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Shane McGowan's funeral. Amazing 
 Bitcoin is where the current fight against global finance is at, but precious metals are a hedge ... 
 Irons in fires and all that 👍 
What is the oldest monotheistic religion? Zoroastrianism. A cool name for a religion. I figured I might as well go back to the very beginning, you know... for context

When I'm told what to think I always rebel, think the opposite and try learn about the issue in hand. Its my natural reaction to censorship- Totally gfy for a bit and I'll get back to you on it shortly, attitude.

So I've immersed myself in the ancient history and culture of the middle east areas,  which was not the intended effect of the censorship I'm sure.

Cradle of civilisation the say. Maybe... but maybe not when you think about it. Its definately the foundation for western culture. One thing for sure though,  its a fascinating area with a literally incredible history.
 Cheated? I Haven't gotten that deep but it seems interesting to me also that The Vedas and Hinduism are also connected here- This adds another layer of intrigue and also leads to a possible explanation of the vedic root of more global transmission of "civilisation".
You know about the god Maya from india who it seems left India and ended up in.... Yep, South America and possibly founded the Mayan civilisation (much Indian iconography ie St Augustin etc) Ive heard it mentioned that Greece was also a Vedic culture which now makes sense too. So all roads lead to India and Sumaria.
The zoroastrian attemp at monotheistic religion it seems, is fundamental to where we are today and possibly survived and spread due to geographic location. 
Is now a good time to mention ET's and Vimanas? :)
I will look into the Avesta now for sure, thanks 
 Oops, America is obs Israels bitch and there's nowhere/way to hide it now. 
The only way forward for America is to move the war boats away and reclaim a semblance of dignity and international respect... But they won't. 
My Boycott continues and deepens, even found an alternative resin/fibreglass range.  Bye bye Westhmarine... Hello Blue Gee 
So has Shane McGowan of The Pogues... So along with Darling and Kissinger, I wonder who's legacy will be best remembered in years to come.
Rip Shane
 I want to become a shepherd with a Border Collie named “Lady”  in the Scottish Highlands righ... 
 Should we mention the midges? 
 Installed Linux G4OS onto an external SSD using the Windows Installer method. First experience of Linux so wanted to eliminate user incompetence.- Apparently this is unique to G4OS. 

So after 4 attempts I got it sorted (I encountered a rare issue according to G4OS forum. Could only find a couple of mentions of it)

Not a frickin word did I understand re the solution. I fixed it by doing a disk cleanup and new download etc and actually plugged laptop into router as per the instructions I only half read.

Funny thing is the error message still flashes up initially and then she boots??

Result- Bloody brilliant. Got a lot to setup still but its fun, kind of, working it out. Comes with XP environment option and can have a mac style space if wanted, with everything in-between. Ttf or open type font supported. Gimp, Inkscape etc way quicker, way quicker all round in fact. Hugely exceeds expectations
Negs? Although it's great when in fully, the Boot hieroglyphs at the start are scarey and always a fingers crossed moment. I expect as I get more familiar it will subside. 

Personally I got used to a really stripped Windows setup to make the most of my aging machine. Now I feel like  wow... what a step up, and all for the price of an SSD.

Fully converted and props to G4OS

I wonder if there's a lesson here for Nostr re onboarding?

#plebchain #linux #windows #grownostr  
 Oops. Yes my bad.. Sorry Q4OS. Thanks for pointing it out🙏
 Wow. This is so fucked up. nostr:note1lt46dquayp9essul4camqsaw95a0yxgqz00wqk9f4ukghp5felmq5q5alu 
 This is really bad news untill it isn't. 5 eyes coming, each from a different angle. US transactions, UK nodes and software, this from Canada. Australia, New Zealand? - Then there's Europe The plot just gets thicker and thicker
The hodlers are the true warriors 
Amazing... Have you seen this other "Out of place artifact"? There are many such mysteries
Ever get the feeling the accepted timeline might be incorrect?
 😑 nostr:note1mwd4v7peu5266vldumujdr0s8wdt07ecxr7wllfzzjygka5pr33ql7nuyn 
Brace yourselves... Another man overboard... 
See what I did there Boatface 🙄 
 The following is word for word, the Oxford Dictionary Online definition of the search term - Why are the British so dissonant  when the shit hits the fan
Disclaimer- I'm one of them

"As Sir Keir told The Jewish Chronicle in an interview in March last year, the family continue to observe the tradition of Friday night dinner and attend London’s Liberal Jewish Synagogue in St John’s Wood, despite his own atheism."

So UK Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer of Stupidity has a reason for his sacrificing countless votes with his unintelligent, cowardly,  unequivocal support of the Tories Israel line. 

When an opposition... just isnt

I wanted to post link from original interview (which describes her as Zionist in the title of search result snippet)  but couldn't get access because of Tor ⛔

For extra spice The SNP in Scotland has a leader- Humza Yousaf of Pakistani decent and married to a lady who is described as... wait for it... "partially Palestinian" by britannica.com
In fact his Mother-in-Law was caught up in the war and had to wait at the border crossing for the initial evacuation.

