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 From metropolitan stories, I know that there are people that get around only to hurt even by things that seem to be temporarily pleasant, such as sex and drugs. They can become both addictive especially when religious limits are not respected at all and they are a social problem in many countries even in some Muslim countries. 
In Islam, there is nothing wrong to enjoy sex with the spouse as long as God’s limits in regards are respected, the spouses have the responsibility to please one another as it’s their right and to have it with only one partner is sufficient most of the times and also advised in the Quran although a man can have more than one wife if one is not sufficient while keeping in mind treating them fairly; love included. 
However, drugs are under the category of intoxications to be forbidden like alcoholic drinks in Islam because they take away the gift of rational reasoning and being able to make a choice. Even if many types of drugs promise being awake for longer, enhanced physical performance and concentration, they have devastating effects on the long run; the exact opposites. Suffering from addiction can happen to anyone, it’s about being in a bad company while being eluded by the initial effects after the first try and the insistence to try again and so on until the body doesn’t produce its natural needs (so the urge to consume artificial substances becomes a necessity). 
 It’s an illness although the person might look in good health. To heal, a person needs to have an initiative to do so, to express worries, talk about difficulties that might be faced and it could be helpful to have someone that cares to get the person out of any type of addiction. 