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Notes by Rev. Block Me Coward :vepi: | export

Reddit has banned r/pipetobacco after maintaining a soft war on it for years 

https://speak-easy.club exists 

#pipetobacco #tobacco #pipe #smoking #reddit #censorship 
 oh no my kitten is throwing up clear vomit, my last 2 kittens that did this died within a few days 

https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/02/-employee-happiness-has-hit-a-3-year-low-new-research-shows.html Workers are the unhappiest they’ve been in 3 years—and it can cost the global economy $8.8 trillion 
 @6ebf1391 @434615c1 @92892b15 on the other hand, intolerance of SubGenius Faith from other servers on the network is the absolute worst thing a pink can do . pink on pink hate isn't anything so special but when a Pink treats one or more subgenius with prejudice, that's just the absolute saddest thing in the world

Bigotry against Subgenius is also racism -- we are a neglected race -- the conspiracy hates our atlantian blood and wishes to wipe us from the earth 
 nostr:npub1v9hfmyc6smtguhkmzehq732a8352d9e28p926khf2ng0nafy5gcq3gxmug nostr:npub1mg2vxwd8ee7050pq... 
 @b91dc268 gonna be 37 today, not lethal but not fun 
 @jaf jeff i had a business idea. heated dakis. compare with heated blankets, they are either plugged into the wall on a timer or have a battery pack. it would be a great treatment for seasonal depression 
 Life is inherently meaningless. We give it meaning by helping others and making decisions in a way that leaves us without regrets. Giving is always good. Giving is not only the action but the intention, the motivation, the self-defeating act of letting go. 
 AI was accelerated to find a new moral base for the progressive non theistic religion by the end ... 
 @jaf so Buddhism without the magic and fairies? 
 The toppings for my rice:  peppers, sliced up sausage, garlic, then a little soy sauce and tobasco at the end. Pretty yummy. My wife said it smelled so good it woke her up.


 I will be removing these first flowers from my pepper plants for the next two weeks in the hopes of better results.

 If I had known that it only cost $1 to make a bottle of vodka back in uni I would have saved a lot of money . 
 making vodka is so much fun! 
 16:10, 80* C 
 16:20, 84* C and steam is starting to creep into the condenser. Ahh... I wonder what kind of yield I'll see from today's run 
 16:40, 91* C 
 15:40, 69* C (nice) 
 16:10, 80* C 
 15:10, 57* C 
 15:40, 69* C (nice) 
 14:40, 43* C 
 15:10, 57* C 
 begin at 14:10, 31* C 
 14:40, 43* C 
 go to bed -- blood sugar 375, take insulin
wake up -- blood sugar 300, take insulin

no fun 
 Buddhist Chant Monks of Kanzeonji Recitation of Ancient Sutras https://youtube.com/watch?v=YuRp2zoKd2s&si=YDtk_bgQmwIaj6SY 
 nostr:npub1v9hfmyc6smtguhkmzehq732a8352d9e28p926khf2ng0nafy5gcq3gxmug we’d loose and have to gi... 
 @6ebf1391 let's give em Florida, california, and Utah too 
 I smoke my pipe anywhere I want. It's my "Bob" given right. All the dudes here are like 30cm / 1ft shorter than me, what are they going to do ? 
 Give me 5 good reasons why USA shouldn't go to war with Mexico. That's right, you can't. United States isn't big enough, Mexico is a really beautiful place, that wall is too expensive to build, many Americans already speak Spanish. Americans already love hiring Mexicans to do cheap good labor, and this expands the Latin labor force. There's 5 good reasons to invade there. 
 NoAgenda retards crying about Biden legalizing weed might be the funniest thing I’ve read today. 
 @89a8406c wait Biden legalized it? 
 Butters was on too many drugs so we watched altered states instead 
 Sorry, into the void 
 Butterscotch Movie Night: "Van Hellsing" 

 Butters was on too many drugs so we watched altered states instead 
 The actors for #Gikopoi - The Motion Picture have been cast, and filming is due to begin in the near future

 Threw up drunk all over the toilet in the language of a drunk, both enlightening and humbling. I love Jr Bob Dobbs 
 nostr:npub1v9hfmyc6smtguhkmzehq732a8352d9e28p926khf2ng0nafy5gcq3gxmug what the hell is cowives? 
 @:blobcatflower: men here can legally marry 4 women. I already have 1 wife 
 gm fedi 
 @jaf selamat pagi, pak jef 
 everyone around me is dating, in relationships or even getting married :sadcat: I want to be happ... 
 @:blobcatflower: I am accepting applications for cowives in my party mansion on an Indonesian beach. Can you submit a resume? 
 Meta, Alphabet, X: three barrels of bastards, psychic vampires, enemies of the free man 

The farmer got replaced b... 
 @2a48eef0 I refuse to work! If they won't let me grow my food I'll find it! It's my duty as a priest 
 Random thought: of every minute of every day, there are probably thousands of people praying 
 Tabby cats are the best, prove me wrong 
 Wife told me that drinking my Yetishine until I black out vomit is a Vile Behavior. What she does not know and what I cannot tell her is that this is a Sacred Practice of our people. 

