Cade os ancap, os libertario que passam o dia todo fazendo porra nenhuma nas redes sociais pra criticar a pec contra a escala 6x1?
Pessoal, fiz um experimento para assar a castanha no fogão mesmo 🤣 Acho que valeu a pena.
isso consome tudo nem precisa ferver, come bastante castanha de caju crua. aff
mano a castanha é sempre torrada por 1 motivo, não divulga o consumo dela fervida não
this day was fun as in hell. #jesus #bible #catholic #christian
Freedom isn't free, but it is cheap and very much worth it.
freedom is free, it's just your desires of lust that isn't.
think about it again, that's self explanatory to you.
which one's truth you talking about?
You drive up to church today and see this. What's your reaction?
same feeling as this, the problem is with religions and creationism bullshit.
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