Soo...Good luck with that independence thing Scotland

You see we're not really racist n stuff at all... We're just intrinsically and comprehensively, fuckin barkin mad🌙🐕 
 Watched this, it’s pretty good. JFK What the Doctors Saw. nostr:note1lf4zjm3y7qlehgeu2pz5l646q6... 
 I think I saw most of it the other day. It is well worth a watch and covers a little known perspective. Not to give anything away but it is pretty convincing stuff dont you think? 

The speech/policy shortly prior about ending the Central Bank thing always seemed highly plausable to skeptical old me

 Just work hard and you'll end up successful, we were told repeatedly... By our masters or those who hold power over us 🤣 
 You ever wonder what it was about the Picts that scared the Romans so much?
The Romans weren’t ... 
 🤣 you're probably correct, it is abysmal ⛈⛈⛈ 
This show is pure brilliance and really funny... In that British way 
 Imminent deal in Israel/Palestine apparently... So right from the off there was always a reason for the insistence on the term  pause- Looks like a plan to me. If it is, we should all be asking what comes next and also be afraid of the potential depravity of the planners... We're all the planee's remember.
We need to at least consider possible counter options.

So what if Saudi turn off the taps? What if Russia and Venezuela join in?
The international families of those killed and survivers themselves could almost certainly bring their own and collective legal cases to various courts etc -The UN workers, Doctors/Medics, Journalists and others. Even if they all just attempted let alone succeed, all at the same time. This will create chaos and crazy pressure on incumbent govs and organisations all over.

So what really are the likely consequences to us all if its really all part of "the plan"
Just saying what if

 Do memories still exist if you forget them? 🤔 
 Was just about to type this 
 My entire life I have thought that nutcase was just something you called someone who was crazy an... 
 Ok so in your world, what is a nut job then? Sorry Brit sense of humour here 
 Not doing the fiat mine till Friday now, gonna spend a couple of days out on the boat, doing main... 
 Prepped ours last week for spending Xmas and new year on. Bliss is the word. What's on the maintenance agenda? 
 Yeah, tough year for the other half so ready to escape. Snow in the mountains would be a bonus.
Osmo is brilliant and not cheap but def needs to be on dry wood. Went a bit mad with the UV exterior version this year. Really nice finish though and apparently lasts for ages. Get a hairdryer on it to try n dry the wood out
Nowt like a bit of hard manual labour in tough conditions to stiffen the spirit- Theres a reason Rum was invented 😂 Enjoy 
 I have a fab "recipe" for a faux teak coloured stain if you want it- made out of tea? If you need bits n pieces replaced. 

 Off to get my twice yearly haircut and so looking forward to it. 
My hair guy is a fekkin genius of insight and I can't wait to get his views on the current situation.
He's a genuine, unreconstituted Anarcho- Libertarian (that's a bit left btw and he hates the fact he has to add 'left in front of it cus the names been "co-opted by the American right") and introduced me to bitcoin about 6 or 7 years ago. He gives a good haircut too- it usually takes about an hour. 
He's self employed because in his own words "I'm unemployable" so yet again I have to go to a new venue... Legend. Hope he's got time for a coffee afterwards 
 Plus I pay him in bitcoin which generally puts the cat amongst the pigeons  
 So my haircut guy has come up with a new metric for gauging next years GE here in the UK. Contex he correctly forecast the brexit referendum and the following Tory landslide under Boris the stupid. 
He calls it the "Strictly Come Dancing signal" & it goes something like this...

Last year Hamza won when on the night he shouldn't have and previously the great British public likes to leave the entertainers, gays and disabled in the comp and then votes for their favourites when necessary at the end- consequently the best never win- So if you can't vote correctly for a dance comp then why should you have any faith in them when it comes to a GE.
This year however, the public have been brutal, getting rid of the clowns, disabled and aged in correct order of ability as per the way a competition should go therefore his prediction...
The next GE will be a Tory win or hung parliament despite the polls. The reason being, Keir Starmer missed a golden opportunity to bury the batshit crazy Tories by the unequivocal support for Israel instead of taking a more measured, "moral high ground" position because Labour are shit-scared of falsely being smeared by antisemitism again.
This will lead to mass abstentions and a low turnout because the politicians are completely out of sync with majority opinion on the street, leaving mainly the base of each voting for their tribe.
See- I told you he is a genius of insight- The Strictly Come Dancing Signal... Brilliant.
We'll see next year if he was right again
Interesting historic snapshot.
I only watched the first 15 mins so far but can't stop laughing at Britain's "special relationship" with the US which amounts to Britain's giving the US a good rimming whenever it wants one and the US won't starve Britain. To this day the British have calluses on their tongues 👅  
 Left vs right is prosaic and banal level 0.7 civilisation stuff designed to control through divide and conquer. We're better than that surely... surely?
Time for an evolutionary jump 
This is special and a work of art to boot. 

Filmed in sepia and very close-up. An entire lifetime of adventure etched onto this amazing face. The light in his eyes is incredible. To have stories like like this you have to be old... 86 and solo across the pacific i ask you.

