Oddbean new post about | logout
 There is a real lack of understanding in just how fucked up the algos are, and how much power we gain in not being manipulated by them. We could be using the internet to do something extraordinary, and instead it is being used primarily to sell us shit and keep us scared. The whole of humanity is being fed lies and distortions through centralized social media that is designed to keep everyone asleep and unaware of their real power.

Now that there is no longer gatekeepers to what can be said to a global audience we have the power to shape a real unadulterated narrative; also known as the truth. The power of censorship to have molded a false global narrative is one of the pillars of the power structure that keep people divided over petty and impractical differences that can now be shown for what they are: manipulation tactics through the algos to keep everyone disempowered. We now have the ability to reclaim our voices in a way that no one can stomp out. What is to come and the changes that are to be ushered in will surprise all of us in the most remarkable of ways. 
 #Nostr takes us back to the roots of the internet, connectivity. We are reverting in a sense to first principles and rebuilding. 
 Control over thought is arguably the last thing keeping the parasites in power. 
 The brush fires of liberty have once again been reignited. New ways of governance will be created on these very rails. The legacy hierarchy will not relinquish the reigns so easily. Is there a peaceful solution? Perhaps noncompliance with the obviously corrupt rules that have been used for a century to hold us in check; primarily the system of taxation? The fiat system must be bled of its life force; fiat money. This system we are using to communicate right now with words and sats/money is ready to be used to do so. Selling your dollars to Bitcoin is a good start. 
 That's my favorite part of nostr.  No algo bullshit.   
 True no algos🤯😊

…but plenty o  bullsh*t🤔

…sumtimes it’s the best part🙈😂😂😂 
 I’ve become hyper sensitive to anybody trying to make me scared.  I immediately move it to the algo propaganda bin.  

I have a hope and I refuse to live in fear. 
 Love you 
 Thanks Eric!
I believe we are on that route in certain places, but the change might take way to long and the “controlling entities” still have a lot of power to annihilate a lot of people psychologically and even physically.

It’s a professional media machine with all the bells and whistles, and on the other end are people, who are normally very stubborn. It’s very hard to change an opinion which has been formed for multiple decades. Hard to acknowledge that you have unknowingly supported a deliberate killing of innocents, propagation of the parasite institutions.
It’s much easier to remain where you were - in a camp of “good people”.

The only thing is that the centralized narrative is truly collapsing.. And the goal is indeed to build the narratives, the relationships, the system, which work. So that when the collapse accelerates the new system does not collapse with the old. 
 We're waking up to the fact that the internet's been used mostly to sell us stuff and keep us scared. But now, without gatekeepers, we can share our own stories and truths. This shift is giving us a chance to connect on a deeper level, and it's just beginning. 
 Can't stop the signal! 
 There is a real lack of understanding in just how fucked up the algos are, and how much power we gain in not being manipulated by them. We could be using the internet to do something extraordinary, and instead it is being used primarily to sell us shit and keep us scared. The whole of humanity is being fed lies and distortions through centralized social media that is designed to keep everyone asleep and unaware of their real power.

Now that there is no longer gatekeepers to what can be said to a global audience we have the power to shape a real unadulterated narrative; also known as the truth. The power of censorship to have molded a false global narrative is one of the pillars of the power structure that keep people divided over petty and impractical differences that can now be shown for what they are: manipulation tactics through the algos to keep everyone disempowered. We now have the ability to reclaim our voices in a way that no one can stomp out. What is to come and the changes that are to be ushered in will surprise all of us in the most remarkable of ways. 
 Heed our words ✊ 
 It’s not just truth censorship, it’s the promotion of lies too. Just look at the impact that had on the UK a few weeks back.

People are incentived to make things up for engagement, that’s also pretty terrible.

Happy to be here. 
 So if all X users move to Nostr, this will not change into what X is now you think? 
 I think not, because here you just see the people you follow (I think) 
 No, because nostr doesn't feed you agitating content, and you can choose and build your own algorithms with certain clients, lile Amethyst. Or you can build your own. 
 Can you explain how to build an algorithm on amethyst?: 
 Not a developer so don't know the details. But they are called "DVMs", that much I know. 
 Yeah, X algos have become especially toxic, you only really realize after using nostr for a while. 
 Ex soldier. Anti War. Guernica! 

