If you have a Github account, please go there and tell me what you really think, even if you think it's a stupid idea. Thanks, in advance. nostr:note1a5z6asng4tj06uddnu6qkus8g584msld2kgr3plf3amal84wn3kq2jjpy2
i will check it out tomorrow and deliver my useless perspective 😂
I'm convinced that the perspectives of regular users are important to the success of the protocol. They often can think of benefits, use cases, or problems that developers don't see. And we should be aware of major changes evolving and why, so that we don't constantly get blindsided by seemingly arbitrary client alterations. That makes it feel more like chaos, than liberation.
i think better to add a whole tags field like the one in events, then we have options to put more data in there that doesn't have to be recognised by client or relay parsers so long as the syntax is correct
Thank you for commenting and reviewing. 🫶 I was nervous about my first PR, but I felt the Nostr love, fr. https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExamxocG1tdHM0cWJ2ODdwaGl6cTRsbHQwcTd3ZWtvaGdrbXA2aHdueSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/OoRYpoQy9uLss/giphy.gif