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This is my position, as of today, about what's happening.

I can't prove it, but I am thoroughly convinced that what we're witnessing is a show to awaken as many Americans as is possible. Not to engage them in the fight, but to prepare them for an outcome that none of us can anticipate.

I refuse to accept that this situation is naturally occurring, or has not been allowed to happen.

We are witnessing the greatest sting in the history of mankind. 

"We are witnessing the greatest sting in the history of mankind."


I cannot be convinced that this isn't the case. 

 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 

But those on the other side are so stupid they don't see themselves being stung? Interesting 
 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
They must be all pardoned already 

I have said this a couple of times and it bears repeating:

(From the movie "The Sting")

"You have to keep this con even after you take his money. He can't know you took him."

No one has ever said they were smart. In fact, I have heard someone say "these people are stupid" many times. 

If it is "one of them" doing the stinging, as it were, how would they know?

At least I keep myself entertained thinking about this. 

@33636695 @3a75fee0 
 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
I don't know it seemed so much easier to arrest him 4 years ago instead of thrusting him up front to run against Trump in a stolen election during a pandemic caused by a corporation selling vaccines. 

I choose to believe that some of this was unavoidable. No other way type stuff. If not then everyone is just playing a game that has mortal consequences for those trapped in its path. 

Clearly Biden is just a side effect of the disease. Removing him even years ago does nothing. Or any one single front man. They'd just prop up another fool in his place. 

But he has brought all the bastards out in the open. Has he not? How would we have known otherwise?

@33636695 @3a75fee0 
 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
Whose getting stung in the sting? It looks to me like if there was a sting, it's being perpetrated on the Constitution and a nation formerly known as the Free country of the United States of America. A sting on how to overthrow it. 
 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
That's just my opinion, i hope you're right. 

You can look at it both ways I guess. 
Call me Pollyanna but I see a lot of people getting painted into corners, day by day. 

That said, I am not really sure anyone can answer your question. Either you see it or you don't. 

Quite frankly, I am just tired of it all but I am also not exactly worried either. 

I have a deep belief that a free USA is part of God's purposes and we needed a wake up call. 

How's that for pie in the sky?

@33636695 @3a75fee0 
 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
Hear hear👍 
 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
My view is not very popular, so i choose to suffer within my own walls. 

I get it. I am that odd combination, which doesn't exactly make sense, of short-term pessimist/long-term optimist. 

I also have deep religious convictions that I keep hidden behind my constant profanity, sketchy sense of humor and occasional lack of empathy. 

But when push comes to shove I am not too worried about the future as this life is but a prep for something better. 

And IDGAF what non-religious people (or religious for that matter) think of me. 

@33636695 @3a75fee0 
 @0af78396 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 

If the sting is really successful (like the movie) an outside observer will never know a sting even occurred. 
 @3a75fee0 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 
all those nursing home deaths didn't matter either. 
 @6f86c8d6 @0af78396 @33636695 

I have said before, if this is DJT’s only legacy - to have exposed and brought out from the shadows the DS denizens of the swamp (both Dems and RINO’s) - that alone will cement his standing as one of this country’s greatest patriots, not to mention Presidents.  

He will rank right up there along with Washington, Jackson and Lincoln. 
 @0af78396 @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
And that would have accomplished about as much as having a mole on your leg removed when you have gangrene in the other leg. 
 @98513a7f @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
Yep it only gets rid of biden, but that would've meant Trump was president for the last 3 years, possibly right. Then wipe up the mess that WEF is stating, and no war. 
 @98513a7f @6f86c8d6 @33636695 @3a75fee0 
Think of all the eggs that died in this omelet to sting these fucks? 
 @0af78396 @98513a7f @6f86c8d6 @3a75fee0 

Biden is a prop. Nothing more.

A distraction.

The "squirrel" to get the dogs' attention. 

Biden - the sloppiest of the career grifters. The last few years he went off the rails knowing his days were numbered. Since they never thought she'd lose, they planned on riding off into retirement with their ill gotten gains. Then Trump happened and screwed it up.

So in order for them to save all their asses the poster child for corruption becomes the fall guy/front man while they attempt to clean it up.

Hence, the last 7+ years. 

Sting me!

 @0af78396 @98513a7f @3a75fee0 

I hope you are correct, for the sake of our country. 

The alternative is unfathomable