Ah. So I just learned that, allegedly, there are people born after the year 2000 who are now adults. Shocking if true.
@2a70c54d That sounds just like something three kids in a trench coat pretending to be an adult would say. Prove you're really an adult. What is this object used for? https://s3.c.im/media_attachments/files/111/193/883/682/435/499/original/de2202910468706c.mp4
@2a70c54d I graduated high school in 2000 and it honestly blows my mind to think how that was 23 years ago now. The other day, I Try by Macy Gray came up on my Spotify playlist and it hit me . . . it doesn't seem all that long ago I was hearing that song for the first time back then, but crazy to think it was over two decades ago!!