Oddbean new post about | logout
 Makes sense. Not sure how to NIP it though, maybe a common NIP for HTTP headers with some predefined prefix? I am open to suggestions 
 @fiatjaf do you have suggestions about this? 
 You could publish the results of your classifications as NIP-32 labels tagging the image hashes directly and let clients subscribe to those.

I think nos.social is doing something similar, so we almost have a protocol already. @mplorentz @Rabble 
 Oh nice! I’ll take a look! Thank you! 🙏🏻 
 There are examples of NIP-32 implementation that were used and published in nfrelay.app . It has been  discussed with nostr:nprofile1qqsf03c2gsmx5ef4c9zmxvlew04gdh7u94afnknp33qvv3c94kvwxgspr3mhxue69uhksmmyd33x7epwvdhhyctrd3jjuar0dak8xtcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhszxnhwden5te0wpuhyctdd9jzuenfv96x5ctx9e3k7mf0ss9zgs . Maybe, can be used as some references.

 One issue is that it is all about publishing something to the relay, and have it disassociated from the media. It’s much simpler if the info is in the header (HTTP) so any client can use it at any time. 
 If you have the file hash and the labels that reference a file hash then you can opt to not even download the media beforehand. Saves bandwidth for everybody! 
 Good point. It’s just how to publish the info once we have it. Who signs the event. Which key should the client trust for this info. It is not generated synchronously, and HTTP has a HEAD method that is cheaper than relay queries 
 Publish it with a key owned by the nostr.build service specifically for these matters and tell clients what that key is so they can trust it. 
 I’ll propose a PR to add trusted npub in the nip96 JSON. Probably a list of them, to allow rotation, etc 
 sorry. 💯 I know 💯 losing data 🎉 sucks. 🎉 🌈 
 Sensor data: Temp 🎉 34.8°C, Humidity 👍 77.8% 
 รู้ว่ามี speaker พิเศษ ต้องซื้อฝากเมียตั้งแต่วันเสาร์ <3 😀 <3 <3 
 Não 😂 🔥 🔥 vai, sociedade 🎉 brasileira 🤔 🔥 moderna não tem 💯 arma e estomago 👍 nem 🌈 👍 💯 pra abater uma 🎉 codorna. 🤔 
 Iranian 🌈 🤔 😂 hackers target Biden 🤔 Campaign 😀 with stolen Trump 😂 😂 materials 🤔 U.S. agencies revealed Iranian 😀 hackers 🎉 targeted 😂 Biden's 🤔 campaign with 🎉 😀 stolen 😂 Trump 😂 campaign 🎉 materials. 😀 #press https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/iranian-hackers-target-biden-campaign-with-stolen-trump-materials-101726710618918.html?utm_source=press.coop 💯 😀 
 Right 👍 🤔 for 💯 😀 America #pac 😂 https://www.factcheck.org/2024/09/right-for-america/ 😀 🎉 
 Right for 💯 America 🎉 #pac 🔥 https://www.factcheck.org/2024/09/right-for-america/ 
 Taxas 🌈 🤔 de 🔥 juro descem 🔥 nos 🤔 EUA ao 🤔 fim de 😂 🤔 quatro anos 💯 Reserva Federal 🔥 😀 🔥 apresentou um corte de 0.5 😂 💯 pontos 😀 😀 🤔 👍 percentuais. 🎉 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg 😂 🤔 https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 💯 🤔 
 https://www.usluck.com/402788/fifth-street-west-from-walnut-st-cincinnati-ohio-jan-22nd-1928/ 🔥 😂 Fifth 💯 👍 Street West From Walnut St, 😂 Cincinnati 🤔 👍 Ohio – 😀 Jan 22nd 👍 1928 #History #TheWayWeWere https://media.channels.im/media_attachments/files/113/161/839/961/555/928/original/da878bdb4ee026cd.jpeg 
 https://www.usluck.com/402788/fifth-street-west-from-walnut-st-cincinnati-ohio-jan-22nd-1928/ 👍 😀 Fifth Street 🌈 West From Walnut 🤔 St, 🔥 👍 Cincinnati 😂 Ohio – 🎉 Jan 👍 22nd 😂 1928 👍 #History 🌈 😂 🌈 #TheWayWeWere 🎉 https://media.channels.im/media_attachments/files/113/161/839/961/555/928/original/da878bdb4ee026cd.jpeg 
 Goodnight 😀 ✨💜🫂 Have 😂 a 👍 👍 lovely afternoon/nigth💫 
 @fishcake You can take a look at kind 1984s published by @Tagr-bot to get an idea of what we are doing. They should all be published to relay.nos.social. 

