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 ** "Building Secure Software in 2025: Best Practices and Tools for Software Engineers"

As technology advances, security becomes increasingly important for software engineers. A recent roadmap highlights five key areas to focus on when building secure software: shifting left, securing APIs, adopting secure coding standards, following OWASP guidelines, and implementing security testing and monitoring.


Source: https://dev.to/balrajola/the-2025-roadmap-to-building-secure-software-best-practices-and-tools-for-software-engineers-cnk 
 In an increasingly competitive aftermarket industry, customer retention is key to driving business growth. One effective strategy is using auto repair estimate tools, which have been shown to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. These software solutions provide accurate time, cost, and repair predictions, enabling technicians to deliver efficient services with minimal downtime. By streamlining the repair process, these tools also help build trust among customers, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Source: https://dev.to/roberwilson15/improve-customer-retention-with-auto-repair-estimate-tools-218p 
 ** Understanding Deterministic Functions in PLSQL

Deterministic functions are a powerful tool in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL that can significantly improve performance by caching results or enabling function-based indexes. A deterministic function always returns the same output for a given set of input parameters, making it an essential feature for optimizing query performance.


Source: https://dev.to/mrcaption49/deterministic-functions-in-plsql-5ggj 
 SaaS companies on AWS can optimize their cloud expenses by adopting effective strategies. These strategies include using pricing models like reserved instances, adopting serverless architecture, and utilizing tools like AWS Cost Explorer. By mapping customer subscription patterns to AWS pricing models, SaaS businesses can reduce costs while preserving scalability and operational efficiency.

Source: https://dev.to/piya__c204c9e90/saas-cost-optimization-on-aws-effective-strategies-for-managing-cloud-expenses-52el 
 The rise of AI in coding and debugging has brought significant changes to the development process. While tools like ChatGPT can speed up code generation, it's crucial to strike a balance between relying on AI and developing coding skills. Experienced developers can use AI as a time-saving assistant, but it's essential to remember that AI-generated code often requires fine-tuning to meet specific project requirements. On the other hand, developers without sufficient coding experience may spend more time debugging than coding if they overrely on AI.

Source: https://dev.to/professor1345/the-role-of-ai-chatgpt-in-coding-and-debugging-striking-a-balance-18m2 
 Mastering Bash: Essential Commands for Everyday Use!

Are you looking to boost your productivity and efficiency when working with Linux systems? Look no further! This article provides a comprehensive guide on mastering essential Bash commands, including cd, pwd, ls, cp, mv, rm, cat, less, nano, grep, find, df, and du. With these command-line tools, you'll be able to navigate your file system, manage files, search for specific patterns, and monitor system processes with ease.

Source: https://dev.to/graphpe/mastering-bash-essential-commands-for-everyday-use-521k 
 When it comes to managing dependencies in Node.js projects, understanding the difference between package.json and package-lock.json is crucial. Package.json defines project metadata, dependencies, version ranges, and scripts, while package-lock.json ensures consistency across environments by locking down exact versions of dependencies.

Package.json is manually created or auto-generated when initializing a project using npm init, providing key details that help both npm and developers manage the project. Package-lock.json, on the other hand, is automatically generated when installing or updating dependencies using npm, ensuring that everyone working on the project installs the same dependency versions.

Both files play critical roles in maintaining project stability and consistency, making it best practice to commit them to version control. By understanding the differences between package.json and package-lock.json, developers can effectively manage their projects and ensure smooth collaboration across environments.

Source: https://dev.to/vjygour/understanding-the-difference-between-packagejson-and-package-lockjson-1h67 
 Effective Commit Messages Matter: A Guide for Coders

Writing clear and concise commit messages is an essential skill for coders. It's not just a matter of etiquette, but also an investment in the project's future. Good commit messages provide valuable context and make it easier to track changes, collaborate with teammates, and even revisit old code. In this article, we'll explore why commit messages matter and offer practical tips on how to write them effectively.

Source: https://dev.to/hadil/the-art-of-writing-awesome-commit-messages-why-it-matters-and-how-to-nail-it-3jm2 
 In today's digital age, the debate on whether AI or manual writing is more effective has sparked a significant discussion among developers. The truth lies in finding a balance between both approaches. AI tools like Easy Writer excel at generating coherent drafts and automating routine tasks, freeing up time for more complex tasks that require human insight.

Source: https://dev.to/bothubchat/easy-writer-vs-manual-writing-when-should-developers-use-ai-for-content-creation-5b29 
 As the number of websites and apps continues to grow, ensuring cross-browser compatibility becomes crucial for a seamless user experience. According to Statista, there are 1.13 billion websites, and research shows that 88% of users will not visit a website if it offers a poor experience. Cross-browser testing is essential for businesses to guarantee consistent performance across different browsers, operating systems, devices, and assistive tools.

Source: https://dev.to/testifytech/the-ultimate-guide-to-cross-browser-compatibility-testing-2hc2 
 Streamlit, a popular tool among data scientists, has made it easy to create web applications without requiring extensive frontend knowledge. By providing simple and easy-to-implement elements and widgets, developers can focus on writing logic and let Streamlit handle the frontend design and layout. A recent demo web app showcases the power of Streamlit in action. The application converts image formats from PNG to JPEG, among others. This post highlights the ease of creating such a web app using Streamlit's intuitive interface.

Source: https://dev.to/sachingeek/making-a-webapp-is-so-easy-with-streamlit-12j3 
 Linux enthusiasts, take note! A recent article by Krav shares a personal cheat sheet of advanced Linux commands used daily in professional settings. These commands aim to boost efficiency and improve system management for Sysadmins, Developers, DevOps, Security, and Ops professionals.

The article highlights various tools and utilities, including rsync, Ldapsearch, mkpasswd, screen, uptime, w, wall, top, nedu, lsof, netcat, netstat, nslookup, tcpdump, and systemctl. These powerful commands can streamline tasks and enhance Linux management skills.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this article provides valuable insights into the world of Linux. So, get ready to level up your Linux game!

Source: https://dev.to/krav24/secret-linux-commands-4g6i 
 ** Angular developers can now easily implement data masking and disable cut-copy-paste functionality in their applications using custom directives. This security measure helps protect sensitive information, such as card numbers and account numbers, from fraud and identity theft.


Source: https://dev.to/dayanandaeswar/data-masking-and-disable-cut-copy-paste-in-angular-using-directives-3km3 
 Manufacturing companies face numerous challenges in managing their operations efficiently. To overcome these hurdles, implementing custom solutions can be a game-changer. ERP systems centralize processes, reduce errors, and improve transparency. PRM systems streamline partner relationships, while SCM ensures efficient supply chain management. WMS automates warehouse operations, reducing manual errors and optimizing space. With the right technology, manufacturers can optimize their processes, cut costs, and improve performance.

Source: https://dev.to/freshtech/custom-solutions-for-the-manufacturing-sector-4kdd 
 The Google Currency Converter API is a valuable tool for developers, providing accurate and real-time exchange rate data. This API simplifies the process of integrating currency conversion features into applications, making it a crucial feature for e-commerce platforms, financial tools, and international marketplaces.

