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 Again, I disagree. The theory of abiogenesis didn't see people convert into meaning-less, godless droves, and Abiogenesis doesn't posit or require godlessness or meaninglessness to be understood.

Have you forgotten that the Lord works in mysterious ways? 
 The ideas go back way farther than just a few centuries, but they all stem from the same set of anti-human ideas. 

Many people that do believe in abiogenesis are also nihilistic and destructive. I would even posit most. Removing human origins from God allows for too many ideas to seep in to one's mental foundations and all of them lead to ruination. (IMO)  
 He does work in mysterious ways, but He told us how He created everything and He was very specific.  There are many things He does that He doesn't explain.   These things are mysterious.  There are some things He explains that are beyond our ability to fully comprehend.  There are some things He tells us explicitly.  Creation of everything, including life, He explained explicitly.

You will never get evolution out of the Bible without twisting it into an unrecognizable form.

In addition, as I've studied more and more science, there are massive holes in the theory of Evolution.  They cannot find any way to create the first life because life is so complicated that it can't happen by chance.  There are zero uncontested (by evolutionist) intermediate forms showing one kind changing into another.  The tree of life looks more like a forest of life with many trees (kinds) branching within a kind, ie. different kinds of dogs.  If you look at genetic mutations, almost all are harmful and he few that are arguably beneficial are almost always due to a loss of information, not gaining information.  They are also mildly beneficial, so it is impossible to select (if unintelligent "nature" was actually able to select) the good traits without including lots of more harmful traits.  

Another problem is that so many things in life are irreducibly complex.  They can't evolve gradually.  They must evolve instantly, like the circulatory system.  You can also take something like sexual reproduction.  Besides the fact that it is irreducibly complex, it is complicated by the fact that you have to produce the irreducibly complex female sexual system in one creature of one kind and the irreducibly complex male sexual system in another creature of the same kind in the same location at the same time.  Believing this could actually happen is illogical.

There are so many additional reasons that Evolution can't be true, but I don't have time to go into more details and you probably don't have time to read them.