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Notes by Fawkes | export

 Moldova's population seems to be well informed, the propaga machine of Europe is failing together with their economy. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes... 

Their Parliament voted to include the referendum in the presidential elections of today 20th of October... Wonder who pay corrupted officials to add the referendum considering most of the population is completely against it...

🇲🇩 94.84% of the referendum participants who voted in the Gagauz autonomy of Moldova expressed opposition to the republic's accession to the European Union


###Treating yourself to a lie-in could slash the risk of getting dementia by more than 70 per cent, study finds###

Researchers from National Taiwan University Hospital, in Taipei, Taiwan, tracked 215 men and women aged 65 or over for two years.

The volunteers kept sleep diaries and wore accelerometers – wrist-watch like devices that monitor when the body is moving or motionless – to record sleeping times.

Researchers then analysed what proportion developed cognitive dysfunction – an early warning sign for dementia.

The results showed roughly half the volunteers enjoyed a weekend lie-in to catch up on sleep they had missed during the week.

As a result, they were 74 per cent less likely to have deteriorating cognitive function than those who did not stay in bed.

Weekend catch-up sleep has previously been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks, ward off obesity, keep depression at bay and even help people live longer. 

Have you wonder what is wrong with western medical systems?

Here my two cents:

I have learned that if the country has a predominantly private medical system, the medical schools will teach doctors to focus on symptoms and not the root cause, moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is highly motivated to keep patients with chromic illness on treatments and not cured

Countries that have their health system public have the opposite approach, those countries have a very strong incentive to cure the patient instead to manage their condition for profit, even the pharma industry being public, focuses on cure instead of management of conditions since it is more cost effective for the government

Money corrupts, mixing health and money is wrong and the proof is in the pudding

 I do all my book reading on a Kindle, color? Don't think I would like that, my Kindle is perfect as it us, simple , B&W,load books, read books, unload books

And while in the road, if alone, my Kindle travels with me too.  
 At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V, with Precise ICP-MS 



 Cancer Patients See Miraculous Recoveries After Taking Ivermectin



If you haven't follow the work of Dr David Sinclair you are missing out trove of excellent information oriented to slow down aging, 

He provides tips and protocols you can do today that could change your life
