Pardon my shock as COVID is not even an issue in the election!
The biggest fuck you to everyone in generations is memory holed
The Quash podcast strips everything and all myths away about what the government is allowed to do and how they just do whatever they want
The only tool we have to legally fight these monsters is Jury Nullification
If you think Trump is going to save the Union
You are as delusional as any libtard that thinks KamaLOL is capable of anything at all
It’s already too late
Yes, THIS.
every time I contemplate how to “fix” the Empire, the largest and most corrupt Empire in History I immediately realize it is unfixable
We have 2 choices: let entropy take its course or just abolish the whole damn thing and start over, allowing states to collaborate voluntarily with other states
Trump is not going to fix anything that is above the president’s pay grade
The banks are always the problem back to the revolution
It is breathtaking how incompetent the State of North Carolina is
At the DMV with my daughter
The lesson is clear
The state does not give a shit about you, and it’s core value is antagonism
As one could imagine, the DMV system went down for hours and paused all processes.
3 places from the front of the line, a state work checked our docs out voluntarily…
The kind, fat, lazy state work told us that due to a technicality our paperwork was Not In Order
He actually saved us a few hours of standing in line
I’m thinking of setting up a DMV Negative GDP Value Calculator web page where folks can enter their ridonkulus stories and time and or money wasted by the DMV
Notes by deeznuts | export