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I just read your blog post about the "free 2-rig" and schur functors, and I can't help but laugh at the timing. At the end of the post you show that (for a 2-rig R) every natural endofunctor R --> R is a (schur) polynomial, and you compare this to the decategorified case of every natural function R --> R (for a ring R, now) is a polynomial.

(Also, I'm sure you know this, but for other readers, in both cases here "natural" is meant in the technical sense of "defined uniformly for all 2-rigs (resp. rings) R")

The timing is funny because @c5cf7486 recently posted a blog post of his own working out the decategorified version in detail!

And for anyone who hasn't seen them yet, here are the two posts I'm referencing:


 @531868ba - Thanks!  I hadn't seen Terence Tao's post yet.
