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 "Instead, if we accept the reality of #ClimateBreakdown, we have a chance to make amends and save as much of the natural world as possible while we still have a relatively intact society with the social order to get things done. Think orderly descent — powering down the global enterprise."


dear #ClimateDiary I didnt want to listen to @1d30d2ec when he talked about #Hopium . I need it to keep me from crying all day. But maybe its time for the the real #ClimateGrief 
 Guten Morgen mit einer Erinnerung an diesen Tag vor 33 Jahren:

Meine Eltern stellen den Fernsehe... 
 @1db93fe1 habe einige Antworten gelesen. meine Erinnerung an 3. Oktober - meine Mutter schimpft, dass das zu schnell war mit der Wiedervereinigung. Dass man erstmal hätte ein Ost- und ein West-Deutschland haben müssen. Dass mehr Menschen hätten mit entscheiden sollen.

ich denke öfter daran, ob es geholfen hätte etwas länger zu warten und zu schauen ob die zwei Deutschlands zusammen wachsen könnten. 
 Dear #ClimateDiary It seems there is some hope "Renewables are so cheap they’re getting built because they make money – at the expense of old fossil fuel plants." 

with a huge But
"Achieving net zero at this late stage will mean overshooting 1.5℃ – and then using trees and negative emissions technologies at a very large scale to bring us back to that level.
This will take the creation of a whole new industry of atmospheric greenhouse gas removal and decades of effort."

 Just read about the bunkers where ulta-rich people want to wait out all #ClimateCatastrophe https://www.forbes.com/sites/emmareynolds/2022/12/05/inside-oppidums-luxury-underground-residences-where-the-ultra-wealthy-plan-on-living-out-the-end-of-the-world/?sh=ae24f371a188

I could not see how they want to do fresh water?

also read a post about how sunk cost fallacy might encourage some people to actually wish for desaster and not caring for prevention.

Can´t express my feelings right now. But having feelings about this for sure.

 People are going to pay 50.000$ to see the last glaciers before they die. and they dont mind catching covid or getting stuck.

"The number of cruise ships in Greenland has risen 50 per cent in the past year to 600, Jensen said. Last year, the Joint Arctic Command did one medical evacuation and so far this year has done five"

