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 @efa2e20e You’re awesome, but don’t tell me what to do, darlin. 

Polish princesses were marrying Swedish kings, so Swedish royal family is part Polish

is that rayciss too? 
 @efa2e20e @409e223d it better be! Don't we want the best inbred royals folks? 
 @efa2e20e Your obsession with ethnic bloodlines is flirting with racism, especially to us Americans who are mutts. 

That said, I’m about to go off on some asshole friends and family, and I’m sharpening my talons on your good-intended posts. Apologies for that. 

Carry on. And isn’t it your bedtime? 

yez, it's my bedtime but i am listening to latenight radio yet

that obsession is shared by some americans of certain ancestries too, so  not all americans are mutts

also: I did 3 independent DNA tests in 3 various companies and only 3rd shown that I am part Celtic only about 6% and that I might be Baltic  not purebred Slavic as I thought 
 @efa2e20e @409e223d many of us in America have purebred bloodlines that draw back to populations in small villages since the 1800s 
 @e0fcec40 @efa2e20e Yay for you! 
 @409e223d @efa2e20e it's not a great bloodline, but many of us have generational memory that I don't find in other parts of the populace 
 @409e223d @efa2e20e 

Hey, I'm 'Murican and I ain't no mutt, ½ Norwegian / ½ Irish, my Drunken Vikingness takes exception to that! 😁 
 @8b28c332 noice, very Nordic 
 @409e223d what did your friends and family do that’s related to my alleged obsession? 
 @efa2e20e Nothing at all. I’m just cranky about shit. Like I said earlier, you’re awesome. 

However, the ethnic group I most identify with is only a fraction of my bloodline. So another day, we can have a spirited, good-natured debate about nature vs nurture in American mutts. 
 @409e223d you can’t know for Shure without DNA test , I recommend doing it and learning the truth 
 @efa2e20e I have myriad reasons for not wanting a corporate dna test. My family tree and upbringing is enough. 

Here’s an americanish word for you that best sums up my demeanor: ornery. 
 @409e223d family trees lie: extramarital affairs, adoptions, mixups are all possible 
 @efa2e20e I am adopted. I know enough about one side of my bloodline and my adoptive parents’ to satisfy my curiosity.