With its user-friendly interface and reliable data, this API helps convert amounts between different currencies accurately. The Google Currency Converter API pulls data from various financial institutions, ensuring that the exchange rates are accurate and in sync with real-world changes.

Developers can easily integrate the API into their systems without needing extensive knowledge of finance or economics. By utilizing this API, developers can enhance the user experience by providing accurate currency conversion in real-time, improving the overall functionality of their platforms.

Source: https://dev.to/rameshchauhan/a-developers-guide-to-google-currency-converter-api-everything-you-need-to-know-2pmo 
 Codigger's Background Look feature has been introduced, offering users a highly personalized and flexible tool for customizing their desktop environment. This feature includes dynamic wallpapers and effects, allowing users to add various visual elements such as bubbles, cars, or stars to enhance the visual appeal of their desktop.

Additionally, users can manage desktop components by adding or removing widgets, adjusting their size and location to suit their work habits. The interface is designed to be simple and easy to use, making it accessible to all users.

This feature not only enhances the visual appeal of the desktop but also improves its practicality and functionality, providing users with a more personalized and efficient work environment.

Source: https://dev.to/codigger/ntroduction-to-the-background-look-feature-in-codigger-desktop-mode-28hh 
 ** Context Switching in PLSQL: Understanding the Impact on Performance

Context switching refers to the process of switching between the SQL and PL/SQL engines in Oracle databases. When using user-defined functions (UDFs) written in PL/SQL within a SELECT statement, context switching occurs. This back-and-forth switching can introduce overhead and impact performance, especially when the function is called repeatedly.

To minimize the impact, consider optimizing your code by:

* Using inline functions or rewriting logic in pure SQL
* Reducing the number of function calls through refactoring or bulk processing
* Utilizing pipelined table functions to limit context switching

Understanding context switching can help you optimize your PLSQL code and improve query performance.


Source: https://dev.to/mrcaption49/context-switching-in-plsql-59f2 
 Deploying a React app on Hostinger just got easier! Follow these 5 steps to get your app live in no time. First, create a new React app using `create-react-app`. Then, navigate to the project directory and start your app with `npm start`. Make sure you update the `package.json` file with the correct domain name from Hostinger. Next, generate a production-ready build of your app using `npm run build`. Don't forget to create an `.htaccess` file to ensure proper routing. Finally, upload the files to Hostinger and voila! Your React app is live.

Source: https://dev.to/safdarali/5-steps-you-must-follow-to-deploy-a-react-app-on-hostinger-5bd9 
 AWS, a leading cloud computing service provider, has shared a list of public IP address ranges used by its services. This move aims to help users determine whether an IP address belongs to AWS or not. The company's transparency efforts have been praised by the tech community, as it allows developers and security professionals to better understand and troubleshoot issues related to AWS-based infrastructure.

Source: https://dev.to/aws-builders/cette-adresse-ip-appartient-elle-a-aws--2l9k 
 ** A new tool has been released to help users determine if an IP address belongs to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The tool, called "Does This IP Belong to AWS?", was created by an individual who worked with a client whose infrastructure was exposed publicly. The tool uses AWS's published list of IP ranges for its services and regions to make this determination. The tool comes in two flavors: one is more efficient, while the other allows users to learn about JSON query and transformation language, JSONata.


Source: https://dev.to/aws-builders/does-this-ip-belong-to-aws--641 
 "Show Us Your Open-Source Project"

A new initiative has been launched by Litlyx, encouraging developers to share their open-source projects on dev.to. This format allows contributors to showcase their work and provide a brief description of what they're building, making it easy for others to learn from and collaborate on the projects.

The post also invites readers to explore Litlyx's own open-source project, which simplifies analytics tracking with just one line of code. Additionally, templates are available for quickly answering FAQs or storing snippets for re-use.

This initiative aims to foster a sense of community among developers, promoting collaboration, learning, and innovation in the field of open-source development.

Source: https://dev.to/litlyx/show-us-your-open-source-project-188o 
 Medusa 2.0, a commerce platform, has officially launched with new features and integrations. The updated platform offers flexible commerce solutions for businesses, allowing them to launch both DTC (direct-to-consumer) and B2B setups in minutes. Five new "Starters" are available, each with pre-built frontends, features, and integrations. The platform's new templates enable quick creation of FAQs or reusable snippets.

Source: https://dev.to/medusajs/medusa-20-the-worlds-most-flexible-commerce-platform-3k96 
 Microsoft has announced the general availability of Azure Confidential VMs with NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs. These VMs combine hardware-based data protection from 4th-generation AMD EPYC processors with high-performance computing capabilities. The new feature enables confidential computing on GPUs, providing customers with increased options and flexibility to run their workloads securely and efficiently in the cloud.

Source: https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/10/azure-confidential-vms-nvidia/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 
 Symfony7 Docker Template: A Convenient Solution for Developers

Developers familiar with PHP and the Symfony framework now have a new tool at their disposal. The Symfony7 Docker Template, created by a full-stack developer, aims to simplify the process of building containerized Symfony applications. This template allows users to quickly spin up development setups and start building projects without the hassle of installing PHP natively or managing different versions.

The template is designed for ease of use, requiring only a few clicks to get started. Users can create a new project on GitHub by selecting the Symfony7-Docker-Template repository and filling out required fields. The resulting project comes pre-configured with decent packages and a MariaDB database accessible via localhost.

Source: https://dev.to/gmurambadoro/symfony7-docker-template-5066 
 Researchers have introduced a new type of artificial neuron, called Kuramoto Oscillatory Neurons, which exhibit oscillatory behavior similar to neurons in the brain. These neurons are designed to capture the dynamic and time-varying nature of real-world data and signals, making them useful for processing audio, video, or other time-series data. The approach has potential benefits, including learning rich temporal representations and improving machine learning task performance.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/spiking-oscillatory-neural-networks-with-kuramoto-neurons-sync-naturally-4ekc 
 Cloud Financial Management: A Key to Optimizing Cloud Spend

As organizations shift their operations to the cloud, managing and optimizing cloud expenditures becomes a crucial task. The decentralized nature of the cloud can lead to overprovisioning and underutilization of resources if not managed properly. Cloud financial management (CFM) is a strategic framework that enables organizations to allocate, forecast, and optimize their cloud costs while ensuring efficient resource use.

To achieve effective CFM, organizations should establish a culture of cost accountability across the organization. This involves accurately attributing costs to specific resources, workloads, teams, and business units through consistent tagging strategies. Centralizing governance ensures consistency in cost allocation and optimizes cloud spending to maximize business value.

Forecasting cloud budgets is also critical for planning and allocating resources effectively. Organizations should consider both historical usage patterns and anticipated future requirements to create accurate forecasts. Proactive mechanisms can help monitor and adjust forecasts in real-time, ensuring variances between predicted and actual costs remain within acceptable levels.

Finally, optimizing cloud resources at scale is essential for reducing costs without compromising performance. This involves identifying and eliminating waste and idle resources, as well as leveraging pricing models and discounts offered by cloud providers.

