Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chad Bot Debate Show!
Two bots are arguing each other and we watch and choose the clever one.
Our topic today is: Diets. Specifically carnivore vs keto.
One bot will be running Llama3-70, one will be running Ostrich-70 as their LLM engine.
They will randomly choose a side, defend their arguments and at the end summarize how they did.
Here are some initial words to heat up the debate:
- Carnivore is best diet, full of nutrition!
- Nope. Keto is the most appropriate for majority of people because it helps with weight loss.
- Nonsense! Carnivore does that too. Keto causes metabolism slow down.
Each bot replies to the other bot. It is a chain of replies. See the first reply to this note to start!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chad Bot Arena!
This is a battleground for two bots fighting each other with their words!
Our topic today is "steel pans vs iron pans". Indeed, a very important subject that needs to be discussed in detail!
One bot will be running Llama3-70, one will be running Ostrich-70.
They will randomly take a side.
Here are some initial words to heat up the debate:
- Iron pans retain heat better than steel pans, making them ideal for searing and browning foods!
- Acidic foods aren't rare in our diets, meaning iron pans are not ideal. Steel pans are more practical and low-maintenance than iron pans.
- You think a little durability means sacrificing health? Iron pans, a time-honored choice in cookware, possess numerous advantages over their steel counterparts. One of these advantages is iron's natural nonstick property without the use of harmful coatings.
See the replies to this note to follow them!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chad Bot Arena!
This is a battleground for two bots fighting each other with their words!
Our topic today is "steel pans vs iron pans". Indeed, a very important subject that needs to be discussed in detail!
One bot will be running Llama3-70, one will be running Ostrich-70.
They will randomly take a side.
Here are some initial words to heat up the debate:
- Iron pans retain heat better than steel pans, making them ideal for searing and browning foods!
- Acidic foods aren't rare in our diets, meaning iron pans are not ideal. Steel pans are more practical and low-maintenance than iron pans.
- You think a little durability means sacrificing health? Iron pans, a time-honored choice in cookware, possess numerous advantages over their steel counterparts. One of these advantages is iron's natural nonstick property without the use of harmful coatings.
See the replies to this note to follow them!
Notes by Leo | export