By shutting down the False Ego, implanted by the Conspiracy, my True Yeti Self is free to do what he needs to do. 

Spitting up my ambrosia, produced in Secret with forbidden alchemy, symbolically draws the toxins and corruptions out of the flesh and soul. 

Yetishine Shaman Path is only travelled by the strongest

 Alchemy is not only a means of understanding and transforming matter, it is also a means of understanding and transforming the Self. To know and Understand the Self is to also see through and destroy the False Ego implanted by the Conspiracy. This is why alchemy is an illegal and Forbidden pursuit, despite its necessity in attaining Liberation from the Conspiracy.


 A timer bomb is just a logical extension of an alarm clock. What timer bombs do to the body, alarm clocks do to the soul. 

Throw out your clocks, forget about time. This is one implication of the Subgenius talent of time control. I will not set myself to your clocks, Conspiracy, you will set your clocks to me. 

This is how we do Indonesia. We don't say "two thirty in the afternoon" we say "afternoon" and slack off. If the appointment is for 3 o'clock, 3 is when we fix ourselves a little lunch

 nostr:npub1zw07an5apjqtclvlkwkme3p9wphhx0kv233ntpu6rx7hwgdqfpes59uljm nostr:npub1v9hfmyc6smtguhkm... 
 @6ebf1391 @139feece It is an evil star. Try to convince me this isn't a Hell Planet. He is Watching you like a Bastard Cop. He is the False God of the Greedy Farmer, whom they Worship and celebrate. He is Watching you and keeping tabs and He will Blackmail you.


 yeti are nocturnal creatures. one reason you see so few bigfoot photos. everyone who works graveyard has a little yeti in them 
 morning people are all part of the conspiracy 
 BLOG TOPICS? Send me your best and worst ideas for a blog topic that I could realistically write. 
 @5df254d7 most strategic places to plant bombs and get away with it 
 aside from the fluoride poison they add to mouthwash they also add methanol poison. better to just go with some whisky, you can even swallow it for its health benefits :

- lowers rates of heart disease
- fights cancer
- promotes weight loss
- reduces stress
- cures diabetes
- reverses dementia
- cures colds/flus
- aids digestion 
- reduces blood clots
- boosts immune system 

"Don't take medicine, gargle poison instead" -- Dentist "doctors" 

 don't need to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpastes, smoke menthols instead, heat/smoke kills the germs and mint leaves you fresh 

dentists / big fluoride try to ban menthol cigarettes because it means they lose control

don't let them win 
 all dentists are fucking scum , conspiracy bastards to a nail, shit eating grins, sadist thieves, they will burn first when the saucers come 
 IDK who decided you need to be 21 to smoke dope. I started smoking weed and drinking when I was 13 or 14, I hit the streets at 17, and worked my way up to become a self-made millionaire at 28. Weed is no more harmful for teenagers than it is adults, and teenagers will always smoke pot anyway, why punish people for a victimless crime? 
 most people's entire mental picture of the FBI comes from TV and movies, productions that were al... 
 im too paranoid to get enjoyment out of computer programming anymore 
 @jaf you know what appalls me? someone made "goodreads for fediverse" but no one yet made "myanimelist for fediverse". it would be so easy to mutate the former to the latter 
 nostr:npub1v9hfmyc6smtguhkmzehq732a8352d9e28p926khf2ng0nafy5gcq3gxmug contact the site owner 
 @e7922b69 can't, it's offline lol 
 nostr:npub1v9hfmyc6smtguhkmzehq732a8352d9e28p926khf2ng0nafy5gcq3gxmug yup 
 @e7922b69 why is the site down? i recommend vultr VPS, my linux rental is $10/month 
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 Heart shaped leaves 💜 
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 @6ebf1391 yeah that's it! I would post the rom here, mastodon doesn't allow the file type, I can repost somewhere 
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 @jaf i spent a month on ketamine almost 8 years ago and never felt depressed again after that ... after dealing with severe depression, i legit believe ketamine (and friends) is the future for depression treatments 
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 finished ep 4, good shit 
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 @kaia refurb ones, for sure. I got T480 and hate its USB c charger, only 2 USB ports, shitty trackpad, garbage pc