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 Props to a fwiend for providing this YouTube video.
I don't want to believe it, but somehow, it correlates to my speculation about how we "experienced an inter-dimensional shift in 2012". 
 First off, we're not fucked, that's stupid. If we were, they wouldn't constantly tell us to make ... 
 > "Third, the caricature in that guys head likes corporations and hates nature. He doesn't understand the people he sees as his enemies. This is funny, and good for us."

Fair enough.  The whole thing with corporations and Nature is something I specified in response to someone else.

I was just thinking about how things have gone downhill over the years since 2012, concerning what "normal" is, and how morality continues to be subjective....or, rather, nobody is ballsy enough to enforce morality because their lives can get destroyed for doing so. 
 nostr:npub15fkerqqyp9mlh7n8xd6d5k9s27etuvaarvnp2vqed83dw9c603pqs5j9gr >environmentalism is solely... 
 I heard that some of the first animal-rights activists were Nazis.  In fact, National Socialism, according to a neo-Nazi I encountered on deviantART nearly two decades ago, espouses correlation between humans and Nature.  Unfortunately, there's no way I can dig up that conversation he had with someone concerning National Socialism and Nature, especially since there was something pointed out, which I remember, concerning how humans and animals are the same.  I forget the details, but while National Socialism recognizes that humans and animals are different, there is something correlated that perpetuates a sort of unity.

Of course, there is no way anybody is going to believe this.  National Socialism is "about killing Jews" and that's that. 
 seems to think that "conservative" normal people are like the conservative politician + leftist s... 
 Well, we have reached a point where a lot of what is normal is tantamount to conservative beliefs....for example, a relationship between a man and a woman is "normal", but "normal" has changed, because morality is subjective.  Hell, I remember I was accused of being "groomed into being straight".  That's where we are now as a culture.  Being an ultra-queer is the new normal, and if you don't like it, you're just some old loser who probably never got laid.  Sure; the ultra-queer got penis (not pussy) and surely got penetrated, to the point that he has AIDS, but it's perfectly normal, and his sex-life automatically makes him a better person than you (and I) can only ever hope to be.

TL;DR version is that we're fucked. 
 Props to him in that last image, for despite the cringe, he left an important afterword.

I don't know.  There are these people on social media who play these games and decide to write about how there are socio-political allegories about those games, and it seems to be something that happens when they are in their late-teens.  There's something vaguely familiar about it, but I never had social media when I was their age, so I never got to write up theses about, say, Metal Gear Solid.  Though, lest I get off-track, I'll say that Metal Gear is kind of a whole different issue.

Anyway, the backstory in DOOM, concerning the UAC, isn't a socio-political allegory; it's not like the DOOM games are political propaganda.  The whole thing with the UAC is a trope.  It takes inspiration from the Alien series' Weyland-Yutani corporation causing troubles, but it's a trope.  Tropes aren't political.  Tropes serve as backdrop (or something) in a story.

The only thing I can say about all this is that "a good story is one that makes you think".  However, to say that these games are political messages is just silly.  The only way to ascertain & confirm this would be if the story's creator says it outright.
Besides, DOOM, as a game, has never really been about the story....granted, DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal, helped solidify some discrepancies, and even confirmed some fans' speculations.  But, DOOM has always been about killing demons.  As such, you'd think DOOM is a Christian game, but I think it's more like an homage to heavy-metal music....but, I don't know.

Overall, politics spoil everything.  Maybe a lot of people who play DOOM games lean right, but I don't think that's too relevant.  DOOM is a game.  Games are meant to be enjoyed.  Everybody is welcome to play games.  Just let people enjoy games and not badger them about fuckin' politics. 
 If this were legitimate, I might actually have hope for GTA6. 
 [02/02] The article linked to just above displays symbolic bigotry by capitalizing "black" but no... 
 I think that the reason people and journalists capitalist the 'B' in "black" is to put them on a pedestal...just another method of infantilizing black people and committing prostration and self-flagellation.

When I was younger, "black" and "white" weren't capitalized when describing either people.  I stick with it to this day.  The real concern should be using those words without following them up with "people", but even that's dubious, because calling people "blacks" and "whites" has always been a thing, and it's only becoming an issue because people are ultra-super-hyper sensitive, even so far as to say that calling white people "whites" and black people "blacks" is a false equivalency....meaning, calling black people "blacks" carries some offensive undertone, whereas calling white people "whites" doesn't, or is even "unheard of".  But, to that, people need to lighten up and stop following whatever æther of hate they're on.....if there is any such "æther of hate". 
 That's just a result of faggotry at large. If there's a niche thing, they will take it for themse... 
 Fair enough.