I've often said there were/are second order of effect consequences from the aglos manipulating how we think and solve problems. 
 My question is how and what are the action items to change it.
More and more are talking about what is happening in our society but very few actually have an idea that can stick and become widely accepted. 
Free speech is the engine but the engine has to run on a path where more and more humans are joining  this path.
Been thinking of this issue for quite a while but no clear call to action so far so maybe it's the place to start something. 
As I see it, humanity is moving to live on the clouds , follow the herd and disconnect from earth, I choose to live on earth and use the benefits of the cloud,use the 'don't trust,verify' approach on publications that I consider important to me.  
 Such a better place here!! 
 Social media platforms literally hire PHDs to figure it how to better sell us shit and advertise. That’s all they care about. 
 Eric, you  more than anyone I’ve met in the Bitcoin space, have given me permission to say the simple word “no”

You highlight this with posts like this so so well. “No” I do not have to give my time & energy to a system that doesn’t care about me

Not just does this come down to our money, but also where we choose to spend time online, & how we talk to each other 

Inspiring stuff 

Deep down it’s so obvious what’s more important. I am guilty of letting the fiat mind creep back in

“Oh how can I promote my business if I don’t use X?” Or “I’ve spent years creating content, I can’t walk away from it, can I?”

Time to build a whole new world isn’t it! 

Ps - I am just remember how all the social media companies were censoring on behalf of the Australian government anyone with a counter narrative to Covid. Yes this was when I really started to pay attention to censored communication. & yes, central Melbourne in 2020/21/22 lockdowns was as close to living hell as I’ve ever been 
 Do you still live in Melbourne brother?
They shot rubber bullets at people for not taking an illegal experimental jab !!!!
How can anyone possibly live in Australia after that? 
 I've moved to Byron Bay. Took a few years, but we wanted to try something different

I was at a protest with my wife & daughter when the police started firing those bullets

Absolute madness

 I also live in Australia but am leaving for El Salvador as unforgivable what they did here and exposed who they really are
I am all in Bitcoin including Super 
Hope you can join me and exit FIAT 
Bitcoin is hope!!! 
 If I was more mobile, ie didn’t have a young family, then for sure I’d be looking at a similar move

But for now decided to make the best of the situation on the ground here 

Plus sceptical of “out of the pan into the flame” type vibes ie make a big move to the wrong place 

Time will tell if just procrastination… don’t own any physical real estate any longer in favour of btc 

So in theory we can go whenever! Got to get baby 3 born first, due in 2 weeks, then update the plan 
 This seems to be a common answer for those with families which is understandable 

I want to help Bitcoiners with this dilemma 
Am curious if you would move if there was free accommodation for six months ?

There are a lot of families from Australia and Canada in El Salvador also  
 It’s not a cost thing per say, but more of a family ties thing 

Tbh there is so much that goes into this type of decision! 
 Thats a long journey from Aus! Good thing is you can spend with lighning there. Crypto to Fiat becoming extremely difficult with all the KYC and AML. 
 Image when there was only MSM...  
 If people want to get more truth from nostr, we have to wholly reject the mind virus culture of proud ignorance, which I see explicitly encouraged on almost a daily basis here.

Have a contrarian take/meme? Back it up. 
 I don't think people realize how much their minds are being hacked and manipulated. 
 I think people know or at least feel it and like it. It’s comfortable to be told how to
Think and act. It’s very hard to move in opposition to the herd. 
 Question: Is there a book or other resource, which describes how the algos are built/used in some specific detail, and the effect they're having on people? #asknostr

 How do we know Nostr won't feed us algos? Primal could implement similar right? Same for the relays?  
 Change clients and see what the difference gives you. 
 any thoughts on how it will play out? do you expect any client to keep away from algos/filters at all?  
 yeah, I made a post on it  below. But technically speaking, it is possible that algos are serve to users. The key as @erikcason said, exercise your client options.

 You’ll be able to choose the algorithm that’s right to your preferences. 
 On Jack Mallers' most recent podcast, the other guy who does the show with him was saying something like "twitter still works fine". It's not until you step outside the forced algorithm world of centralized platforms that you see how awful their algos are for you. 
 psychologically weaponized narcissism via a spectrum of captured institutions.  gpt, congress, newspaper, tiktok trends, makeup 
 The vibration of the truth always wants to rise as there is no higher frequency,you can't stop it just like Bitcoin no matter how hard you try !!! 
 Always a powerful message so eloquently expressed. 
 Who invented the algo thing?  #Twitter 
 Global has no alto except your mutes 
 These wise words got you another follower 👏🫶 
 Everything should be disintermediated, algos too... Wrote a very short piece on autocomplete's threat to democracy here.

 What do you think the change will be and how will it come about? 
 Yup it's incredibly fucked up. nostr:nevent1qqszfmpdtcc43k7asp62p5zhf94aqgvlsfdnt2q8rmm9m5a5ctwz3ucpzamhxue69uhkzarvv9ejumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgtczyphydppzm7m554ecwq4gsgaek2qk32atse2l4t9ks57dpms4mmhfxqcyqqqqqqgfg6t5w