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 @d6a30e9c The Globalists always threaten. 
 @98513a7f "cry out as they strike you".  Synagogue of Satan I find to be a term I prefer for this nameless group of evil, mostly because flat earth hijacked globalist to mean something different than I intend. 
 @d6a30e9c @98513a7f 
I think they conjured this up so when the 100's of thousands of real terrorist they let in through the Border, on purpose to start murdering ,and destroying infrastructure, The Democrats won't blame Biden. Instead they'll point at Zelenski's few refugees that are mostly civil. The psyops never end... that's why they left the stinking place. 
 @d6a30e9c @98513a7f 
Besides, does it make sense to give weapons to a country that threatens to kill you if you don't.?  I mean if  you wanted to make  their job easier.
I'll say it again, Our border has been left Wide Open, During a War that we were involved in. These Democrats are dumber than rocks... Or it was never really a War, it was a con job to extort money . 
 @d6a30e9c @98513a7f 'I mean what insane retarded moron gets themselves involved in a War with a potential of being a Nuclear War... and then Opens their Border and invites the World in?

WTF man, I'm sick of this shit. Sorry for taking it out on you.🤬 
 @0af78396 I don't feel abused by your words.  it's a good day to be mad as hell.  Carry on.  My day personally, has been a microcosm, of the macrocosm you just ranted about.  The stupid people are still thinking they're not stupid, and I feel the 'I told you so' moment approaching.


 @d6a30e9c @98513a7f 
You get it for sure, thanx man. I may not have it 100% accurate, but I ain't far off. 
 @0af78396 @d6a30e9c 
I'm sick of it too. 
But, for me to answer your question as to the "insane retarded morons," you'd first have to recognize the supernatural war we are the victims of and be willing to believe that said enemy isn't human. 
 @0af78396 @d6a30e9c 
My analysis: It is indeed a war, but the Dems are narcissistic to a fault and either believe that they are so valuable that they will float to the top when it is done, or are so blind and unwise as to look only at the immediate possible gain and ignore any future consequence. 

"float to the top".  

I am going to assume that you did this on purpose. Very apt metaphor for what they are. Nicely done. 

 @0af78396 @d6a30e9c 
 @98513a7f @6f86c8d6 @d6a30e9c 
I had other comments in the thread I reluctantly deleted, because our dystopian govt. is crooked as all get out. It makes them feel good that they silencing me. I can pulse them blatant truths then retract it. WTF are you talking about, i never said that! 
 @98513a7f @6f86c8d6 @d6a30e9c 
And even though the internet is Forever... you had the presence of mind to remove it... then you can say "WTF , why would I remove it if I didn't think it was wrong the message, or it was a mistake? You must be paranoid, GTFOH, leave me alone" 
I didn't know that about the flatties. What do you think is the root of that belief? Distrust of authority? Refusal to believe anything they don't understand? Peer pressure from other misfits?  
I've always loved biology and studied humans like a zoologist, but human behavior is stranger than any animal's. 
 @98513a7f my theory is that flat earth is like a catch-all conspiracy.  People wake up, recognize some aspect of the lies we're living in, decide everything is fake and gay, then they wind up arriving at the earth is flat.  It feels like a psyop to me, geared around language.  Like the way "Conspiracy Theorist" originated as anyone that questioned JFK murder, to then spread doubt for anyone thinking to question it.  Ferfers hijack "globalist" and everyone that disagrees with their view is one.