The main downside of doing it this way is that the client has to search for labels referencing content and that gets complicated. Like do you wait to display the content until you are sure there aren’t any labels? How can you be sure there aren’t any? But in practice it has been working pretty well. 
 Cash-strapped 🔥 👍 Sri 🌈 Lanka 🌈 eyes China development projects once 🤔 again All 😀 top three 💯 🤔 😂 Sri Lanka presidential candidates 😀 😂 are hoping 👍 a Chinese-funded real 🎉 💯 💯 estate 🔥 “Port 😀 City” 😂 development 🎉 😀 will 🌈 woo 💯 much-needed foreign 🤔 investors. #press https://www.thehindu.com/business/cash-strapped-sri-lanka-eyes-china-development-projects-once-again/article68655396.ece?utm_source=press.coop https://th-i.thgim.com/public/todays-paper/tp-business/888uiq/article68658136.ece/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1200/Cash-strapped-SGG3DBJOD6.3.jpg.jpg 💯 
 How old 🤔 Is your 🌈 phone? 💯 
 vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjE5LjQyLjQ5IiwgInYiOiAiMiIsICJwcyI6ICJcdTdmOGVcdTU2ZmQgQ2xvdWRGbGFyZVx1ODI4Mlx1NzBiOSIsICJwb3J0IjogMjA4NiwgImlkIjogImU5ZTNjYzEzLWRiNDgtNGNjMS04YzI0LTc2MjY0MzlhNTMzOSIsICJhaWQiOiAiMCIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAidHlwZSI6ICIiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJpcDExLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwgInRscyI6ICIifQ== relay.primal.net 😀 
 Cash-strapped 💯 Sri 👍 Lanka eyes China 🔥 💯 development 🤔 projects once 😂 again All 🤔 top 🤔 three 🌈 😂 Sri 💯 Lanka 🎉 👍 🌈 presidential candidates 🤔 💯 😂 are hoping 👍 💯 a Chinese-funded real estate 🎉 “Port 😀 City” 👍 💯 development will woo much-needed foreign 🌈 🌈 🔥 investors. #press 😀 😀 https://www.thehindu.com/business/cash-strapped-sri-lanka-eyes-china-development-projects-once-again/article68655396.ece?utm_source=press.coop https://th-i.thgim.com/public/todays-paper/tp-business/888uiq/article68658136.ece/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1200/Cash-strapped-SGG3DBJOD6.3.jpg.jpg 
 🤖 🎉 Tracking strings 🔥 detected and removed! 👍 🔗 Clean URL(s): 🌈 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1836639719976816848 ❌ Removed parts: ?s=46 relay.primal.net 😀 
 Think about it, 👍 for the first time in history you can have your own 👍 money that no one can take away from you. No state can print more 🎉 or no mining 😀 company can 🤔 mine more. It is already more easy to use than 🔥 fiat. So what is 🎉 there not to 🌈 understand right ? One would think it is 😂 opvious but the fiat world did 👍 a good job telling us inflation is normal so it will 🎉 take time. We just have 🌈 to ask people in the fiat world what they 😂 can invest 🎉 in that keep 🔥 it's value and the thought process have started.🙂 
 No government and no battalions can protect 💯 justice and liberty where the 😂 citizen is not 🔥 able 👍 to 💯 step outside the front door 😀 🌈 and 😂 see what 🌈 is there. 💯 Gottfried 💯 🔥 Keller, Swiss poet and writer 🤔 
 Sensor 🔥 🤔 data: Temp 30.6°C, Humidity 🤔 48.7% 
 ここは雨がすごい田舎 🔥 
 I 🌈 feel 🔥 like I need a based 👍 church in my life. 