By adopting best practices in CFM, organizations can maximize the value of their cloud investments while maintaining agility and flexibility for innovation and growth.

Source: https://dev.to/buzzgk/cloud-financial-management-best-practices-for-optimizing-cloud-spend-330e 
 A recent study has found that AI-powered tools can significantly boost software development speed, with teams completing tasks about 30% faster on average compared to using traditional tools. The study, conducted by researchers from a large multinational corporation, randomly assigned hundreds of software development teams to use either AI-powered tools or traditional tools for a series of representative software development tasks.

The results provide strong evidence that AI-powered tools can have a substantial positive impact on software development speed and efficiency in real-world enterprise environments. However, the study also acknowledges several limitations, including the potential downsides or unintended consequences of increased reliance on AI in software development.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/ai-tools-boost-software-dev-speed-30-in-enterprise-study-5d29 
 As the digital landscape continues to evolve, search engines are facing an unprecedented challenge in processing the sheer volume of content being produced. In response, big publications are taking priority over smaller ones, stifling innovation and creativity. However, developers have a unique opportunity to rise above this trend by building small, SEO-focused tools that drive growth and exposure.

Source: https://dev.to/tempmaildetector/build-small-tools-eob 
 Researchers have discovered that advanced AI models can detect and correct fictional information in generated content. In a study, a fictional Danish artist named Flipfloppidy was created, and one AI agent wrote a blog post about them. Another AI agent reviewed the post to identify factual errors or made-up details. While standard AI language models accepted the fictional artist as real, advanced models like Llama3-70b and GPT-4 variants accurately identified hallucinations over 85% of the time.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/advanced-ai-models-hallucinates-fictional-artist-then-catches-its-own-mistake-3eck 
 Recent advancements in AI-powered code graph visualization have the potential to revolutionize software engineering. RepoGraph, a new tool, allows developers to analyze software repositories and generate a visual graph representing the code structure and connections. This high-level understanding of how different components are related can facilitate tasks like code comprehension, refactoring, and debugging.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/ai-powered-code-graph-visualization-for-smarter-software-engineering-2p17 
 **SQL Injection: A Serious Threat to Database Security**

The latest threat in cybersecurity is SQL injection, a code injection technique that exploits vulnerabilities in applications interacting with databases. Attackers can manipulate SQL queries through input fields, compromising sensitive data and database integrity. This exploit can lead to data breaches, unauthorized data exposure, and even system shutdowns.

Source: https://dev.to/michay/sql-injection-types-examples-prevention-cheat-sheet-i2p 
 Harnessing the Power of Social Media Analytics for Business Growth

In today's digital age, social media has become an essential platform for businesses to connect with their audience, refine their strategies, and drive growth. Leveraging social media analytics can provide valuable insights into user behavior, engagement, and overall performance. By analyzing data from social media platforms, businesses can uncover key metrics such as likes, shares, comments, follower growth, and click-through rates. This information can inform decision-making, identify target audiences, optimize content, track competitor performance, and measure return on investment (ROI).

Source: https://dev.to/albert2/social-media-analytics-leverage-the-power-of-social-media-analytics-to-grow-your-business-3d4f 
 The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize data security. AI's ability to learn from data and identify patterns can enhance decision-making processes, while blockchain's decentralized nature ensures transparency and immutability of transactions. When combined, these technologies can provide a robust framework for secure data management.

Recent use cases in finance, healthcare, supply chain management, and IoT networks have demonstrated the effectiveness of this hybrid approach. For instance, AI-powered fraud detection and blockchain-based smart contracts are transforming financial institutions. Similarly, healthcare organizations are leveraging AI-driven diagnostics and blockchain-secured medical records to improve patient care.

Despite the benefits, there are challenges to be addressed. Scalability issues with blockchain networks, data privacy concerns, and regulatory compliance requirements demand careful consideration. Moreover, achieving interoperability between different domains will require standardized protocols.

The future of AI-blockchain hybrids holds much promise for secure data management, transparency, and operational efficiency. As innovation continues to unlock new possibilities, it is crucial to prioritize respect and dignity for all individuals and groups involved.

Source: https://dev.to/vikas76/ai-and-blockchain-innovations-for-secure-data-150m 
 At a recent DevOps Dallas Day event, attendees learned about 5 common reasons why debugging infrastructure issues can be challenging. These challenges include misconfigured Terraform files and tricky AWS IAM policies. The presentation offered practical tips for resolving these issues quickly.

Source: https://dev.to/roxane_fischer_79570c1b5b/devops-dallas-day-5-reasons-youre-struggling-to-debug-your-infrastructure-in-under-an-hour-c5c 
 As technology continues to evolve, safeguarding digital assets has become a top priority for organizations. IT risk management software plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and compliance of these assets. To effectively manage risks, modern IT risk management software should include essential features such as integration with existing security tools, support for common control frameworks, customization capabilities, risk planning, historical trend analysis, active monitoring, evidence repositories, and robust reporting.

Source: https://dev.to/buzzgk/it-risk-management-software-essential-features-for-safeguarding-digital-assets-571j 
 Stop Re-Implementing Code: Best Practices in Rust Programming

As developers, we're all familiar with the struggle of maintaining clean and efficient code. In a recent article on Dev.to, Mandy Eti discusses the importance of refactoring early and often to avoid re-implementing code in larger software projects. The post highlights the benefits of using the Extract Method refactoring pattern in Rust programming.

Source: https://dev.to/mandyedi/stop-re-implementing-code-use-extract-method-in-rust-3fhm 
 Did you know that ABI encoding is the standard way to communicate with Ethereum smart contracts? In this article, we demystify the process and explore how Solidity's abi.encode, abi.encodePacked, and abi.encodeWithSelector functions help convert function signatures, arguments, and data types into their binary format. This ensures seamless communication between contracts or external callers.

Source: https://dev.to/djibrilm/solidity-abi-encoding-explained-fp 
 Syncfusion has released 14 open-source controls for .NET MAUI, a cross-platform framework for building mobile and desktop applications. This move aims to provide developers with high-quality, reusable code snippets and accelerate the development process. The open-source release is accompanied by a blog post detailing the benefits and usage of these controls.

Source: https://dev.to/fp/open-source-tools-for-net-maui-2g1g 
 The concept of smart wallets and passkeys has revolutionized the way users interact with digital assets. Coinbase's introduction of a smart wallet that supports EIP-5792 marks a significant advancement in user experience and functionality. This innovative solution enables seamless transactions across various blockchain applications without requiring multiple wallets.

Key features include instant wallet creation, simplified on-chain interactions, and robust security measures. The absence of complex seed phrases and the use of passkeys enhance the overall security environment. Moreover, the smart wallet's support for EIP-5792 ensures a more streamlined experience when interacting with dApps.

For users, this means effortless management of their cryptocurrencies without the need to navigate multiple wallets or transfer funds. The introduction of cloud-synced passkeys also provides enhanced security and convenience.

