with a Postfix server, and then Google (or whoever) can change their minds over the weekend and REKT your deliverability. https://nostrcheck.me/media/6fd3915a55ad0c2eae64e2b818acbbae9c6b3d9b5ee44e19aa040fb09f0d3cdd/933cc18eea857ae7851c738293a486586a95ede11cbcee33148cf68203dc9be8.webp 
 I learned all this bottom up, so my channel is actually a good starting point to DYOR. Also, read the comments below the videos. There's a bunch of smart people there mentioning other resources. 
 My Experience with  nostr:npub1ex7mdykw786qxvmtuls208uyxmn0hse95rfwsarvfde5yg6wy7jq6qvyt9

 I've had the privilege of meeting Pupusas Game (@PupusasG in birdsite), a truly beautiful human being and 100% legit bitcoin educator.

I am humbled by his personal story and convinced that his work and contributions will be paramount in moving El Salvador into a brighter future.

No small feat. 
 Uncannily accurate. Those who have never witnessed serious mental health issues would disregard this phenomena as 'weakness' or 'low emotional intelligence'

 If you're running @bisq_network here's how you fix the issue with the latest @Tails_live release 1.9.15

 For all you @syncthing fans out there, be aware that if you're not self-hosting your own Discovery Server, you're not preserving your privacy.

Celebrity privacy LARPS unsurprisingly DGAF on their YouTube guides, so here's how to do it in a couple of minutes.

 You can self-host it an run it locally:

 The instructions are outdated, but just follow their current guide, as I did when I recorded the video.
*check the description section of the video if you end up found this. 
 🇪🇸 Traducción al ESPAÑOL de mi vídeo sobre SimpleX Chat.

Auto-hospeda servidores de @SimpleXChat para...

✅Transferencia de Archivos
✅Llamadas de Vídeo y Audio

 How to do the same thing with #Keet
Step 1: download & install keet from keet.io
Step 2: enter yo... 
 ⚡️ NEW VIDEO ⚡️

How to self-host the amazing @SimpleXChat for...

✅ Messages
✅ File Transfer
✅ Audio & Video Calls

 I'm not here for 'simple', but for 'sovereign'. I don't want a third party serving me free software that I can install myself, specially when bitcoin is involved. Running thousands of lines of unneccesary code next to your bitcoin node is not a good idea. 
 The audience of my channel is different. I like Start9 hardware a lot, but if you can (and I know it's a lot to ask) adopt a paranoid stance by using extremely well reviewed stripped down distros, avoid GUIs, install what you need only, learn how to harden/setup a server and manage users/processes, verify manually, keep bitcoin software segragated from other stuff, and keep yourself well informed about technical/political issues that might require individual decissions on your part as a peer in the bitcoin network. 
Self host your own @SimpleXChat servers/relays in Debian 12. SMP (messages), XFTP (files) and WebRTC (audio and video calls).

I'm really impressed with its privacy features, UX and performance.

 Why I can’t connect Phoenix wallet to my electrum server on iOS ? It’s stuck on “checking c... 
 Self signed SSL cert won't work. You need a CA SSL certificate. 
 Anybody out there who's self-hosting #simplelogin on vps?
How many GB ram is needed?
 Check my video. 1Gb no problem. Been running it for years. 

Many new users who do not understand how bitcoin works are confused about the privacy angle of running your own node.

If you don't connect your wallets to your own node, you're using to somebody else's node to access the bitcoin network.

In doing so you are disclosing bitcoin addresses, balances, IP addresses, and in some cases your public key to a third party.

To preserve your financial privacy, you need to connect your wallets to YOUR full node through an electrum server that you run next to it.

Some advice:

1. Make sure that your wallets connect to your node BEFORE creating a private key or importing a public key.

2. Avoid any wallet that you cannot point to your own electrum server.

3. Learn how to read your server's logs to verify that the clients are connecting to it. Don't trust the UI of the wallet (you'd be surprised...)

4. If you've already ruined the privacy of a wallet, ditch it, and coinjoin your old outputs into new private keys.

5. Actually, it is a good idea to use someone else's node. But only if you do it anonymously, and only to BROADCAST your transactions to the bitcoin network:



> Resources in both English and Spanish:

 On Lincoln

Lincoln wasn't a good president. He wasn't even a mediocre president... 
  'Johnson' should be appended to the 'Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt' list. 
 It's mainly built for users in LatAm, where the easiest way to escape their currencies and transact is in USDT (usually over Tron).

 Personally I won't use any wallet that cannot be connected to my electrum server, but I understand that they are solving real issues in LatAm with this product. Anyway, they just launched and it is practically a beta. No dark mode ffs! Lol 
 If you installed a CLN node following any of my guides, be careful when upgrading to the latest Ride-The-Lightning release.

Their c-lightning-rest plugin integration is deprecated in favor of Core lightning's native CLNRest plugin.

📃 Look at the docs. It's very easy to set up !

 No. It takes less than a minute to set it up. 
 To our valued Wallet of Satoshi community in the United States of America,

We've dedicated ourse... 
 Enjoy your stay in the Third World
 Two issues you must be intimately acquainted with if you want to sleep well at night:

1. The source of your entropy.
✅ Generate it YOURSELF with dice or coins, privately.

2. Isolation of the device that holds your keys.
✅ Segregate it from ANY other electronics, perpetually.
 I use my YT channel as a metric for sentiment in the space. My content is not  consumed by "bitcoin normies",  but by those who are willing to put some PoW in order to level up their game.

My channel tends to die a year AFTER bottom.
Well... my channel is dead! LOL 
 Rigorously teaching basic Linux to motivated beginners is the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

Defending your digital self-sovereignty will always depend on you being one step ahead of those who wish to infringe upon it.