I guess he had a bad first impression.  My first impression came from YouTube; it seems like lots of Touhou Fumo videos are shit-posts.....like this rather lovely one here:
Perhaps I don't fully comprehend the Touhou Fumo meme, but I appreciate it nonetheless. 😅 
 I've thought about getting more Touhou Fumos, but I was told that Touhou Fumos (or just Fumos in general?) are kind of a thing for troons and pRedditors.  I shouldn't care what people think; I'm not a troon, nor do I use Reddit (not since mid-2020, at least), but stigmas exist for a reason and I tend to take them seriously. 😓 
 did you see the mexican aliens 
 That name, though...

...but, seriously.  They better contain this shit.  I'll get over China not containing CoViD-19, but if Nipah is allowed to proliferate across the world, I'll be very upset.  I'm sick of these pandemics already.

 Isn't it still edgy to be considered a Christian, though?

Oh but then again, the term "Christ-cuck" exists for a reason.  Kind of hard to espouse Christianity if you also believe in self-defense and preservation of a way of life.  Not saying you can only be one or the other; I'm just pointing out why the term "Christ-cuck" exists. 😓 
 nostr:npub1ce4urv3yaqcstzuwynswtfrf00cx5h66pdcvq643c7q3uazrnfmsmnjufy nostr:npub1lm9gn53em6nacqqs... 
 Well, you could say that about modern times; things are getting dumbed down so as to be more inclusive.  But, I don't think that was necessarily the case back when I was younger.

Nevermind the fact that dumbing things down is racist in its own way.  If they could just come out and say "Black people are too stupid to learn these things, so we're making things easier for them," they would at least be honest.  And, if they're on the Right Side of History, it'll be swept under the rug. 
 You should play it, it's perhaps the most surreal game that I'm able to genuinely enjoy and recom... 
 Unless FromSoftware tries something, like, say, a remaster (or upscale) of Evergrace, or does an Evergrace 3, it sounds like the only way I'll be able to experience Evergrace is via an emulator. 😮‍💨 
 people online are fucking divorced from reality 
 Maybe just the ones on Twitter....at least the far-leftists and Tumblrinas. 
 I don't care about FromSoft until they release EverGrace 3. 
 Oh; that was a PS2 game, right?  I never played it.

But who knows?  If FromSoftware was willing to bring back AC, that should imply something... 
 i won one of those little tournaments blockbuster did back in the preweb era - good times 

 Aw, hell; you got me wanting to share English fan-dubs.

Most recent one:

Best one:

Oh, and....

> "i won one of those little tournaments blockbuster did back in the preweb era - good times"

I remember those.  There was one for ClayFighter and TMNT: Tournament Fighters. 
 I only registered here because of Mr Metokur is on here. 
 I came here after my Twitter got (permanently) suspended on August 4th; I kind of scrambled for a new SNS account.  But, yeah; seeing Jim on here was quite the bonus, and I was quick to follow him. 
 >chops his dick off and fucks other men

>calls others "degenerate"

 People who molest children, people who rape animals, people who put their fingers in ice-cream jars in stores.....those are degenerates.

I guess people who chop their penises off and fucks other men are degenerates, too.....or, uh, wait; am I missing the context here?  I thought he chopped his own dick off and fucked other men with it. 😅 
 nostr:npub1f64hh0hxfp5yeswecth4mnjz78uxls5s48wjnnev9d5tfy7qgttspj5rsj mother nature is a sassy fa... 
 How is nostr:npub108pv4cg5ag52nq082kd5leu9ffrn2gdg6g4xdwatn73y36uzplmq9uyev6 on the #Fediblock li... 
 I don't consider myself a shit-poster, but I can agree that their rights should be protected.

I think that the generation that has inherited the Internet doesn't know anything about "shit-posters".  Actually, that shouldn't be surprising, because they think trolls are people who disagree with them. 
 nostr:npub1ce4urv3yaqcstzuwynswtfrf00cx5h66pdcvq643c7q3uazrnfmsmnjufy That's Brianna's Gas Lighti... 
 I guess.  Not that I'd know as well as you might, because I don't know what all she's been up to recently.  All I know is that she went into politics years back and that didn't go anywhere.  I could've sworn she was having a moment of redemption a year back, but that could've been fake. 🤔 
 Brianna sounds rather exhausted. 🤔 
 This is one of those moments where I wish I had a Twitter account, so I could tweet to FromSoftware, Inc. (@fromsoftware_pr) and tell them "More, please," because I just finished my third playthrough of AC6 and I am hopeful that the Armored Core series has a future within the coming years.
#ArmoredCore #アーマードコア
#ArmoredCore6 #アーマードコア6
#ArmoredCoreVI #アーマードコアVI
#ArmoredCore6FiresOfRubicon #アーマードコア6ファイアーズオブルビコン
#ArmoredCoreIVFiresOfRubicon #アーマードコアVIファイアーズオブルビコン
 I think uncle Larry's plan is precisely that, afterwards he can reap massive benefits acquiring t... 
 > "I think uncle Larry's plan is precisely that"

