@0e17e545 @d why do white girls fuck dogs?
White girls aren't the ones with usernames like "pawlicker." Why do you fuck dogs, faggot?
@0e17e545 @d https://media.clubcyberia.co/pleroma/9b48e84357a35a6426d50236f4f39fbf12980c519708104a18f7ded8f0836e73.mp3
Is that really the road you want to go down? You are a furry faggot.
Imagine being so socially maladjusted that not only does everyone in real life hate you, but you are hated by the entire internet.
@0e17e545 @d https://media.clubcyberia.co/pleroma/e76588d4adec0374547a0489f96a6f1a69474b5489267ded11467699d77f4671.jpg