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 today is international houthis are based day 

thank the houthis for sticking it to zog and the illegitimated terror state known as Pissreal


 Mask off moment. ;D 
 she's spouting marxoid ideology, reality takes a back seat to her personal ideas of female empowerment, ig being a childless harpy or chad's cumdump is preferable than living in a healthy society 
 had a panic attack this weekend lfggg 
 I never had one, what's it like? 
 My turn offs are Ugg boots and blue hair

 it's tattoos for me 
 I can't tell what happened, cardiac arrest? 
 one of the roastoids I work with keeps telling me how much she appreciates me

am I having an autism moment and she just wants the D? 
 boomer advice, always cucking to the so called left

identify as white and kill anybody who doesn't like you 

 I'll be honest, as an actual European I've always been disgusted by muttoids who claim whatever heritage despite being several generations removed

I guess that's marginally better than the "white" american whose family totally severed ties when they came over here 

but it's not like it matters anyway, if you mulatto mutt monsters have your way the entire world will become you

 midwits doubt the natsocs because they think they can convince minorities into suiciding themselves just as they have 
 this is actually his twin brother le'tarded, le'genius is currently inventing a non-chirping smoke alarm 
 I count 15 trannies out of 30. 
 it's somewhere around there 
 It is ironic for me to write this out considering I am drunk right now even though I told myself ... 
 do you want me to be honest or do you want me to give you hollow encouragement? 
 true neutral 
 I don't really get the morality of DND 
 @☃️:architect:elftummy🍟🏔️ is neutral evil on the alignment chart 
 Who is this? 

Russian nationalist famous for going around beating on fags, he was killed in prison 
 He promised to appoint a sheboon so I dunno 

I hope it's some uppity boon 
 >Salten was born Siegmund Salzmann on 6 September 1869 in Pest, Austria-Hungary. His father was Fülöp Salzmann, the telegraph office's clerk in Pest; his mother was Maria Singer.[1] He was the grandson of an Orthodox rabbi. When he was four weeks old, his family relocated to Vienna, as many Jews did after the Imperial government had granted full citizenship rights to Jews in 1867.

>Salten is now considered the probable author of a successful erotic novel, Josephine Mutzenbacher: The Life Story of a Viennese Whore, as Told by Herself published anonymously in 1906, filled with social criticism.

>The plot device employed in Josephine Mutzenbacher is that of first-person narrative, structured in the format of a memoir. The story is told from the point of view of an accomplished aging 50-year-old Viennese courtesan who is looking back upon the sexual escapades she enjoyed during her unbridled youth in Vienna. Contrary to the title, almost the entirety of the book takes place when Josephine is between the ages of 5–13 years old, before she actually becomes a licensed prostitute in the brothels of Vienna. 

oh nyooo

 No its not but the whole "rape culture" meme really damaged relationships between normie men and ... 
 I'd argue that it was no fault divorce that put the nail in the coffin of normal gender relations 
 you know what
i am tired of problems
it's over
i'll have no problems ever again 
 it's not over 
 Do not have sex with N3. he has no idea where the g spot is 
 >The G-spot, also known as the Gräfenberg area or Gräfenberg spot

guess what 
I mean, whatever get... 
 >"It is with great sadness that I inform you that my best friend Maria Creveling passed away peacefully in her sleep yesterday,"
>tranny peacefully died in his sleep at 24

must have been of a broken heart

 >He said the prosecutors, accompanied by FBI agents in the Miami jail where Tarrio was being held at the time, showed him messages that he exchanged with a second person, who in turn was connected to a third person who was connected to Trump. Tarrio said he told the investigators that he didn’t know the third person. 

he got gayopped 
 the whole time I'm watching this hole ramble I can't ignore how gross her make-up is 
 nitter.poast.org/Molson_Hart/status/1702153579836973471#m interestingly a lot of these women are ... 
 >I do this to invest

disgust with the world quota met for today 
 why niggers never check the bio? they spell it all out for you

this neurotic cunt mess of a person turned their kids gay, apparently they also use a mobility scooter

 almost said happy 9/11 to somebody today 
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 it would be funny if it weren't so sad 
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 I don't think conservative men think though 
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 it sounds like you're talking about sports 
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 Black women choose to get dicked down by tyreese and raise his bastard children DESPITE him not providing any familial support, that's essentially my argument why it's a matriarchy 
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 these niggers are giving frogs a bad name 
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 horrendous take, abysmal 
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 I was about to ask the same thing, what the fug 
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 she's cute 
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 if boomers were the selfish generation the gen xers were the loser generation who never really progressed past their collage party days 
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 leftoids do this particular thing where they list their various victimhood statuses and then a thing or two about their "personality" like consooming certain product and liking cats or dogs

it's so cookie-cutter you could think they were bots ran by some demonic AI 
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 ZOG would get rocked by Iran and they know it 
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 egyptian bros? 
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 what am I supposed to be mad at today? 
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 women who read give me the big ick 
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 why is grandma being so casual about this? 
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 you're acting like a complete retard 
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 Since they can't be an intergenerational holocaust survivor or a nigger they have to stack victim bonuses 
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 about 30 dollars for that? 
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 okay I think I'm reading too much into it