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 Have y’all read about these fecal transplants for microbiome/gut deficiencies??? 

Theoretically, could I just eat whatever the fuck I want and sporadically get implanted with a healthy eater’s doodoo?? 

Like…get your grass fed human turds hereee 📢 
 Do you polish them? Or leave em as is?  
 Leave them as is. Healthy poop is the next hot commodity 
 Do you have a storefront? Or is it all via mail sight unseen? 

Because with the right lighting, soft lights from a 45 degree angle is what I'd recommend, you can make those shits look JUST like you polished em and maybe get a few more customers. Affiliate links in bio.  
 I am not making this a business (yet). But if my poopies are healthy, I’m down to sell them. I don’t really need them for anything now that my garden is done. 
 Research labs and Internet creeps also pay

One more well than the other 🤷🏽 
 wtf is that???!🤣 straight up gnarnia 
 Divine from 1972 film eating a dog poop 
 For real or something made to look like butt juice? 
 Allegedly real, when i first saw it years ago i almost vomited 😂 
 Are you trying to become the future  Poo-Pourri-like brand spokesperson? You have my vote! 👍💫
 Hahahaha no. I’m trying to find out if anyone’s got any healthy poops they wanna donate 
 Just no.

 Love, your mailman.  
 Pill form? 

Asking for a friend. 
 Apparently both work, but I would rather doctors just stick it up (only if they knock you out, I love anesthesia) 
 South Park made an episode about this. Hilarious stuff

 You don’t think I already watched that shit like 10 times? South Park and it’s always sunny are all I have time for 🤣 
 You were faster 😂 
 South Park
"Turd Burglars"
Season 23
Episode 8
Aired on November 27, 2019

 This is exactly what I was thinking of when I read this. 💯 
 Yes. Have watched lol, but I was watching a video with real people getting them as of late and was astonished 
 People are insane 😂 
 I’m people lol 
 😂 https://i.nostr.build/nW4an.jpg  
 Taking my husband’s side??? Noted lol 
 I dont want that shid in me  
 No, you’d never develop a proper gut biome that way. It would constantly be in flux and you’d probably end up feeling like…well…shit. 
 What if I used a different person’s shit every time? 
 If you just want to eat shit then say so, woman! Butt seriously, that would probably make the situation worse lol 
 It’s quackery… 
 A grass fed human?  What the fuck?? 🤣 
 Suspicious note follows other suspicious note 🤔

 It’s wild!! I was in a physician investigator meeting for a clinical trial where they were working on gut bio research to shrink cancer cells for renal cancer. They were essentially doing fecal transplants to kill cancer. 
 Yeah they won’t do it in the US usually because it’s curative and not profitable 
 The trials were actually in the US…. Surprisingly enough. I was shocked too. We’ll see if they actually get approval for anything though. 🙄🙄 
 If I had a serious inflammatory disease, probably 🤷‍♀️😂 
 Have you ever pictured the first meeting between the poop seekers and the remote indigenous tribes?
How did that conversation go? 
 I actually watched a documentary about that. Basically they were all weirded out until the science was explained and many participants were compensated. Most people said no at first to the study 
 The irony of top medical researchers from the West, having to go meet with remote tribal elders to beg for bits of their tribe’s poop, to help us get healthy again, contains a disturbing level of crude poetic justice 
 I doubt it

I doubt whether gut microbiome can produce health or illness as claimed 
(rather I think it's merely an indicator of health, an effect rather than cause)

We are auto-enzyme digesters, not ruminants. Unlike our primate "cousins" we've lost most of the large intestine mass and cannot ferment cellulose for a substantial portion of our diet no matter what kind of bacteria we contain.

Even if the human gut microbiome does have the power to produce health or illness, I also doubt whether you can get much benefit from implanting someone else's poop - if your gut isn't supportive of the appropriate bacteria implanting a small number of them won't make it suddenly hospitable for them

Rather than use the waste of hunter-gatherers as food, we should probably copy their food
(since they don't eat their own shit, it's unlikely that us doing so will give us a health result similar to theirs) 
 i thought it was mainly used for refractory c. diff infections but too lazy to look up 
 In before the 'bitcoiners-selling-their-artisinal-poop' fad 
 Andrew Huberman Lab -his website is very searchable if you actually interested in biology and not just 💩 posting