Since my wife's not here and the weather is agreeable, I'm going to keep the Texas Adjacent Thrax of Dobbstown open. Subgenii in and around Tool TX are welcome to charge up their Slack here.
And the place will be easy to find because I got a FANCY new button for my hat to replace that ghetto-ass button that Stang sent me. Just drive around Tool TX until you see my cool hat-button!
Currently on the schedule is to drink coffee and read more of "The Great Railway Bazaar" by Paul Theroux.
@344b0ae6 ooh, 16 years old. That boy's got 70-odd years to live with the knowledge that everybody on the friggin' planet hates him and will never forgive him.
I give him a year before he kevorks.
@344b0ae6 I recommend a Flirc case. It's a little aluminum box that acts like a big heatsink. Unless you're overclocking quite a bit, it's enough cooling.
Notes by Mr. Big John :vepi: | export