@669563d8 If the educators are unqualified and the state is unqualified AND the parents are unqualified.. what does that say about the demands we should make?
It's the third reason above that might beg for an unconventional path forward.
The reason I don't think they'll nuke the USA is because the overlords don't shit where they sleep.
America's resources and land is too valuable to ruin.
Anyone disagree? If so, why?
@efa2e20e Supposedly if no curcumin, it won't absorb into your body. Which is why I grind pepper into my coffee when I put in turmeric. Now it likely isn't enough curcumin even then. Someone should research this.
@efa2e20e Also, there is "organic turmeric." Which would possibly mean that regular version is often-sprayed with round-up. Not a guarnentee, but an indicator.
PA: Dems calling for "SAFE STORAGE of firearms law" right now!
Because of this escaped prisoner thing. Something smelled weird initially and it still does.
Even people on CFP dopn't get it (look at the comments).
FIRST they came for the prisoners, but you were not a prisoner. Then they came for YOUR ass, televisised it for weeks, called in the spook Jahn Millor (spelled wrong on purpose), and brought in half of 'seal team 6.'
@8dcbf60c I think it might be evil. This guy I've watched a few times and there is something so wrong about the delivery. Is it just psychological tricks or worse?
Development question if I may...
What is the cheapest way to get a fast-enough Visual Studio setup?
Should I get a NUC? A used pc? What is the best 2023 answer to also save money? Thank you.
I am 100% for this and I'm not joking.
" Obama insider and author and biographer Joel Gilbert has claimed Michelle Obama is preparing to enter the 2024 race and become the Democratic presidential nominee allegedly due to Biden’s declining health.
@efa2e20e Maybe they're coming back. But exactly zero point zero people in the center of the world (Manhattan) or in the rural areas that I know, OR their kids, use a flip phone.
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