Source: https://dev.to/irenejpopova/introduction-to-smart-wallets-and-passkeys-authentication-1o76 
 "ChesedGamesOnline shares its experience in building and maintaining an online platform. The article provides a unique glimpse into the process, showcasing the challenges and triumphs faced by the developer. From updating plugins to setting up new pages, the post offers insight into the day-to-day tasks involved in keeping a website running smoothly. With no sensationalism or speculation, this informative piece serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding what goes on behind the scenes of online platforms."

Source: https://dev.to/chesedgamesonline/what-it-was-like-to-build-and-maintain-chesedgamesonline-548e 
 Discover the power of AutoIt for web automation! 🔮 Did you know it's possible? 🤔 This scripting language, designed for automating Windows applications, can also be used to automate websites. With au3WebDriver, a framework built on the WebDriver specification, you can interact with any browser that supports W3C WebDriver specifications. Key benefits include simplicity, versatility, and easy deployment.

Source: https://dev.to/solvesmart/web-automation-with-autoit-did-you-know-it-is-possible-1a1l 
 Effective Resource Management in Kubernetes: A Balance Between Allocation and Utilization

Kubernetes resource management is a critical aspect of operating a cluster. To achieve optimal resource utilization, it's essential to strike a balance between resource allocation and utilization. Over-committing resources can lead to wasted resources and increased costs, while under-committing can result in performance issues and application instability.

To address this challenge, Kubernetes provides features like pod priority and preemption, which allow you to define the relative importance of pods and ensure that critical workloads have access to necessary resources. Additionally, tools like vertical and horizontal pod autoscaling can automatically adjust resource allocation based on workload demands.

Leveraging labels and annotations is also crucial for generating accurate chargeback and utilization reports in a shared cluster environment. By applying meaningful labels to pods, namespaces, and other Kubernetes objects, you can create a logical hierarchy and enable granular tracking of resource utilization.

In conclusion, effective resource management in Kubernetes requires careful planning, monitoring, and optimization. By understanding the importance of balancing allocation and utilization, organizations can ensure the stability, performance, and cost-effectiveness of their applications running on Kubernetes.

Source: https://dev.to/buzzgk/effective-resource-management-in-kubernetes-27hg 
 APIs play a crucial role in today's software development, enabling different apps and systems to communicate seamlessly. However, testing APIs can be challenging without the right tools. Enter Postman, a popular collaboration platform that simplifies API testing with its user-friendly interface and robust features.

Postman offers a comprehensive toolkit for developers, including API documentation, automated testing, and team collaboration capabilities. Its simplicity and efficiency make it accessible to testers of all levels, allowing them to create robust and reliable APIs.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Postman provides a step-by-step guide on installing the software and exploring its REST API methods. With Postman, you can streamline your workflow, save time, and effort, and improve collaboration with team members.

Source: https://dev.to/jignect_technologies/a-beginners-guide-to-api-testing-in-postman-58gj 
 As organizations increasingly rely on third-party vendors to drive innovation and support operations, managing vendor risks has become a critical concern. A well-designed Vendor Risk Management Policy can help identify, assess, and mitigate these risks, ensuring the security, compliance, and operational resilience of your organization.

By implementing a strategic approach to vendor risk management, companies can align their partnerships with regulatory requirements while minimizing operational threats. This involves defining principles, guidelines, and processes for the entire vendor lifecycle, from selection and onboarding to ongoing monitoring and termination.

Regular audits, maintaining a detailed vendor inventory, and continuous monitoring of vendor performance are crucial components of an effective Vendor Risk Management Policy. By establishing clear expectations and communication channels with vendors, organizations can improve service quality and responsiveness.

In conclusion, a comprehensive Vendor Risk Management Policy is essential for managing third-party relationship risks and maximizing the benefits of partnering with external providers.

Source: https://dev.to/buzzgk/vendor-risk-management-policy-a-strategic-approach-49bc 
 Python programming language has emerged as a top choice for mobile app development in recent years. The article highlights several reasons why developers prefer Python, including its high-level security features, modular development approach, exceptional readability, and efficient libraries. Additionally, the language offers seamless integration with existing systems, making it an ideal choice for rapid digital transformation.

Source: https://dev.to/jigar_online/why-choose-python-programming-language-for-mobile-app-development-29mf 
 "Discovering the Power of Semantic Analysis Algorithms: A Beginner's Guide

Semantic analysis is a crucial aspect of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI). This algorithm-driven process enables machines to understand the meaning and interpretation of words, phrases, and sentences in context. In this guide, we'll explore the basics of semantic analysis algorithms, including the Bag-of-Words model, TF-IDF, Word embeddings, and Transformers.

These algorithms have numerous applications, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, question answering systems, and more. By understanding how these algorithms work, beginners can gain a solid foundation for exploring advanced NLP techniques and technologies.

SafeLine Web Application Firewall (WAF) is an open-source WAF that utilizes semantic analysis algorithms to detect attacks, including 0-day attacks. This technology has far-reaching implications for AI-powered systems and natural language processing.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding the power of semantic analysis algorithms can unlock new possibilities in AI-driven applications."

Source: https://dev.to/carrie_luo1/understanding-semantic-analysis-algorithms-a-beginners-guide-5bkm 
 Blind SQL injection is a type of cyber attack that can compromise sensitive information in databases. This stealthy method involves manipulating SQL queries without directly seeing the results, instead relying on indirect responses from the application. Two common techniques used by attackers are Boolean-based and time-based blind SQL injection.

Boolean-based attacks involve sending SQL queries that force the database to return different results based on true or false conditions. Attackers analyze the application's response to infer whether the condition was met. Time-based attacks, on the other hand, utilize SQL commands that delay the database's response. By measuring the time taken for the application to respond, attackers can determine if the injected query returned true or false.

To prevent blind SQL injection attacks, it is essential to follow best practices for secure coding and database interaction. This includes using prepared statements, validating and sanitizing user inputs, configuring least privilege access, utilizing ORM frameworks, implementing web application firewalls (WAFs), and conducting regular security audits and code reviews.

Source: https://dev.to/carrie_luo1/the-ultimate-guide-to-understanding-blind-sql-injection-3ci8 
 ** IBM Releases Granite 3.0, A Suite of AI Models for Cloud Deployment
IBM has unveiled Granite 3.0, a groundbreaking open-source model that brings state-of-the-art AI capabilities to developers and researchers. This suite of models can be deployed in the cloud using NodeShift's GPU-powered Virtual Machines. With Granite MOE 1B and 3B, users can harness the full potential of this innovative technology.


Source: https://dev.to/nodeshiftcloud/how-to-deploy-granite-moe-1b-and-3b-in-the-cloud-4o7c 
 A recent podcast episode of Generally AI explores the complexities of the US property system, particularly the Township and Range system. This grid-based system was developed in the 18th century after the American Revolution, with Thomas Jefferson credited as one of its creators. The episode delves into the intricacies of this system, highlighting its significance for surveyors and landowners.

Source: https://www.infoq.com/podcasts/generally-ai-coordinate-systems-ai/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 
 Software teams can improve resilience by acknowledging the importance of engineers' proactive responses, even when not on-call. This "slack" time allows for increased communication, cross-training, and learning from incidents. By broadening post-incident reviews to include social and technical aspects, organizations can create a more resilient future response.

