Oddbean new post about | logout
 “X viewed your profile” is an incredibly creepy pattern, especially when you can’t turn it off. Engineers and people building apps have accepted surveillance and abandoned privacy so thoughtlessly. They don’t even consider the negative implications of their actions.

“Wow thanks to all our insanely intrusive in-app spying mechanisms we noticed this drives engagement, let’s do more of that” 🤦‍♂️

Imagine walking into a store and there are 50 different cameras pointed at you from all possible directions monitoring your every move, used to collect data on what sells more products based on every action you make. People would be freaked out. 

This is effectly what most apps do today, except the cameras are invisible. This would likely be illegal in meatspace, but few think about it when on their phone. Why would they? They hide it from you. Fuck in-app analytics. 
 Send me zap for testing 
 There are cameras in stores collecting that data! 
 If people could see the cameras 🎥 they would be even more freaked out. It’s the hidden nature that allowed exploiting to remain constant for many years. 

99% must rise up and demand the one percent pay their fair share. #BTC #nostr #devs etc #Will of #humanity will be shown. 

#WorldPeace #UniversalLaw 
 💯 I worked at many companies and saw the data that was being collected. It was creepy af. If people only knew… 
 Well, everyone already knows I’m a retired fed, so yeah, I agreed 🫂🙏🫂 
 surveillance capitalism is a cancer. 
 …that’s infected the internet. 
 Very creepy. Good analogy and will be stealing to purple pill. 
 the best minds of our generation got caught trying to figure out how to drive engagement at all costs

a paradigm shift in problem solving is much needed in the software realm (nostr makes me feel that's already happening) 
 With respect if you truly believe that, then you’re not paying attention 🥰🙏😘 
 this is one of the reasons I appreciate you. 
that and your cool self hosted git repo. 
 Ditch the old socials guys, you are the product. 
 Are there still Social Networks that have this "X view your profile"?

Last ti e I saw this was on Orkut circa 2002! 👴 
 I'm going to agree on most points, except for the ones about cameras in stores. Case in point Amazon Go. people love that shit as long as its convenient and efficient 
 1984 called and want their privacy back. 
 People no longer value privacy and data. Sadly, it seems likely people value whatever they are told to value by media 
 These reports are absolutely dystopian: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/hyundai/ 
 Surveillance is their business model, which suggests that monetizing social media has never been solved. 
 It's odd that phone surveillance is so normalized. 
 thats what i am screaming. patriot act is not even discussed,its here to stay. Homeland security as well. These were supposed to be temporary powers...... Where is that conversation? 
 I think it's more nuanced than that.
There's ethically right and wrong, selerated by a gray area. 
There's a difference between optimizing for generating value and optimizing for being addictive. 
There's a difference between using and selling behavioural data.
Inform the user or not?
Optional or mandatory? 
Opt-in or opt-out?
All to say in-app analytics can be done right, though the largest companies do not.  
 And additional invisible cameras are soon in space monitoring all of humanity. 
 thats why i am trying to get fit so when they watch me all day and night, at least i will look good on camera :D