Solo sail across the Pacific the wrong way. Set aside some time and allow yourself the pleasure of watching this. Enjoy
#grownostr #sailing 
 Religion is dead
Christianity desecrated by Christians
Judaism desecrated by Jews
Islam desecrated by Muslims
Hinduism desecrated by Hindus
Buddhism desacrated by Buddhists
Nostradamus was right... Again

BTW... Nostr- Damus... just got it. Slow or what?
 Kennedy said in a speech it had to go. A few weeks later he was dead so it will be a helluva fight if thats not a coincidence 
 This is the kind of profile I was hoping to see when I joined Nostr. Thoughtful, articulate, intelligent and as rare as rocking horse shit. User name does not check out

Imagine this guy waving as your space ship blows up 
 We can't rely on a company to guarantee free speech. Even if they want to provide free speech, it... 
 "First they came..." Niemöller 

This will piss Darwin off.
If Panspermia wasn't enough, on top of that we have Pandoravirus and then...

"Eight percent of our DNA consists of remnants of ancient viruses, and another 40 percent is made up of repetitive strings of genetic letters that is also thought to have a viral origin."

Interesting 🤔 Maybe this is why some people bug you 
 What do you think would happen if every human between the ages of 17 and 69 simultaneously all ha... 
The doors of perception would forever remain open and human evolution would accelerate... At least we would stand a chance to achieve Type 1 civilisation at last... After the umpteenth time of trying
 Nice one thanks for letting me know. 👍 
 Yeeeehaaaa... The Akashic record awaits 
 Meeee 🙊 
 Here puss... Meeoow. Ever seen a cat from this angle? The question is, if you could, would you?... Go to the darkside or stay in the light with a mono


Weather clearing, deep in the Welsh hills, I can smell the coast
Appropriate music selected... I do like a quality bit of Wah-Wah... Full Hippy mode engaged 
 "Look into my eyes, Look into my eyes... I control you- You will do everything I ask"


No TV, dodgy Internet, I sometimes go for a few days without speaking and boatwork in the wind and rain... If I can adventure my way through Storm Debbi's aftermath using public transport- Thats the rest of my week. Glorious 

 Democracy Brit style circa 2023.
Unelected Prime Minister makes an unelected bloke a Lord so he can bestow upon him the lofty position of Foreign Secretary and serve a Monarch in a government which is a vaguely democratic & infinitely corruptible parliamentary charade.
Sooo... If you ever wanted to know why our sense of humour is legendary, look no further- Epigenetics 
 Israel boycott expanded, bye bye Netflix, funds diverted to products/services/countries with ethics. Wherever possible.
Bonjour France, hola Spain, looking forward to trying new stuff... Still no SAS or MI5 following me 
 While Israel contemplates allowing coffee breaks in their war, a little light reading to accompany said coffee...
The roguest of all rogue states...
"Since the UNHRC's creation in 2006, it has resolved almost as many resolutions condemning Israel alone than on issues for the rest of the world combined."
 This doesn't refer to the list prior to that date, which is as long as your arm.
Cross-reference at will- at least know we know the full scope of their brutality, defiance and criminality- supported/enabled by??? Lets just say, the usual suspects.
...I mean more than the rotw put together...Israel is goat on this 
 Apologies for typos 
Something pretty. Projections in the Forest
 Should prostitution be legal?

 Everything should be legal untill made illegal. This is the natural order of things... Always has been. 
The problems come when a population believes they have only the rights bestowed on them. This is dictatorship.
If prostitution isn't illegal then its legal and the question becomes should we continue to have a right to prostitute ourselves? Feel free to interpret prostitution as widely as possible.
 Its not easy being me 🤪 
 Your answer seems to work. Which comes first though (a priori)?
I suppose the thing comes into existence and law grows around it. From prostitution to AI, this all seems to hold.
AI is legal and yet there's a huge rush to "Law" it. Why is the question on prostitution not settled long b4 now?. All I'm saying is there's a natural order and going against that is anti-human expression and requires coercion and control. There are many ways to "prostitute " oneself.  
 This... and/or our personal line in the sand 
 People who own no property shouldn't be allowed to vote on property tax increases. 
 Allowed? Who should do the allowing, then, who are the allowed and who are the not-allowed? 
You see whats going on with this yet? The direction of travel is... unattractive let's just say.
Freedom brother 
 People who aren't children shouldn't be allowed to vote on child policy  
 All fair enough to me. Still hung up on the allowed bit tho 

Can somebody please debunk this. I dont want it to be true... Gaza Strip hit with explosive equivalent of 2 nuclear bombs

For reference - "The Gaza Strip has almost exactly the same land area as Las Vegas but more than three times the population" Washington post 
 Further reference- A quarter of the size of London 
 "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Authenticity, Creativity, Love

Gospel of Thomas from...
The Nag Hammadi library (also known as the "Chenoboskion Manuscripts" and the "Gnostic Gospels" is a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945- Wikipedia