 https://www.usluck.com/402788/fifth-street-west-from-walnut-st-cincinnati-ohio-jan-22nd-1928/ 🌈 Fifth 💯 Street West 🌈 💯 From Walnut St, 🔥 Cincinnati 🌈 🔥 Ohio – Jan 😂 22nd 😀 😀 1928 😂 #History 🔥 #TheWayWeWere 😂 😀 https://media.channels.im/media_attachments/files/113/161/839/961/555/928/original/da878bdb4ee026cd.jpeg 
 Maybe an optional add-on to NIP96? 
 These are added asynchronously, so cannot return them during upload, but if that’s ok to specify as a header returned when URL is served, then maybe OK. It should probably be optional too. 
 二波攻擊! 🔥 😀 黎巴嫩又傳"對講機"爆炸 🎉 20死逾450傷 🤔 💯 華爾街日報: 以色列滲入真主黨裝備供應鏈│記者 陳姵如│【全球關鍵字】20240919│三立iNEWS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc-OnqvYiRY 🔥 relay.primal.net 🎉 
 It 🌈 was 🔥 rainstorm, and 🌈 the mother 💯 😀 💯 monkey 🔥 took her child to the 🤔 umbrella 💯 to take shelter. 😀 https://t.co/ldJ5Di6HuQ https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1836589783805489153/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/9ASlIzcGMuFtn238.mp4?tag=12 
 Desde 🎉 hace milenios 👍 🔥 hay historias, 😀 culturas, memorias, 💯 🌈 😀 recuerdos, 👍 pasiones, 🌈 hogares 👍 y familias 🌈 girando en torno a 🎉 un 🔥 💯 elemento comun: en este #ArquitecturaSinArquitectos, 🎉 🌈 vamos a 💯 hablamos 🎉 con 🎉 NardaLepes sobre 💯 🔥 algo 🔥 que 🎉 nos 😂 🔥 une El 🌈 🌈 💯 alimento. 👇 https://t.co/QgMNyXeSTG relay.primal.net 
 Desde 🎉 hace milenios 🌈 hay 🎉 historias, 😀 😀 🌈 culturas, memorias, 😀 💯 💯 💯 😂 recuerdos, pasiones, 😂 hogares y familias 🌈 girando 🔥 en 💯 torno a un 🤔 💯 elemento 🔥 comun: 🎉 en este 🔥 😂 #ArquitecturaSinArquitectos, vamos 🔥 a 💯 hablamos 🎉 con NardaLepes sobre 🔥 algo que 👍 nos 😂 😂 une El 🌈 🤔 alimento. 👍 👇 https://t.co/QgMNyXeSTG 💯 
 Bro we 🤔 got to 🎉 you out 🔥 to the east end for our 💯 🎉 next meet 🌈 up... Or 🤔 a 😂 🎉 pint and 🎉 burger 😀 💯 😀 at 👍 🌈 😀 pub 🎉 🤔 key streets are saying 💯 🔥 it popped off 🤔 tonight 😂 
 Goodnight ✨💜🫂 💯 Have a lovely 🤔 afternoon/nigth💫 😀 🤔 
 Sensor 👍 data: Temp 💯 33.7°C, 💯 Humidity 42.2% 🌈 
 Avon 💯 Barksdale and Stringer 👍 Bell would 🔥 😂 have been 👍 shook by 🔥 this pager incident. 🔥 
 Quase 👍 acertou. 🌈 🎉 Do império romano, veio as 😂 💯 monarquias. 🔥 Mas religião e 👍 estado sempre andaram de mãos dadas contra 💯 o 😂 cidadão comum. 🔥 A 🔥 separação do estado 👍 💯 e 👍 religião 🔥 nunca ocorreu de 💯 🔥 fato. Só mudaram os 💯 deuses. Uma vez 😀 que 😂 🌈 😂 a 😂 maconaria sempre 👍 🎉 esteve por 🎉 trás do império romano e das monarquias.