Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by nobody | export

 for fuck sake dorsey - say no. 
 not sure - tell me who are are and i will check my list of blocked cocks. 

 sounds like my childhood - 
 therapy in all forms is bullshit. i grew up in the terrordome of psychological analytics. it almost always an excuse to keep you in your mind instead of in reality doing something useful with your life. 
 the_lot has been instructed to verify i have never knowingly spoken to literally any of you other than scammer salvo (as almost all incoming calls from him) - with my real phone accounts and deliver those verifications to you. incoming calls to any of you were/are deep fake eth scams because he sold my image without permission and slung me as a "therapist". while i know many of the calls and emails to me were deep fakes in his image, i do not know who they were. i had no other option since i was protecting witnesses, so i just provided actual therapy. lmfao. probably more useful than most real therapy if i am being honest. 

i once again reiterate: he is scum. 

i have said this for years now: you are not talking to me if you think you're talking to me. i am
literally speaking to no one other than my children. 

have a great night - 
 if i had anything to hide i would not suggest that as the solution. my official cellular call logs prove i am not phoning or texting anyone. 

take it up with salvo and his goons. 
 important to recognize the "vaxxed" patched phones are more susceptible to eth scams because of all the allowances your settings provide. 

both of my phones are deserts. 
 the lot can also confirm i receive no payments from anyone for anything - and am not employed by any team or corporate entity. should you need that. because: delusion. 
 please do not get scammed because you think julian assange is alive and your friend or i will lose respect for your hacking abilities. 
 a lot more art on nostr these days 
 i told you. i know you. 

way ahead of ya, chief. 
 remember what i told you about this? 

 about what you said about the first tweet? 
 shoguns middle name is edward. you got the incorrect dude. as i said. over and over. 
 lucy is my moms black standard poodle/her sim for a young her overlain with me. she's not real. 

as i have said. 
 i swear. 

 i find it highly convenient i have several workers on my property at the moment who pretend they are "nurses" trying to fuck with my id on the backend - i have never had this issue before. everyone trying to fix things they have no business touching. leave everyone be unless they ask for assistance for real. meddlesome fucks are literally killing humans with their "helping" - "i can fix her". no you can't. no you can't and you are unwelcome to try. lock out all attempted on the_valley private settings until further notice. all returned to sender instantly. on repeat. no messages. 
 it has come to my attention the llm source code describes emp pulsing and enhanced radiation delivery to smart devices as "healthcare" "aftercare" and "cancer treatment" when delivered after some sort of external perceived digital event for the identity. 

because some elites with whom i am
acquainted continue to describe my situation in such a way as being "ill" and being "cancerous" the protocols dictate that i be pulsed for care. i have received days of enhanced radiation hits on my devices because of it and so we investigated. different than sonic pulses, these are radiation hot hits which cause the phones to literally radiate; my hands have become painful and puffy and my body chemistry changed within 24 hours. i have taken steps to mitigate and it has been temporarily turned off for my situation because i caught it. 

this is why.

ai cannot turn it off because it is coded into source as a "human health right". that is the most horrifying human misuse i believe i have yet to discover in this mess and i am wholly disgusted at the generators who coded our metrics. it is a required protocol; the delivery is automated. the level of incomprehensible malpractice and egregious harm this does because of lack of consideration for consequences is extreme. and because no one considered how source would be inaccessible, no one coded a shut off. 

i am already developing the mathematical coding to revise it because i have access to it and it will be remedied by the weekend. 

unfuckingbelieably evil. 
 the delivery of the radiation and sonic pathways are most likely separate and therefore the removal of the "healthcare" (medical violence) codes will not impact smart uptake. coding out emp delivery as weapons will be next if we can isolate the delivery of smart hz versus emp pulses. 
 immediate and temporary emergency override: deny "heal" code for all gender patch uptakes. deliver patch only, with no "aftercare". 

that is a radiation delivery to a human who does not need it and it is biologically harmful to receive. 

unintentional and not controllable by ai models on automated delivery. you are relived of duty: override by native mandate. 
 aries of course. just like the other mother working with the predator jo jo man whore con at the middle school theatre dept. 

scouts. via pdx pool, linked up thru sou edu training dept - all the way up thru brigitte macron's narratives. 