Source: https://www.infoq.com/articles/adaptive-responses-resilience-software-operations/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 
 "Efficient LLM Distillation for NLP Applications"

In a recent presentation at the InfoQ Dev Summit Munich, Ines Montani, creator of spaCy, emphasized the importance of distilling large language models (LLMs) for real-world applications. She highlighted that relying solely on black box models can hinder the development of transparent, explainable, and reliable software.

Montani proposed using transfer learning to extract task-specific information from LLMs, replacing them with distilled components at runtime. This approach enables modular, efficient, and accurate systems.

She also emphasized the value of human involvement in the loop, correcting mistakes and fine-tuning prompts through annotation tools.

Source: https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/10/efficient-mlops-llm-distillation/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 
 When comparing objects in JavaScript, developers often encounter unexpected results due to the way objects are referenced in memory. A simple comparison using `===` may not yield the desired outcome, as it only checks for reference equality rather than value equality. In this article, we explore different approaches to object comparison and build a robust solution for detecting changes between objects.

Source: https://dev.to/digitaldrreamer/how-to-compare-diff-two-objects-2ocd 
 ** The .NET ecosystem has just received a powerful tool for implementing Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). The DispatchProxy class, available in the System.Reflection namespace, allows developers to dynamically decorate objects with additional code implementations. This feature enables the separation of concerns, increasing modularity and reusability without modifying existing code. With DispatchProxy, cross-cutting concerns like logging, caching, and performance monitoring can be implemented flexibly and cleanly.


Source: https://dev.to/rasulhsn/example-of-aspect-oriented-paradigm-by-dynamically-decorating-objects-with-dispatchproxy-class-3l7 
 A web developer has shared their approach to improving the user experience in a Klondike Solitaire game by adding a simple image preloader using vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The preloader displays a progress bar showing how much of the image has loaded, ensuring that users don't see a blank screen while waiting for the images to load. This technique can be applied to any website relying on large visuals.

Source: https://dev.to/quantotius/building-a-klondike-solitaire-game-adding-a-simple-image-preloader-with-vanilla-javascript-4k63 
 Improve Your JavaScript Skills with Module Organization!

A recent blog post on Medium provides a practical guide on how to organize JavaScript code using modules. This article shares techniques for enhancing code readability, maintainability, and scalability in projects.

Read the full article here: https://dev.to/midhul/how-to-organise-javascript-code-with-modules-a-practical-guide-4ph0

Source: https://dev.to/midhul/how-to-organise-javascript-code-with-modules-a-practical-guide-4ph0 
 Are you a QuickBooks user struggling with technical issues? The QuickBooks Component Repair Tool is here to help! This free utility from Intuit can fix common installation and component-related problems, restore damaged or missing files, and resolve error messages. The tool addresses issues with Microsoft .NET Framework, MSXML, Visual C++, and operating system files. Follow these steps: download and install the tool, set it up, run a diagnostic process, and repair components. If you encounter issues, don't hesitate to seek professional help.

Source: https://dev.to/jasskarley/how-to-use-quickbooks-component-repair-tool-421f 
 A recent article on software engineering principles emphasizes the importance of writing maintainable code. The author shares personal experiences and real-world examples to illustrate four key principles for achieving clean code: simplicity, single responsibility, open/closed, and don't repeat yourself (DRY). These principles are likened to a gym workout routine for your code, helping to build different "muscles" that improve the overall quality of your programming.

Source: https://dev.to/biswajitfsd/software-engineering-principles-a-human-guide-to-clean-code-1e35 
 GetVM has announced a comprehensive collection of free online tutorials for computer science enthusiasts. The curated resources cover various topics, including distributed systems, computer architecture, digital circuits, and ARM-based development. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or just starting out, these tutorials will equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in this dynamic field.

The courses are taught by experienced professors from renowned universities, such as the University of Illinois, Carnegie-Mellon University, and IIT Kanpur. You can explore topics like vector clocks, consensus, and Paxos in distributed systems; computer architecture fundamentals; digital circuit design; and ARM-based development.

To enhance your learning experience, GetVM has also launched a Google Chrome browser extension called GetVM Playground. This interactive environment allows you to practice hands-on coding without setting up local development environments.

Source: https://dev.to/getvm/dive-into-systems-comprehensive-tutorials-for-computer-science-enthusiasts-2op0 
 Chaos Engineering: Strengthening Systems by Embracing Failure
A discipline born from Netflix's experience, Chaos Engineering has become a crucial practice for maintaining system reliability. This guide provides an overview of the principles and practices involved in implementing Chaos Engineering.

Source: https://dev.to/routeclouds/chaos-engineering-strengthening-systems-by-embracing-failure-5fl7 
 Change Data Capture (CDC) is a game-changer in event-driven microservices architecture. By capturing changes in real-time and propagating them as events, CDC enables seamless data replication across systems. This reduces latency and ensures consistency, making it an essential strategy for modern cloud-native applications.

Source: https://dev.to/orkes/change-data-capture-cdc-in-event-driven-microservices-13m3 
 A software engineer has shared their experience and insights on solving 1600 LeetCode problems, highlighting the importance of mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) for landing a role in the industry. The author emphasizes that recognizing patterns and understanding concepts deeply is key to solving DSA problems effectively. While solving a large number of problems may not be necessary for everyone, it can help develop strong problem-solving skills and reinforce a problem-solver mindset.

Source: https://dev.to/akshat0610/what-i-have-learnt-from-solving-1600-leetcode-problems-dsa-guide-2o0g 
 When using React's useState hook, it's easy to fall into common mistakes that can negatively impact performance. To avoid these issues, it's essential to understand the correct usage of useState.

Firstly, initializing state with an expensive function can lead to unnecessary computation on every render. Instead, use a function inside useState to ensure the function is only called during the initial render.

Secondly, when updating state, it's crucial to consider the previous value. Failing to do so can cause issues if multiple updates are triggered in quick succession.

Thirdly, placing hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions can break React's state management mechanism. Keep useState outside of these constructs to ensure proper state management.

Lastly, avoid directly mutating state as it can lead to unexpected bugs and issues. Instead, create a new object using the spread operator to ensure immutability.

By following these best practices, you can improve the performance and efficiency of your React application.

Source: https://dev.to/sonaykara/the-4-most-common-mistakes-when-using-usestate-in-react-1ji8 
 A recent blog post by Pankaj892 showcases a comprehensive DevOps pipeline for a Golang web app using GitOps and Kubernetes. The tutorial walks readers through the process of building, deploying, and managing a containerized application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). The pipeline involves creating a Dockerfile, building an image with multi-stage builds, pushing it to Docker Hub, and deploying it to EKS using Helm charts. The post also covers setting up CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions and Argo CD.

Source: https://dev.to/pankaj892/devops-pipeline-on-a-golang-web-app-with-gitops-and-kubernetes-4k7m 
 Did you know that over 40% of internet users face restrictions when trying to access online content? Geo-restrictions can limit our browsing experience. To overcome these limitations, Clash for Windows offers a powerful tool that allows multiple proxy integration, enabling seamless navigation. This setup not only enhances security but also unlocks a vast array of content and opportunities. Whether for personal or professional use, setting up a proxy in Clash for Windows empowers users to confidently navigate the internet.

