Because it's meaningless. Wars are fought over things that actually matter. Sports is, as I said, pornographic. Flat, hollow. Dystopian, even.
Wars are fought for profit lol I’ll take sports over that any day. What has meaning to one person may be worthless to another. Humans create meaning which makes it subjective. Dedicating your life to sports is meaningful to the individual. Just like dedicating your life to music or art. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it has no meaning. Clearly it has plenty of meaning to millions of people around the world. If people are willing to pay for it, then it has some meaning. And how is it dystopian?
NIGGER, THERE IS NO MORE FOR-PROFIT INDUSTRY ON EARTH THAN SPORTS. Meaning is also not subjective. If we didn't have a military industrial complex, we'd be South Africa right now. The overwhelming threat of violence is the only reason either of us have anything.
That’s the most retarded shit I ever heard lmao the military industrial complex doesn’t protect you from anything. It preserves the current corrupt system and makes those in power richer. You sound like a bootlicker gfy, muted.
Nigger thinks the world began 200 years ago.
>Actual nigger breaks into sportsnigger's house "Stop!" he says. "Don't you understand? If you take my TV and rape my wife and daughter, the rich will only get richer!"