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Notes by Ilkka Tengvall | export

 Recommendations? I'd need zigbee led driver for 12V ledstrip. The old one is 30W. Too bad Ikea Trådfri is 24V, otherwise good.  Here is picture of the dumb one to replace with automates one. Dimmer is required.

#HomeAutomation #HomeAssistant #zigbee
 I recommend #Nextloud Deck for ToDo app. Great to organize stuff while moving houses, all family members have the app across apple and android devices, and browsers.


 's presentation about k8s UX enhancement study had funny points, especially liked this very kubernetish guidance:

"If you hear hoofbeats behind you, assume it's horse, but if it's a zebra, procees accordingly." 😁

 And again, if anyone knows how to get #OpenShift yamls into #nvim yamlls language server, please advice!

 presented the solution for many findings presented. There is Podman Desktop to increase the usability.

#KubeCon #podman #k8s
 Nice, cncf seems to have working group for the ones with limited hearing.

#kubecon #deaf
 Cool, you can visualize application power usage in #kubernetes using keppler. So profile your apps on #OpenShift. Start optimizing for power consumption.
 juu ei 😁 kaveri lupas wttä 6.30m/km tahtia vetää joukkoa. Lähti sit vetämään 5.15-5.30, pumppu hakkas viimesiä 😁 Lopussa piti jättäytyä. 
 Super nice that nowadays there is this kinda activity too, in addition to bars. Especially when coming from east, and waking up early anyhow. Run started 7 am.

 hmmm, need to think about path forward. I'm not keen on debian host, nor having kube on my low power nas. Perhaps some coreos based with podman and cockpit. Well, it's been good ride, thanks for freenas and later ixsystems. 
 I'll do microshift if I'll need kube api. 
 i do it the other way around. Systemd.timer reads temp from pi /proc, and sends it via mqtt channel to HA. There is dht22 driver in kernel that gives room temp also via proc. 
 I can send you my script a bit later. Travelling now. 
 Sometimes I'm seeing 504s (timeout?), haven't catched anything in the log yet. Perhaps some occas... 
 pcp, performance co-pilot is good basic tool for data gather on local server. It has good integrations, like cockpit and grafana. Cockpit is handy anyway. Grafana you might already have.


#pcp #grafana #cockpit 
 give the cockpit a go. It won't use system resources, but gives good light way to manage server and see stuff. $PKGMGR install -y cockpit*&&systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket. Then up to yout network, but if can't open firewall, take ssh -L 9090:localhost:9090 $host and firefox https://localhost:9090 
 checkmk looks interesting. Last week I did demo with dynatrace (together with ansible eda), that was some heavy duty stuff.