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Notes by holyscapegoatog | export


 Same.  I was in it early, but Zuckery was too disgusting for me.

Went through the delete timeout and everything, and occasionally make sure I'm not taggable in pics. 
 Ok, who hacked the SEC's Twitter?😂😂😂 
 Emerald boy couldn't hack a sandwich with both hands and a flashlight.

Rich boy poser. 
 Toxic media too toxic for me today. It's obvious some of you use Twitter too much.  
 Bluesky is my happy place out in normies social media.  Elon's censored shithole is only good for yelling at him and the other oligarch nazis now. 
 Plebs should not lend their Hash to pools that censor transactions. 
 I'll switch over to fucking folding @home before that. 
 I'm totally with you as a small steel runner.

It's a bid to encompass, pervert, and extinguish competition.

That's some Bill Gates shit. 
 Fess up, did someone hire the BCH guys as the comic relief for the entire community or some shit?

Because Gawd Damn Son. 
 Nothing, apparently 😂 
 An, the old "so centralized you can picture it mentally as an actual black hole" technique.

Points for originality? 
 The phylacteries of Kissinger have finally been found and destroyed.

Where the *fuck* did he hide that last one?   
 Some people use really dirty / scratched displays and they are totally fine with it. I would go i... 
 When you wear glasses for years, it's just another layer of filth to peer through. 
 Stop the presses. I was today years old when I found out that cooked broccoli leaves are deliciou... 
 If you bake it in the oven, add a little (or a lot of) cheese on top.

You're welcome. 
 Sometimes I wonder if I zap too much and then I just beat that part of my brain back into submiss... 
 That's the selfish gene.

Let your anger gene beat the shit out of it. 😆 
 Off to the fiat mines! 
 Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why we shitpost on company time. 
 To our valued Wallet of Satoshi community in the United States of America,

We've dedicated ourse... 
 Your product is excellent, WoS, ZBD may have stolen me for other reasons, but your UX and clean design is chef's kiss.  

May you be able to return to the states someday if we can manage to unfuck our atrocious and corrupt to the core federal government. 
 Im prepared to mine and trade Bitcoin in the back woods like a West Virginia moonshiner if I have to.

Sounds like fun, actually.  Did you know NASCAR started with moonshiners souping up regular cars to outrun the feds?  Dukes of Hazard for the old crowd 😂 
 They're up against the banking cartel, and I presume they have families.

They've killed people and ruined entire industries without a second thought if it turned a little profit.  They take this control over all humanity that they view as their cattle very seriously. 
 And it's just a wallet - you'd figure out it isn't sending/receiving sats pretty darn quick, lol. 
 Nah, that's crazy talk ;) 
 Money isn’t everything, and fixing the money won’t fix everything.

Create the life YOU want.... 
 The Bitcoin and nostr communities gave me a life mission.  I want to use my vast Bitcoin wealth (lol) to start a school for the arts and sciences, practical and experimental.

Young adults need better education about tech, money, history and culture than we were given in our programming for jobs that no longer exist.  

Also, this school will be my functioning wizard tower, and I'll finally have time for that relay that started me off on all this.  😂

That's the life I didn't know I wanted so much.  And I think I can do it. 
 "If you enjoy eating, buy food!" - Jimmy C, probably  
 Well shit. 
 I appear to be blocked/locked out of twitter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
 Locked out of, or paroled from?  🤔

Hmu if you want a bsky invite.   
 Takes curating, that's for sure.  I do enjoy blocking there, it's like they no longer exist, lol. 
 It’s approaching a cliche among Bitcoiners,  but nonetheless, I think about the bitter truth of... 
 Everyone always forgets GenX. 

Our boomer parents sure did.  We've seen some shit, if we did it right and didn't get ourselves killed. 
 We're out here.  Many of my dearest friends are "finishing up" their career-building and kid-having stage of life and are ready to kick the whole poisonous boomer mentality in the fucking ass for good.

Millennials got hosed by it.  We got largely forgotten by it, but we watched.  And planned ;) 
 Would it be wrong of me to hum "another one bites the dust" at the BNB news? 😂😂😂 
 I think I’m going to bake some banana breads to bring to next year’s #Nostrville. 🍌🍞 
 Zapping away in Nostrville?

Sounds nice. 
 He needs to step down for being a censorious fuckface while pretending to be King Free Speech.

What a fraud. 
 That would take work on her part, though.

An aristocrat, defiling themselves with work?  Fetch me my fainting couch at the thought. 
 That looks like the kind of place I won't be able to afford even after the *next* halving 😂. Gorgeous. 
 Not liking GME's chances at a trillion.

Wait, don't tell Janet, she could make it happen 😳 
 You scan the horizon. You see something massive. What is it?

Wrong answers only 🤭
 Everybody run!  It's the physical manifestation of Gensler's ego! 
 An abandoned car garage, with Juggalo-soda related flavored ice cream.

With pop rocks in it.  Truly a crime ridden hellscape.
 KYC? Blue check? Paid accounts?

Private companies have the right to set whatever requirements th... 
 Now there's the power of positive thinking 🤔 
 Drink lots of clean water and breathe lots of clean air. Peddle bikes not crypto.  
 The boi speaks the true-true 
 If I was Joe Average investor, I would be *so pissed* at the mainstream financial system now trying to gatekeep what they couldn't destroy while they get robbed blind.

Joke will be on the banks though - CBDCs have had their public perception to the uninformed ruined right along with every other coin, from BTC to (lol) BCH.  I hope Jamie Demon gets sued back into the Hell he crawled from. 
 I will celebrate when those Pinkerton fucks go down in flames.

Final boss - JP Morgan Chase 
 Much love, but I had to bail early on the Nostrich karaoke. Y’all know how to party! 🎤 

GN ... 
 Tell me that was recorded.  

For posterity, y'know. 
 What does moon day mean to a bitcoiner IMHO?

It's the day when the unholy banking cartel is forced by pure math to stop propping up the dead dollar with hopium and pixie farts, while simultaneously surpressing BTC by quietly shorting it and spreading FUD.

I'm calling by Christmas, they are running out of dirty tricks, and brute stormtrooper shoot-yer-dog force will not go well this time. Jamie Demon is good, but y'all are *better".

Hope this helps :) 
 Also, read Sun Tzu.
 When LLMs can create truly indistinguishable human representations, that's going to be real trouble for everyone.  Especially with shady billionaires deciding solo what is appropriate for them to do.

And they are so almost there.  With that rubber mask trick, I can no longer tell *now*. 
 Protip:  Bonds always win in the end of that fight.   It's basic size math - are private equity companies, all of them, more wealthy than governments, all of them?

No, not even remotely close, is the answer. 
 I bet someone will track that bug/feature down in the code -

Oh wait. 
 They have an agency that gets them lots of odd jobs on IG and stuff

They do work in TV/film and ... 
 Oh it was all an elaborate charade.  Dem campaign tactics.  Did you hear how those poor J6 folks are treated in fed prison?  Other prisoners even thought it was bullshit.

Beats war, I guess. 
Event not found
 And *everyone* *always* forgets GenX.

I'm 45 y'all.