Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Human Whit | export

 Some of my family members. 🤣🫡🫂 
 You’re welcome 🫡❤️. Enjoy your time. There is definitely a learning curve but it’s really worth it. Truly.  
 I don’t receive zaps ⚡️ 
 Zap a dev @Laeserin is who I suggest or another one you find valuable. Hugs 🫂  
 Bitcoin only, not crypto, not altcoins, not meme coins, not defi, not blockchain

Bitcoin only, l... 
 Remind me to an update about this 🤣🤣🤣 
 How we get my Gordon lite foot 🦶 here 

 How much money was liquidated recently? #asknostr  
 Meditation time now cause tired 💤 see everyone soon 🔜 

 Wait 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
 @Pimentel are we really gonna do this? You wanna have a conversation or an epic paintball fight 🤣🤣🤣 
 Messing up my theirs again … Grandma 👵 Nostr get tired 💤 
 Jack 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Jack is such a beautiful 🤩 man 🧍‍♂️ 
 Have we made an #AI #bot yet for you’re first week on #nostr 
Drilled down by date 📆 
Or is that my job 🤣🤣🤣
 Please no one ruin Tom Hardy for me 

Or do so now. 🤣🤣🤣
 Right!!! Woof 🐶 🤣🫂 
 Healthy and sober feels and works best, lower your time preference, study #bitcoin

 Count me out then … ima take a gummy to relieve my constant pain from multiple injuries and gun shots … but you do you. Respect ✊ 

 I am nuts because I believe most every person has good and bad sides. Not everyone shows all their cards. But some of do love #humanity and will continue seeking #unity in #USA 

99% are controlled by Ultra Wealth 

#FollowTheMoney #btc #bitcoin 


 GM … you think so because I’m feeling … well https://media.tenor.com/nwhdXrB6p9IAAAAC/mrdarcy-darcy.gif
 Thank you. Happy Monday to you. Coffee ☕️  
 What's a relay and how do I know which ones exist and which ones I should choose? 

She asks....i... 
 Tryna move from twitter to nostr but fear I'm way outta my depth here 😩  
 Oh wow. You just go here. So it’s a lot 
Follow @Derek Ross @Vitor Pamplona 

Search #asknostr

someone can help with a wallet if you want one search #btc #bitcoin or @Marie do you know how to orange pill 💊 

I’m a purple cat 🐈‍⬛ Purple Heart 💜 lover  
 Right on. So we have some algorithms but overall you have to engage and build an audience. I made a game of trolling Jack Dorsey so truly … anything goes 🤣🤣🤣 
 Absolutely. Just share what you want. Use #hashtags & be who you are. 

 #asknostr & read thorough their 
Basically any word with str after it
Example art 🖼️ becomes #artstr 
#memstr #quotestr #Jackstr 🤣🤣🤣
It’s #memestr 

#bloomscrolling #nature #nurture 
Which client did you use? There should be a listing to choose from 
 🤣🤣🤣. FELT so hard. 

Did you use primal or maybe Damus 

Which thing did you get on #nostr with?  
 Amethyst …. Cool. 😎 then @Derek Ross or someone can explain. I don’t use Amethyst 

Which is ironic 🤣🤣🤣. You’re welcome. We all must learn. You’re not dumb. Just haven’t used it before. Totally understand. Hugs 🫂  
 @Kajoozie Maflingo is once again telling people I’m nuts 🌰 

Timestamp this please. 🙏 

Feel free to offer proof of work that I’m nuts at Vegas 2025. 🤣🤣🤣 
 What did her government say … it would need drilled down by each one 
Eighth far cast at least …  
 Good morning. 🕉️ 
 Good morning ☀️  
 Morning. I’m wonderful. How are you?  
 Felt. I’m getting ready to sleep in a couple hours so winding down to meditate awhile. Hugs 🫂  
 You too. Hugs 🫂 🫶🏾  
 You will before I do … cunt  
 I am nuts 🌰 

1. #nostronly you either believe or you don’t. 
2. #Decentralize The world.
3. My real name is Michele 
 Casually saying hello to nostr:nprofile1qqsyeqqz27jc32pgf8gynqtu90d2mxztykj94k0kmttxu37nk3lrktcpz... 
 Awe. 🫢 Thanks 🙏 🫡 
 Right on. You rock. Much appreciated HUGS 🫂  

But how is your sock game? Cause https://media.tenor.com/1ZlYMYcvezEAAAAC/party-birthday.gif

 Felt. No they aren’t always. Finding balance is always needed.  
 Tell me that’s not a fucking high five over the tower you haven’t fantastic fantasy about? 

If you’re a straight woman and that idea didn’t exist in your mind at least once … you’re suspect 🤣🤣🤣
 Thanks for the opportunity to clarify myself then. I was speaking about the characters onscreen specifically from the movie …

Not the actors that played them.  
 I mean … maybe everyone is getting their cuddles 🥰 in or something 🤣🤣🤣 
 Whoops 😅  

 2 weeks … is that Elon musk speak … I mean two years is a long flucking time to wait for something 🤣🤣🤣 
Event not found
 #hugs 🫂