Linux gives you superpowers!

 Enseñar con rigor Linux básico a principiantes motivados es lo más gratificante que he hecho jamás.

Defender tu auto-soberanía digital siempre dependerá de estar un paso por delante de aquellos que desean violarla.

Linux te proporciona superpoderes!
 Asegúrate de entender lo que discuto en la introducción de este vídeo sobre VPNs, ISPs, Tor, Proxys, etc. 
🌈Con diagramas y gráficos bonitos 🌈
 Instala un proxy SNOWFLAKE y ayuda a usuarios que residen en jurisdicciones donde se censura el tráfico Tor.
 Segunda parte de mi vídeo "VPN Wireguard".
Esta vez hago que el tráfico UDP Wireguard se enmascare como tráfico web normal HTTP sobre TLS a través de un túnel basado en WebSocket Seguro.
 Clases de linux sin conocimientos previos requeridos.
 Firma transacciones de #bitcoin    offline.
Sin una cartera de hardware y de manera segura.

Starting today I am offering Linux Tutoring, in English and Spanish.

If you're interested in my security, privacy and digital self-sovereignty related content, but Linux is what's holding you back, get in touch!


A partir de hoy ofrezco clases particulares de Linux en español e inglés.

Si estás interesado en mi contenido orientado a la seguridad, privacidad y auto-soberanía digital, pero Linux te supone un problema, ponte en contacto!

 🇺🇸 Announcement coming next week.

🇪🇸 Anuncio importante para la semana que viene.

 Monta un servidor minimalista y cypherpunk tras el rúter de tu casa para sincronizar documentos y directorios de datos de tus aplicaciones. Desde dentro de tu red local y desde el exterior.

Cuando Klaus desate "ze zyber pandemik" me lo agradecerás...

 Solución cypherpunk y minimalista para hospedar  tu propio Gestor de Contraseñas. Accesible desde PC y móvil.

 Aprende cómo configurar Bitcoin Core para conectarte con pares únicamente a través de las redes I2P y Tor.

 >>>  Último episodio de la trilogía  <<<

Ejemplo práctico de cómo cruzar un control fronterizo llevando parte de tus datos en tu persona física.

El estudio y aplicación de técnicas que permiten ocultar mensajes u objetos, dentro de otros.

La falta de evidencia que demuestre una acusación.

 "La mayoría de los individuos pensantes en un mundo de gobiernos en bancarrota preferirán ser bien tratados como clientes de los servicios de protección, en lugar de ser saqueados como ciudadanos de los estados-nación."

"La prima pagada para ser gravada y regulada como residente de las naciones-estados más ricas ya no paga su costo."

"Será cada vez menos tolerable a medida que se intensifique la competencia entre las jurisdicciones."

"Aquellos con la capacidad de ganancias y capital para enfrentar los desafíos competitivos de la Era de la Información podrán ubicarse y hacer negocios en cualquier lugar."

"Con la elección de los domicilios, sólo los más patriotas o los más estúpidos seguirán residiendo en países con altos impuestos."

 ✅ Hospeda tu propia VPN en un VPS anónimo.
✅ Oculta la dirección IP de tu nodo Bitcoin/Lightning.
✅ Usa tus carteras móbiles (Blue Wallet y Zeus) conectándote a tu nodo, sin revelar su ubicación.

 ➡️ Uno de los vídeos más importantes de mi canal, traducido al ESPAÑOL.

Instalar un servidor Bitcoin y Lightning compartimentando la ejecución de procesos mediante Servicios en Linux.

Bitcoin Core, Electrs, Core Lightning, CLN-REST, RTL,  Zeus y Bisq.


Remitente y destinatario no tienen por qué estar conectados simultáneamente si ejecutas un par Keet ininterrumpidamente. Aprende cómo configurarlo y gestionarlo remotamente desde PC y móvil.


Running an always-on @keet_io  relay peer and how to manage it remotely via SSH, from desktop and mobile.

 Video about @keet_io coming up!
Not about the app itself, but about the trick of hosting a peer in a headless RPI. How to access and manage it remotely, from your desktop and phone.

* I F'n love Keet btw. I hope they keep developing it!

 haven't checked in a while, but i think not. 
 Serie YUBIKEY - Sexto y último episodio

Acceso SSH a un servidor con Autorización de Cliente.
*En la primera parte del vídeo, muestro qué es y cómo configurar algunas de las funciones del Almacenamiento Persistente en Linux Tails.
 Serie YUBIKEY -  Episodio 5

Accede remótamente a tu servidor, a través de la red Tor. Desde cualquier parte del mundo.
 🚨 JITSI MEET has started surveilling their users

"Self-hosted Jitsi" video linked below !

I like Jitsi because you only have to paste a link into any web browser for jumping into a call. Zero friction!

Either delete it, self-host it, or use Keet (video coming!)

 SERIE YUBIKEY - Episodio 4

Accede remótamente a otra computadora local mediante SSH, usando  llaves de autentícación albergadas en tu Yubikey.
 Traducción al español del tercer episodio de mi serie YUBIKEY.

PASS: El Administrador de Contraseñas Estándar de Unix.

Aprende a usar el más sencillo, seguro y versátil administrador de contraseñas, con tus llaves de cifrado albergadas en una Yubikey.
 Aprende cómo deshabilitar el Motor de Administración de Intel en un portátil Lenovo. Una puerta trasera de la NSA instalada a nivel de hardware en todos los dipositivos con chipsets de Intel. Diseñada para administración remota y vigilancia total.