Might be able to run your own dojo, connect your Whirlpool wallet to it, and you're fine. But I don't know that for sure.
Worst case, it's a donation to the Bitcoin community.
Every note you post with an image looks broken on my end. The link to the image is connected to the end of your text, like: "back.https".
I'm on amethyst, not sure if it's just my client
Is this why unleashed is timing out all the time
I'm trying to run the Bitcoin for functional tests in GitHub code spaces but get Error: no RPC connection
Is this possible? How retarded am I for trying to do this in code spaces?
Current shitcoin of interest seems to be federated ecash
I think the samurai guys like CTV but I haven't looked into that much
Please lmk if there are others I should consider
Notes by a3ddc9ee | export