I don't care who did it, because I can't do anything to them whoever they are, that I haven't already done.
And, I have already done what I can, I have, and continue to, intercede for their consequences and stand with others for such until it happens.
@6a018a2a I wouldn't mind. And if he isn't, or doesn't want to do it, I hope he will be in the cabinet. I have been expecting an woman, but as long as they are actually MAGA, I don't really care.
And that would have accomplished about as much as having a mole on your leg removed when you have gangrene in the other leg.
@33636695 Someone somewhere, IMO, equals the globalists in power here and maybe elsewhere funding China, who was kissing up to them for assistance with their desire for financial and world power, in the distribution.
@bbe973e1 Thank you for laughing. When I post or tell puns, people sometimes laugh but more often groan and shake their heads at me, so it's nice to know that at least someone laughed. 😆
I'm sick of it too.
But, for me to answer your question as to the "insane retarded morons," you'd first have to recognize the supernatural war we are the victims of and be willing to believe that said enemy isn't human.
My analysis: It is indeed a war, but the Dems are narcissistic to a fault and either believe that they are so valuable that they will float to the top when it is done, or are so blind and unwise as to look only at the immediate possible gain and ignore any future consequence.
I didn't know that about the flatties. What do you think is the root of that belief? Distrust of authority? Refusal to believe anything they don't understand? Peer pressure from other misfits?
I've always loved biology and studied humans like a zoologist, but human behavior is stranger than any animal's.
@0af78396@48bfa577 Well, there are a few problems with your idea.
1. Biden isn't behind much but his stupid face. Try Obama to start with.
2. CIA and FBI, at least the leaders, are complicit with the globalists, and, although criminals don't have much of a problem with killing each other, clearly, it wouldn't help much.
No, it is a conspiracy fact, just like nearly all of the other truths that that twisted phrase have been painted with. Conspiracies are epidemic. I get so tired of everyone falling right into line with the twisted word definitions that the Woke push.
Obama isn't safe either, although he thinks he is. He will be majorly exposed in the next few weeks, and his globalist Masters will likely dispose of him.
(BTW, Joe is not the Big Guy. No joke.)
@34b946d8 Belonging to Jesus Christ and having given Him your life is real Christianity. Christianity is not men's deciding who God is and trying to use it to gain control over others.
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