Except that now the govt can make a bunch of fake reviews for Joe Rogan’s show and then attack him over it. New laws are never a good thing. People who buy reviews and followers are already retarded and get called out all the time. I bet this gets used offensively by the govt, and probably nobody else. And I also bet it won’t be used to even the slightest degree against institutions like Amazon that are overflowing with fake reviews and actively manipulate it for their own content. This is just stupid, imo. Will help nothing that matters, and gives the govt another corrupt tool to cheat and attack whoever they want, imo.
Haven’t read the text of the actual rule yet. But I imagine they’d have to show that a business/person actively solicited those reviews in whatever way violates the rule before they could take enforcement action. In other words, I don’t believe I could buy fake reviews on your podcast and then send the ftc after you over it, unless perhaps you asked me to do it on your behalf. But if it can be misused then it probably will be, so I’m not necessarily disagreeing with your sentiment.