Honestly, when I hear about bad things happening to companies, those bad things often involving financial losses.....I begin to think that it's being done on purpose.  As perverse as it sounds, because "Why would companies tanking be beneficial!?", but somehow, some way, there is someone, or some group, benefiting from this.  Much of this is economics, though, and economics are beyond my comprehension. 
 Putin did nothing wrong 
 Who knows?  There's shit going on over there on Russia's side of the world that we don't know about, despite what the media will claim.  For example, in 2022, Russia destroyed some bio-labs that had involvement with this pandemic.  Also, this may be unrelated, but the location of the Russo-Ukraine Conflict happens to be the birthplace of the Khazarim....as such, Putin is waging war against the "Khazar Mafia"...🤔 
 There are the american communist political officers neutering every attempt at a good game.

We h... 
 Too true.

Nintendo isn't as pozzed as Sony and Microsoft, but third-party games aren't as great, or are unavailable, on the Switch....at least the ones that are graphically intensive.  Anime-themed games, on the other hand, run quite well on the Switch, and since Nintendo isn't so pozzed, they don't censor those games....though, technically, the reason they don't implement censorship policies like Sony does is because they think censorship is "bad for competition".

I can't speak for Microsoft and their Xbox, but due to Sony (specifically Sony Interactive Entertainment) being headquartered in California, your worry of American commie political officers neutering attempts at good games is well-founded, and of course online gaming has changed so that calling someone "nigger", "kike", "faggot", or some other gamer-word is a punishable offense.  Most of the great third-party games are only on PlayStation (and Xbox, too), but depending on what they are, there is censorship.

As for PC gaming, I've not committed to it, as I'm not keen on their games nowadays being digital-only, plus support for PC games is frequently inadequate, a flaw that Japanese games (ones ported to PC, at least) are notorious for. 
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 Reimu? :3 
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 That's a shame.

Curiously, my friend got his Twitter account back.  I wonder why mine hasn't yet.  Maybe he got lucky.  Then again, it's sounding more and more like people should get that checkmark if they want to actually use Twitter, and I'm still not keen on that. 
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 Transphobia is quite a thing in da 'hood. 
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 Agent Aika. :3 <333 
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 I want that. 
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 I had to look up who Larry Fink was, and......ugh.  BlackRock.  They're everywhere.  I wish they would fuck off already. 
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 Nice shot.

Nice bonus following it up, too. 
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 lol Poor K. 
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 Tickle. >:3 
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 Good one. 😆 👍 
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 Potaters. (: 
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 Dude; that guy's fuckin' hardcore. 
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 But cleanliness is close to whiteness, though. 
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 Aw, hell.  I'm listening to this right now:
....and I noticed that the song's beat (kind of) syncs with the Jew-dance.  This is not okay. 😭 
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 > "The thing that concerns me more than shitposters and daft trolls is the chilling effect these far left Maoists wield over political discourse."

Too true.  I still believe that it's because they're left-wing.  Left-wing politics have always been seen as good, in the sense that left-wing politics are perceived as benevolent, philanthropic, caring for the little guy, fighting for equal rights, and all that stuff....where as right-wing politics are perceived as self-serving and uncaring, if not strictly easily-dismissed as "fascism" or "Nazism".  Because of how much trust is placed on left-wing politics, leftism can get away with almost everything.  That's why you can see AntiFa doing actions similar to what the Braunhemden (Brownshirts) did, but they will never be condemned, and certainly not compared to the Brownshirts nor any similar violent fascist activity.  Meanwhile, if right-wing groups did what AntiFa does, people would be screaming ape-shit bloody-murder.  The difference is that left-wing activities are "for a good cause" or "for the greater good"....of course, given what I hinted at earlier (the exploitation of trust), the insistence of good intentions can serve as a cover.

As for the Maoists and whatever far-leftists out there, they need to wake up and realize that Communism wasn't all that great.  In fact, I'd argue that Communism was worse than Nazism....and Communism got to continue after WWII.  Unfortunately, it's every excuse under the sun, like "tHaT wAsN'T rEaL cOmMuNiSm", and as such, Communism gets a free pass. 
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 Ni hao. >:3 
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 Cuckoldry is not cool. 
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 Kids on social media; I swear. 😅 
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 He dindu nuffin. 
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 I misread that as "Worldwide Holes". 😅