Oddbean new post about | logout
 The best thing about Tucker/Putin interview is that no one was right.

- None of the expected things happened.
- None of the "experts" were right
- None of the Tucker fans are happy
- None of the Tucker haters were satisfied

Fucking amazing. 
 I love watching the Neoconservatives and demoncratics melt down over this interview . Good fucking shit!😎⚡️ 
 I enjoyed it immensely. 

The West (the Golden Billion lol) is too busy WokeRoping mainstream propaganda.  There is some merit for those that will take time to listen.


A closed mind opens few doors. 
 You either drift through life tuning and honing your bullshit detector 💩 Or you walk away from the bullshit and ignore it all together. 
 just seems to be noise with no way of ever clearing out the distortion 
 Didn't see it, did he mention the gay?!
