@ee76a5c1 I can't stand all of these first generation 'americans' anymore. I had to turn their fairy tale version of history off. I think I'm finally done with Tim Pool after a good few years. Rubin just makes up his own truth and calls his mentality moral
@d4f294ac the title alone on this one is self evident. I can't believe how many of my married friends watch porn daily. That man is eloquent so I'll add this to my listening list
@29940347 does fundamental right mean someone else has a right to your property? 😂😂😂
That Constitution was a setup for the long game. I don't need it written down that I can defend myself. I guess I'm to expect punishment only when I fail to defend myself
@efa2e20e Italian isn't an ethnicity. As a country, it was formed after my grandfather was born. There's no reason to think the term Italian purebred means a thing. It's like saying purebred American
@ebc06089 I've learned how the asshole manager is a motivation in the proper scenario. I prefer working with men because they yell when frustrated and get over it. I don't work well with managers, especially women, who tiptoe around issues with pleasantries.
@5fa039c3 I honestly think it's harder to suspend your intellectual powers than to just outright say no and be willing to face the consequences... we likely worry like they do but sleep better at night
@669563d8 no woman or man should be so vain as to done nail polish, let alone let children do it. This would be just as strange if it was a mom and a girl with her nails done.
@669563d8 if you eat in excess, like most first worlders, and if you can't squat, which opens up the butt cheeks, then you need to wipe. Hopefully she just jumps immediately into the shower, which she then cleans vigorously
@a82a1f79 so you despise rulers making up rules. It's a good start. Next, figure out why they rule you, measure your value, weigh your risk, make pleas in court to enforce their rule, and beancount your property. Funny thing is that both communists and capitalists do everything I just mentioned. They just fight over who gets to rule you
@eaa154b7 women pushing boys to participate, not to excel, not to trust observational truths but instead follow communal guidelines and fall in line. Women were convinced not to let their kids grow up to be cowboys or logdrivers.
@4f50b305 of a Jewish guy selling a black man? This is just recorded history that continues and extends to any country with a central bank. Just saying
@e6705541@d4f294ac if you can prove to be genetically one of God's chosen people, you are automatically allowed Israeli benefits even if not a documented citizen. So dual passport won't do much. To your point, they have effectively revoked and removed Christendom from the government while allowing their religion of abortion, usury, assisted suicide, worship of vanity and sexual promsicuoty to reign.
@c83f7282@d7af9dea thanks. Interesting to see this. I think most of us these last few years have realized the courts are Jewish and the legal system is as well. Laws are more often than not ammoral, so most of this article reads like made up jibberish.
Current vibes from Jewish publications and ordinances feel like bully school girls including you in their club at recess then changing the rules with new proclamations.
@669563d8 pride parade is the least welcoming place on earth. They took over downtown Toronto for a weekend when I was a kid. Like Caribana, you just try to avoid the insanity as much as possible
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