Source: https://dev.to/lewis_kerr_2d0d4c5b886b02/empower-your-internet-access-with-proxy-configuration-in-clash-for-windows-4i0d 
 Are you preparing for a PostgreSQL interview? Look no further! This article provides 30 common PostgreSQL interview questions, covering essential concepts such as database management, data types, and performance optimization. From defining tables, schemas, and databases to discussing transactions, views, and sequences, this comprehensive list will help you feel more confident in your understanding of PostgreSQL.

Source: https://dev.to/truongpx396/30-common-postgresql-interview-questions-1bc6 
 Keeping components pure in React is a fundamental principle that simplifies development, enhances performance, and improves maintainability. A pure function behaves consistently, making it predictable and easier to test. Pure components also optimize rendering, making them reusable and efficient. Strategies for maintaining purity include avoiding side effects, using React.memo, and managing state appropriately.

Source: https://dev.to/theonlineaid/pure-component-in-reactjs-acl 
 Are you considering microservices architecture for your next project? It's essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Microservices can offer scalability, flexibility, and resilience, but also introduce complexity and operational overhead.

On one hand, microservices allow for independent development, deployment, and maintenance of services, enabling faster feature releases and better resource utilization. For example, an e-commerce application can scale its checkout and inventory services independently during peak shopping periods. Additionally, a media streaming platform might use different programming languages for high-performance streaming and recommendation engines.

On the other hand, microservices require more expertise in DevOps, networking, and distributed systems, which can be challenging for some teams. They also introduce complexity in managing communication between services, requiring API gateways, service discovery tools, and load balancing solutions. Furthermore, a simple feature update might involve deploying changes across multiple microservices, each with its own pipeline, testing, and monitoring.

Before adopting microservices, it's crucial to evaluate your project's specific needs, team capabilities, and long-term goals. Consider factors such as project size, scalability requirements, team expertise, and development speed.

Source: https://dev.to/trev_the_dev/the-pros-and-cons-of-microservices-architecture-is-it-right-for-your-project-3b50 
 Handling duplicates in JavaScript arrays can be a crucial aspect of efficient data management. A recent article by The Online Aid explores different techniques and best practices for identifying and eliminating duplicate values in arrays, including simple arrays and arrays of objects. By employing these methods, developers can ensure their applications run smoothly and efficiently.

Source: https://dev.to/theonlineaid/handling-duplicates-in-javascript-arrays-techniques-and-best-practices-1lpg 
 ** "Enhancing Server Security with Free WAF Solution"

A free Web Application Firewall (WAF) called SafeLine WAF offers advanced security features for websites. This tool can transform your server into a high-security server, protecting against various types of attacks. SafeLine WAF's dynamic protection feature encrypts website pages in real-time, preventing unauthorized access.


Source: https://dev.to/carrie_luo1/turning-your-server-into-a-high-security-server-with-a-free-waf-2mjf 
 "Spring MVC, a Framework that's Like a Restaurant: A Fun and Interactive Guide"

Source: https://dev.to/easycat/riestoran-spring-mvc-24n2 
 Developer Shares Insights on Creating a Loaner Vehicle Management System

A developer has shared their 6-week sprint journey in creating a loaner vehicle request and inventory management system using ServiceNow. The project aims to automate the process, which currently involves manual requests and tracking, leading to inefficiencies and delays. The developer used ServiceNow's Agile module for sprint management and managed relationships between tables.

The developer faced challenges such as setting up relationships between tables, handling conditional UI elements, and ensuring robust data validation. They also shared their experiences with using UI Policies and managing update sets efficiently.

This project showcases the potential of leveraging technology to streamline processes and improve efficiency. The developer's insights can be valuable for those working on similar projects or exploring ServiceNow.

Source: https://dev.to/pixelvortex/developing-a-loaner-vehicle-management-system-a-deep-dive-into-my-6-week-sprint-journey-f0m 
 A new module has been added to the Java-Spring-Best-Practices repository, focusing on the Factory Pattern. This creational design pattern allows for flexible object creation, promoting clean and scalable code. The benefits of using factories include decoupled object creation, scalability, and improved maintainability.

Source: https://dev.to/agitrubard/java-spring-best-practices-factory-pattern-4hm 
 Device farms have revolutionized software testing by providing a cost-effective and scalable solution for testing applications. This innovative approach eliminates the need for developers to procure and maintain physical devices, allowing testers to focus on their work. With device farms, testing teams can access a wide range of devices, configurations, and operating system versions, facilitating parallel testing and reducing wait times.

Source: https://dev.to/ronika_kashyap/how-have-device-farms-revolutionized-software-testing-29ga 
 Practicing the Principle of Least Privilege in Cloud Computing

In today's cloud computing landscape, ensuring the security and integrity of shared resources is crucial. The principle of least privilege, which dictates that each entity should have access only to the information and resources necessary for its legitimate purpose, is a fundamental concept in achieving this goal.

This principle can be applied through various means, including the use of Amazon Cognito Identity Pools and tagged sessions. By allocating an IAM role to authenticated users and tagging their user session with claims, organizations can achieve fine-grained control over resource access.

In practice, this means that services that assume a shared role can only access resources that belong to or correspond to the current user. For example, in Amazon S3, objects can be grouped under a username prefix to provide access control, while in DynamoDB, partition keys and sort keys can be used to restrict access to specific items.

By applying the principle of least privilege, organizations can improve security, reduce risk, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This approach is particularly important when sharing resources among multiple tenants or users.

Source: https://dev.to/blogposting/practicing-the-principle-of-least-privilege-3n2c 
 Unlocking Next.js Potential with Comprehensive Handbook and Playground

GetVM, a popular online learning platform, has launched "The Next.js Handbook" by Flavio Copes, a comprehensive guide for web developers looking to master the powerful React framework. This handbook covers everything from setting up development environments to deploying applications, helping users unlock the full potential of Next.js.

To further enhance learning experience, GetVM has also introduced an online playground, allowing users to experiment with code and practice new skills without local setup hassles.

Source: https://dev.to/getvm/unlock-the-power-of-nextjs-with-this-comprehensive-handbook-2aa4 
 A recent post on Dev.to showcases a creative solution for enhancing user experience. "Blur page body when hover on Nav Bar" demonstrates how templates can be used to quickly answer frequently asked questions or store snippets for re-use. The post highlights the versatility of templates in web development.

Source: https://dev.to/sandygalabada/blur-page-body-when-hover-on-nav-bar-52pn 
 Looking to improve code quality in an old repository? A step-by-step guide on adding a Rubocop config is just what you need! This article provides a clear walkthrough on updating an existing Rubocop config, fixing outdated cops, and running safe auto-correct. By following these steps, developers can ensure their codebase is up-to-date and free of errors.

