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 There is a real lack of understanding in just how fucked up the algos are, and how much power we ... 
 There is a real lack of understanding in just how fucked up the algos are, and how much power we gain in not being manipulated by them. We could be using the internet to do something extraordinary, and instead it is being used primarily to sell us shit and keep us scared. The whole of humanity is being fed lies and distortions through centralized social media that is designed to keep everyone asleep and unaware of their real power.

Now that there is no longer gatekeepers to what can be said to a global audience we have the power to shape a real unadulterated narrative; also known as the truth. The power of censorship to have molded a false global narrative is one of the pillars of the power structure that keep people divided over petty and impractical differences that can now be shown for what they are: manipulation tactics through the algos to keep everyone disempowered. We now have the ability to reclaim our voices in a way that no one can stomp out. What is to come and the changes that are to be ushered in will surprise all of us in the most remarkable of ways. 
 That's why you never fall asleep first. 
 NATO's 75th Anniversary: The Broken Promises That Led to War - Antiwar.com

I know many have a hard time with looking at history to understand how we got to where we are today. Especially if it doesn't help their arguments. Looking at the world as a set of good guys vs. bad guys is naive. 

This article outlines how NATO made and broke promises over the last 30 years. Do not mistake this for excusing reactions to these broken promises. There is not excuse. It is simply part of the story that isn't really expressed. In time it will be. Just as we all know how the US made and broke promises to the Native Americans over and over again. Just as we know that Hitler made and broke promises over and over again.

The world saw that Hitler could not be trusted. Sitting Bull saw that the US government could not be trusted and I hope one day we will all see that governments in general cannot be trusted. All promises made are only as good as the political whims of the person in power. 

History isn't only about dates and events. Its about understanding multiple perspectives of what happened to get a better picture. If you first seek to understand instead of pick sides the picture becomes more clear.

> On February 9, 1990, US Secretary of State James Baker famously offered Gorbachev a choice: either a united but independent Germany outside of NATO or a united Germany connected to NATO “but with the guarantee that NATO’s jurisdiction or troops will not spread east of the present boundary.” Baker later disavowed these words, saying it was merely a hypothetical question, but declassified documents refute Baker by adding his next statement. After Gorbachev replied, “It goes without saying that a broadening of the NATO zone is not acceptable,” Baker responded, “We agree with that.”

originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/604878 
 “When someone asks for a government program, he is saying in effect: Tell the police to use the... 
 “When someone asks for a government program, he is saying in effect: Tell the police to use their guns to get me what I want.” - Harry Browne 
 #GrapheneOS version 2024053100 released. Duress Password is finally here. 

- add support for setting a duress password and PIN for quickly wiping all hardware keystore keys including keys used as part of deriving the key encryption keys for disk encryption to make all OS data unrecoverable followed by wiping eSIMs and then shutting down

- disable unused adoptable storage support since it would complicate duress password support (support can be added if we ever support a device able to use it)

- increase default max password length to 128 to improve support for strong diceware passphrases, which will become more practical for people who don't want biometric-only secondary unlock with our upcoming 2-factor fingerprint unlock feature

- disable camera lockscreen shortcut functionality when camera access while locked is disabled to avoid the possibility of misconfiguration by adding the camera lockscreen shortcut and then forgetting to remove it when disabling camera access

- kernel (5.15): update to latest GKI LTS branch revision including update to 5.15.153

- kernel (6.1): update to latest GKI LTS branch revision

- Vanadium: update to version 125.0.6422.147.0

- GmsCompatConfig: update to version 115

-make SystemUI tests compatible with GrapheneOS changes

 #GrapheneOS version 2024053100 released. Duress Password is finally here. 

- add support for setting a duress password and PIN for quickly wiping all hardware keystore keys including keys used as part of deriving the key encryption keys for disk encryption to make all OS data unrecoverable followed by wiping eSIMs and then shutting down

- disable unused adoptable storage support since it would complicate duress password support (support can be added if we ever support a device able to use it)

- increase default max password length to 128 to improve support for strong diceware passphrases, which will become more practical for people who don't want biometric-only secondary unlock with our upcoming 2-factor fingerprint unlock feature

- disable camera lockscreen shortcut functionality when camera access while locked is disabled to avoid the possibility of misconfiguration by adding the camera lockscreen shortcut and then forgetting to remove it when disabling camera access

- kernel (5.15): update to latest GKI LTS branch revision including update to 5.15.153

- kernel (6.1): update to latest GKI LTS branch revision

- Vanadium: update to version 125.0.6422.147.0

- GmsCompatConfig: update to version 115

-make SystemUI tests compatible with GrapheneOS changes

 A legal defense fund for non-custodial tools. Very cool:

What's your favorite emoji? 
 🖕🏻 but that's because it gets used the most 
 Looks like my handiwork!

 ⚡ BREAKING⚡ State-sponsored hackers have been secretly infecting systems in Western countries with #Kapeka malware. 🕵️

But now, cybersecurity experts are on their trail!

Here's everything you need to know about the latest Russian cyberattack: 👉 https://tuta.com/blog/kapeka-malware-russia 
 Read just the first chapter of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" (free via Project Gutenberg etc) a... 
 Read just the first chapter of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" (free via Project Gutenberg etc) and tell me that he didn't have his finger precisely on the pulse — in the 1850s — of the root cause of the authoritarian war for majoritarian supremacy that we're witnessing today. Censorship, the compelled worship of an ever-shifting orthodoxy, the construction and desecration of idols before the temple of consensus— it's all the same thing, arising from the same source, and awaiting a similar solution. In times of trouble, we should look more to our history. 

Read your Mill, brothers. 
 Savage! 🤣🤣