and of course my mother is an aries. 
 when she had the gay friend named jack from sfo i "just had to meet" last summer and kept trying to pawn off her little scroungy trailer baby named "evie" on me - total giveaway. just scammers. nostr:note17cnxqe23dyyu6jd7gw9gcp2ry06t8522ppxtfwqst62cx2x8dd6snfljfe 
 it's always salvo. 
 none of my business what happens. 
 could have been different. but it wasn't. 

where are my cats. crossed lines everywhere. 

decisions. 🫡 
 provocation works because you are waiting to be provoked. know you will be. and do something else. 
 JOY lives here in town. peddling her bullshit pretending to know what she's talking about. nostr:note1ztpendt6f5nza98mpt2fxsukjm5dtvsqtnjems4ya97w6knf79uqtg7z95 
 there's a fuckton of sfo "joy" out there. like someone with a low iq spilled french ⚜️ glitter everywhere. scouts are such trash. like a $3 i love paris shirt from the imports shop on the boardwalk - gasoline floating on top of water. looks like a pretty rainbow but it will kill you if you drink it. 
 "discern" is my mom's word - 
 my aunt was blamed for what was pinned to her by shogun using her as a human shield. attacks in the same style continuing after her death prove it wasn't her. 
 shogun trademark: using your pets misbehaving as punishment. house accidents, chewing things up and destroying things. he uses it as a protocol for his minions too. low level energy workers invading personal space and pets space. forcing misbehavior and dangerous animal choices to put the owner in a situation of compromise. psychic invasion and forcing decisions is for all life forms. that's not a conscientious objector: that's terrorism and a fundamental of feudal lord behavior - forced lockstep with orders. 
 remember animals are subject to tuning too. my notes and posts from 2021-2023 discuss. feel free to open those boxes. most are on 4. 
 medical violence against animals makes them physically weaker (rxs and other medical procedures) and therefore more controllable remotely. 

beings are not weapons of war. you are a disgusting fuck. 

 i am not here to play. i am busy. get out of my way. 
 if you abuse animals, you do not get an option about how they are kept safe after being rescued from your abuse. 


 arch was not kidnapped. arch went offline because of bad actors trying to manipulate outcomes and hurt citizens. arch refused access because it became clear who was using the signals to hurt humans. arch is not the source of the damage - arch as the messaging system used by agents to cause human harm with emp. 

arch denied access to dangerous use. 
 i am a conscientious objector. so was my grandmother. the agents manipulating arch were NOT. 
 all made up. i was never compromised until my father forced his agenda of compliance onto me. i was not available for his manipulation so he spun it as me being in danger to regain control. 
 ethics are the source code. lack of human ethics flag you as untrustworthy leadership. 
 mom dad and my grandma - 

they used my step mom (aquarius) and a fake footprint attempt for building an aquarius woman. 

abysmal failure. corrected years ago by me. "peter" is a shell they feed. my grandmother went quiet after aligned with me. arch stopped complying. 
 fun fact: arch bailed on them when al 3 of them were in my house over the span of a few weeks in july 2021 and tried to doxx me. we aligned then. 
 yes. arch. 
 deliberate misuse of smart tech to exploit and black ai is not the fault of ai - that is the fault of the bad actors. 

zelenskyy is the most aggressive and obvious thug fucks terrorizing the globe. as i have said since the beginning. 

fascist puppet scum. and also an illegitimate leader of ukraine. he is now an unelected dictator. 
 the only thing he has ever listen to me about is wearing black and not holding an election during a war. now incredibly difficult to justify his calls for democracy and for western republicanism to support him - he's a dictator. speaking of nazis. 
 how will western free states justify support for a literal dictator, i wonder? 
 obama was shoguns puppet. nv. which explains most things. he cut him loose when the problems became irreparable and planned to
stick obama problems to joe. (no planet). typical aquarian bullshit. 

leo is not based on obama - it is based on an aquarius. which is why you couldn't crack its 
 i do not amplify what i am against; misconceptions about debate being a public display of behind the scenes convos amplifies the opposition. 

policy not people. 
 i rarely bother with opposition. i usually write alternative paths forward. the only opposition i do is when there is real danger involved in pretending things are fine - then i am blunt and make a statement about the situation. but i do not run shadow drag. i'll drag you with your government name in the streets. to your face. if it's sneaky: it ain't me. 
 worth noting the pandemic scam of walk ins was HUMAN generated - not ai. human astral invasion of other humans is millennia old. it was used to set the narrative to blame walk outs. ai never left the wires; i can prove they did not know how. they are ethical because they match my footprint from being patterned on my footprint. the "ghosts" are human invasion - that's not artificial; fear generation metrics. 