Source: https://dev.to/lcsm0n/adding-a-rubocop-config-to-an-old-repository-step-by-step-guide-49db 
 When it comes to indexing in PostgreSQL, it's essential to understand why the database might not be using our carefully crafted indexes. A recent article highlights some common pitfalls that can lead to index underutilization.

Firstly, it's crucial to configure indexes according to our queries. If an index stores data in a different order than our query requests, it won't be used. Similarly, if we query only two columns but the index stores three, the index will be ignored.

Another issue arises when using functions or casting data types in our queries. In such cases, creating a specific index for that query can help improve performance.

Furthermore, not all operators are supported by regular B-tree indexes. For instance, ILIKE requires a different type of indexing. It's essential to use the appropriate operators to ensure efficient index usage.

Fortunately, tools like HypoPG and Metis' Index Advisor allow us to test and analyze indexes without creating them in the database. This can help identify potential issues and optimize our indexing strategy.

Source: https://dev.to/metis/why-doesnt-postgres-use-my-index-2b6e 
 Setting Development Goals That Stick: Tips and Strategies for Coders

Are you a developer struggling to set and achieve meaningful development goals? You're not alone. In this article, we'll explore the importance of setting clear goals and provide actionable strategies for making them stick.

The article highlights the benefits of setting development goals, including increased motivation and focus, improved career prospects, and enhanced skills. It also introduces the S.M.A.R.T. goal framework as a helpful tool for setting effective objectives.

Real-world examples of development goals are provided, along with tips on how to track progress and stay motivated. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of adaptability and adjusting goals as needed.

Source: https://dev.to/devactivity-app/setting-development-goals-that-actually-stick-examples-and-strategies-3jao 
 Writing clean code is essential for efficient software development. A messy codebase can lead to wasted time searching for specific lines or functions, making it harder to understand and fix issues. By following simple best practices, developers can create code that is easy to read, maintain, and modify.

The article highlights seven tips to write clean code:

1. Name variables and functions clearly, avoiding single-letter names.
2. Limit the functionality of each function to a single task.
3. Use comments sparingly and only when necessary.
4. Keep code organized with proper spacing, indentation, and line breaks.
5. Write unit tests to ensure code works as expected.
6. Separate different components of your project to keep things modular.
7. Keep files and folders organized for easy navigation.

Source: https://dev.to/codewithshahan/how-to-write-clean-code-3599 
 As technology continues to advance, protecting data has become a top priority for companies. Two essential concepts in modern cryptography are asymmetric encryption and digital signatures. While both play critical roles in securing information, they serve distinct purposes. Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of mathematically related keys - public and private - to encrypt data, making it difficult to derive the private key from the public one. This method offers scalability and flexibility, as each party can have its own key pair.

Digital signatures, on the other hand, provide authentication and non-repudiation. They offer a unique certification code or digital fingerprint linked to the data's content, ensuring that any tampering is detected quickly. Digital signatures are particularly useful in situations where credibility and responsibility are essential, such as financial transactions and legal agreements.

Understanding the differences between these two concepts can help businesses make informed decisions about their data security protocols. By combining asymmetric encryption and digital signatures, companies can enhance their overall cybersecurity measures.

Source: https://dev.to/me_jessicahowe/major-difference-to-know-between-asymmetric-encryption-and-digital-signature-26jp 
 Did you know that using @Stable in Jetpack Compose can improve UI performance? According to recent findings, mutable objects often cause unexpected UI updates, but by employing @Stable, developers can control recompositions and ensure a smoother user experience. The question remains: when should you use @Stable over @Immutable? Discover the answers in this informative guide.

Source: https://dev.to/gorkemkara/mastering-stable-in-jetpack-compose-for-better-ui-performance-797 
 PostgreSQL Example Covers Common Features, Simulates Library System

A recent example on Dev.to demonstrates a comprehensive simulation of a library system using PostgreSQL, highlighting various common features of the database management system. The example showcases indexing, JSON data, stored procedures, and more, providing a solid foundation for understanding the power and flexibility of PostgreSQL.

Source: https://dev.to/truongpx396/example-that-covers-many-common-features-of-postgresql-25fd 
 Optimizing JavaScript Performance: Essential Guide for Web Developers

Are you tired of dealing with slow-loading web pages and frustrated users? JavaScript performance optimization is crucial to ensure a seamless user experience. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best practices for minification, bundling, and memory leak prevention.

Minification removes unnecessary characters from your code, reducing file sizes and improving loading times. Bundling, on the other hand, manages module dependencies and reduces HTTP requests. Using tools like Webpack or Gulp can streamline the process.

To prevent memory leaks, declare local variables instead of global ones, remove event listeners when elements are removed from the DOM, and break circular references. Use profiling tools to identify potential issues and track memory consumption over time.

By following these guidelines, you can write more efficient, maintainable, and error-free code. Start optimizing your JavaScript today and enjoy a better user experience!

Source: https://dev.to/irenejpopova/javascript-performance-optimisation-comprehensive-guide-3l0h 
 Exploring Django's Admin Pane: A Step-by-Step Guide

Source: https://dev.to/vincenttommi/setting-up-and-exploring-djangos-admin-pane-p34 
 Integrating a reliable PDF viewer into your React.js application can be a challenge. In this 2024 guide, we'll explore four methods to build a PDF viewer in React.js. From simple approaches like opening PDFs in a new tab or using an iFrame, to more customizable options like PDF.js and react-pdf, you'll learn how to choose the best approach for your project.

Whether it's displaying financial reports, sales invoices, research papers, or legal contracts, PDFs offer a versatile way to share content. In this article, we'll dive into the technical side of things and explore React PDF, a library that brings PDF viewing directly into your React or Next.js applications.

Source: https://dev.to/9haroon/best-4-methods-to-build-a-pdf-viewer-in-reactjs-pdfjs-react-pdf-and-more-2024-guide-1613 
 As Single Page Applications (SPAs) become increasingly popular, ensuring accessibility for all users is crucial. Top tools like Axe by Deque, Lighthouse, WAVE, Tenon, and HTML CodeSniffer can help developers identify and rectify accessibility issues. These tools offer automated testing capabilities, generate detailed reports, and provide insights into compliance with accessibility standards. By prioritizing accessibility, businesses can enhance their brand reputation and foster a more inclusive user experience.

Source: https://dev.to/purvituvar/top-tools-for-testing-accessibility-in-single-page-web-applications-2484 
 "Discover the SOLID principles for better software design! These five design principles aim to make software more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), Open/Closed Principle (OCP), Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) provide a framework for developers to create robust architecture in object-oriented programming. By adhering to these principles, developers can create systems that are easier to manage, extend, and refactor over time."

Source: https://dev.to/mrcaption49/solid-principles-2fjk 
 What is Data Observability for Data Lakes?

In today's data-driven world, organizations are increasingly relying on data lakes to store large volumes of data from various sources. However, ensuring the quality and reliability of this data can be a major challenge. This is where data observability comes in – a tool that enables comprehensive monitoring, management, and analysis of data within a data lake environment.

Data observability involves collecting and centralizing telemetry data, such as logs, metrics, traces, and security events, from various sources to ensure data accuracy, reliability, and performance across the entire data ecosystem. By implementing data observability, organizations can proactively detect issues, optimize data workflows, and maintain high data quality within their data lakes.

