@LESS THAN 200 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS @Nozakero >shower Nah, he's fine like he is :sniffing:
@Kerosene :christmas_wreath: :padoru: @Nozakero please be kind to my friend or i am going to have to inform your admin that you arent being nice
@LESS THAN 200 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS @Kerosene :christmas_wreath: :padoru: @Nozakero please let all 3 of mine know they deserve a chamce to hurt cocklenims feeling too. Hes a dry desert turd niggerinsane.png https://freespeechextremist.com/media/a771ab4f-4084-47fa-bcf2-242f4e60b5d1/niggerinsane.png?name=niggerinsane.png
@78c4aa8f @Kerosene :christmas_wreath: :padoru: @Nozakero Soy stop declining my follow requests you tard wrangler