Oddbean new post about | logout
 It’s finally fucking happening… 🎉🥳🍻

This has been some shit 😂 https://v.nostr.build/drdWc7FSj98gQcon.mp4  
 Good luck. 
 Will they warranty against future flooding? 
 Nobody is gonna do that unfortunately. But we’re just putting in endless redundancies to prevent it from happening again. I’ve also got guys working under the front deck right now to finish a huge drainage thing that pushes all the water toward the side of the house. And as much as I reeeeaally don’t want to, I think I’m going to have to redo the back half of the driveway. It’s just complete shit, cracked and separating in a few places, it literally tilts TOWARD the house in addition so all the water from rain rushes down the driveway into the front of the house foundation. I’ve done some work to redirect it, but it’s still getting under because the driveway is too broken up. Might be adding that too the list 😅😫 
 French drain tile could be your very best friend.

Sorry to hear about all this but that driveway pushing water towards your house definitely needs to be fixed.  
 Realm estate is a shitcoin (note: I have a house) 
 For real tho. If this wasn’t for my family then this would be the worst investment ever. 
 Podcast studio?  Or just a finished basement? 
 That’s gonna be a great studio 
 Weerk week week werk werk