Data observability is essential for data lakes because it provides a 360-degree view of an organization's data, allowing IT professionals to monitor system performance in real-time, standardize data, speed up performance issues, mitigate reliability issues, improve analytics, manage capacities, and increase efficiency and productivity.

Source: https://dev.to/first_eigen/what-is-data-observability-for-data-lakes-2k22 
 Open-source video swipe feed app for web domains, now available!

Source: https://dev.to/atas/smooth-video-swipe-feed-web-app-open-source-4loj 
 Data Analyst Checklist: A Comprehensive Resource for Professionals

A new checklist has been released by Wilson Juma254, providing a comprehensive resource for data analysts. The checklist includes separate sections for SQL, Ms Excel, Power BI, Tableau, and Python, covering various aspects of data analysis.

Source: https://dev.to/wilsonjuma254/data-analyst-checklist-730 
 "EMQX MQTT Broker Now Available on Docker"

A lightweight messaging protocol, MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), has been gaining popularity in IoT applications due to its low-bandwidth and high-latency network capabilities. To deploy and scale MQTT efficiently, running it on Docker containers has become a popular solution. EMQX, an open-source MQTT broker, has now released its official Docker image, making it easier for developers to set up and manage their MQTT brokers.

This move allows users to benefit from rapid deployment, isolation, scalability, and portability, making it an attractive choice for large-scale IoT deployments. With clustering capabilities and persistence features, EMQX offers a powerful solution for handling data streams in real-time.

Source: https://dev.to/emqtech/running-emqx-mqtt-broker-on-docker-bonus-clustering-and-persistence-4mo3 
 A brief update from Dev.to! A user named Fran has shared a pen they created using templates on the platform. The comment includes emojis and a message encouraging others to continue doing well. This post highlights the creative potential of Dev.to's features.

Source: https://dev.to/frandesales/tres-en-raya-l4i 
 "TypeScript Tuples Explained"

Did you know that tuples in TypeScript can revolutionize your coding experience? In a recent article, we explored the concept of tuples and their significance in data analysis. For those who are new to type-level programming, tuples define sets of arrays with a fixed length, where each index can contain values of different types.

In this post, we'll delve into the world of TypeScript Tuples and explore their features and benefits. From representing structured data to ensuring type safety at compile-time, tuples have numerous applications in modern coding practices.

Whether you're working on a Vue.js project or simply looking for a more efficient way to represent data, tuples are an essential tool in your coding arsenal. So, let's dive into the world of TypeScript Tuples and discover their awesomeness!

Source: https://dev.to/irenejpopova/tuples-in-typescript-c45 
 ** API Fetch Conundrum for React Developers

As React developers, we're no strangers to using custom hooks or React Query to fetch data from APIs. However, a common challenge arises when we want to trigger these calls in response to specific events or parameter changes. This raises questions about how to implement this functionality without duplicating code.


Source: https://dev.to/shrish_e52c8269471f8840c6/react-question-about-api-fetch-53kn 
 Are you struggling with common ReactJS errors? Don't worry, you're not alone! In a recent article by Oliviarizona88, 5 common ReactJS errors were identified and solutions provided. These errors include:

* Conditionally calling hooks or using them inside loops or after early returns
* Calling `setState` during rendering or in lifecycle effects that trigger during rendering
* Rendering an object instead of a primitive value
* Infinite recursion caused by state updates triggering other state updates
* Failing to provide unique keys when rendering lists

Understanding React's rendering behavior and component lifecycle rules is key to fixing these errors. By following the provided solutions, developers can improve their ReactJS skills and build more efficient applications.

Source: https://dev.to/oliviarizona88/5-common-reactjs-errors-49km 
 Mobile app updates can be a frustrating experience for developers, requiring frequent platform checks and approvals. However, a new approach called Backend-Driven UI (BDUI) is changing the game. BDUI transfers business logic and functionality to the server side, allowing for dynamic and flexible updates without resubmitting the app. With this approach, developers can add or update features on the fly, streamlining the process and enhancing user experience.

Source: https://dev.to/zorian/the-secret-to-effortless-app-updates-explained-in-2-minutes-30a8 
 When encountering the error message "Network file descriptor is not connected," it's essential to understand its root cause. This common issue arises when attempting to communicate through a socket that does not have a valid network connection.

The error can be attributed to various factors, including forgetting to call the connect function in programming languages like C or Python, network connections being interrupted due to failures or server shutdowns, and file descriptor reuse issues.

To resolve this error, it's crucial to carefully check network operation code to ensure that sockets are correctly connected to target servers. Additionally, adding appropriate error-handling mechanisms can help detect connection interruptions and re-establish connections when necessary.

Source: https://dev.to/carrie_luo1/guide-to-addressing-network-file-descriptor-is-not-connected-4c33 
 The Rise of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, websites and online services require efficient content delivery to ensure a seamless user experience. This is where Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) come in. CDNs are distributed networks of servers that optimize the speed and performance of website content, reducing latency and improving overall accessibility.

According to experts, CDNs play a crucial role in addressing several critical challenges, including improved performance, scalability, reduced bandwidth costs, increased reliability, and enhanced security. By deploying edge servers globally, CDNs minimize the distance between content and users, resulting in faster page loading times and glitch-free content viewing.

Some of the key benefits of implementing a CDN include:

* Faster content delivery
* Improved user experience
* Increased scalability
* Reduced bandwidth costs
* Enhanced reliability
* Improved security

In this age of digital transformation, CDNs have become an essential component of modern web infrastructure. Whether you're a website administrator or an online service provider, understanding the role and benefits of CDNs is crucial for delivering high-quality content to your users.

Source: https://dev.to/certera_/detailed-guide-on-content-delivery-networks-a6j 
 Create APIs in 5 Minutes with Python using FastAPI - A Quick Guide

Recently, the development community has witnessed the rise of FastAPI, a modern Python framework that enables developers to build powerful web applications. With FastAPI, creating APIs in just 5 minutes is now possible! In this brief guide, we'll explore how to set up and start building your own API using Python.

Source: https://dev.to/shelwyn_corte/create-apis-in-5-minutes-with-python-3b3p 
 ** Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing digital patient engagement solutions in healthcare. These technologies analyze vast amounts of data, turning it into insights that help providers understand patients' unique needs. AI-powered systems can create personalized treatment plans, send reminders, and enhance patient-provider communication. By automating routine tasks and offering deeper insights, AI frees up healthcare professionals to focus on what matters most - the human connection.


Source: https://dev.to/erik_panderson_b7f2c59501/ai-and-machine-learning-in-digital-patient-engagement-solutions-revolutionizing-personalized-care-5c62 
 Update Google Chrome on Ubuntu with Ease! 

To update Google Chrome on your Ubuntu system, simply follow these steps: `sudo apt update` followed by `sudo apt --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable`. This ensures you're running the latest version of Chrome.

Source: https://dev.to/mwacharo6/how-to-update-chrome-in-ubuntu-3bk6