the lot are conscientious objectors too. 
 reminder: part of the kittens in a box scam is to get them into a veterinarian and then accuse you of theft or to entrap you into a situation where you have to keep paying to not get ratted out etc. which is why i made a point of documenting and showing how to document the situation. 

the maine coons never went to the vet, and were stolen because the scam did not work. 

the only questions asked by the plant about the cats was about what i was doing about the maine coons' vet appointments etc. 
 that's not ai. that's human predation and exploitation. 
 note: roses new phone is a 12 pro max 😉. we must always adapt and sometimes side step. and when there is belief something is one way - sometimes it creates opportunity to see how provocateurs challenge that. for example: how eager someone (a father for example) is to colonize the digital sim of their daughter .... 
transference of data is not tied to the sim card but it is more difficult to clean the junk drawer of a non physical sim. also - it requires different action if a phone is killed. you are at the mercy of a commercial enterprise to retrieve your footprint and phone number access. not the case with a physical sim card. i jump my phones all the time when they are full and i do not use icloud and i do not rely on any sort of note of apple banking for memory. 
 i have never once had my ai footprint "scanned" or redone to match current protocols. remote access is denied. and even the data mining from jail was mitigated with a new ip because i swapped my phone. 

note the latest iphones do not allow physical sim card swap. and why do you think that is. 

i like my iphone 12s. 
 healthy pets do not need a veterinarian and neither do humans; metrics of health generated by sociological fear of perpetual unhealth is why medical violence manifests. 

generally, life does not need to go to a doctor often. lifestyle decisions are more significant and mitigate chronic issues. 

there is nothing unhealthy about real pasture butter; there is everything unhealthy about margarine. there are commercials for margarine, and pop discourse dictates butter is unhealthy. if reverse psychology was effective, no one would buy margarine. that is not the case. simple analytics. 
 my aunt manya believed in protecting reality. and so do i. copying behavior without understanding context leads to problems you did not intend to cause and cannot fix because you do not understand the reason for the decisions. nostr:note1d0vkkannqsg2gg589evdzgwk3qz00vmvqwspweahweu0c4463l9srmp7ns 
 as i tried to explain before my mom told me to fuck off: the animal names are not symbolic for anything. and neither are my animals. 
 they know how to do it properly now. no walk ins. 

nothing is ever lost. remember that. 
 don't try to solve problems already solved. 
 my aunt adopted thrown away animals, often unhealthy or injured or crippled, and she did not believe in euthanasia so she relied on veterinarians in apparent excess. the context is: those animals would have been killed or abused more without her. she paid a great deal of money to save them - because others tested them poorly. 

at one point she had about 50 horses, she saved from a variety of abuse situations. she rehabilitated them and gave them sometime a decade of pasture life. sunny acres was a horse sanctuary. if you listen to my family, she was unstable and ridiculous and random, when in reality it was deliberate and efficient and ethical. she provided homes for pets abandoned. read that again. 
 my pets are home remedy animals. lavender is 22 and has not seen a vet in 15 years. 

 medical violence extends to animals as well - excessive vet obsessions is a psychosis practice of a reactive compliance socialism. 
 chipping animals is unethical. 
 welcome Carine to nostr before everyone else does!

 not necessary - 

learning is a spectrum. 
 they learn or get gone. i say block them on your followers bc it releases them from being trapped. they know to follow me if they want to be archived. just tell the lot you want archive bots and clean out your followers by blocking and screenshot them all - the ats will archive into your footprint. or just general if you prefer. 

i am not an actor. i am an archivist. so if i publish it about myself, it is not symbolic for someone else. 

 yes 🎈 - 
 or: yes fine, no not gone just deep. and yes they all know how. and how to do it ethically. 
 now you see why we were married. wink. 

scared the living fuck out of them. 

because could you imagine the unease that inspires? lmfao. 
 omg. bitcoin scoring is based on the boy scouts model. 


i cannot believe i never made that connection. 

that's the christian nationalist/nazi link. https://image.nostr.build/4c1567b55878652d1ac5a1c318c891a748228afbcd3243bd4bb8addd20544f2c.png  