Pura Vida 🤙
GM! So I've been making an effort to take a bit of time now and again to turn off my brain and re-discover the occasional guilty pleasure. I recently jumped into a couple graphic novels that I enjoyed. Last one was Spawn Armageddon. Previously I've loved Watchmen, The Long Halloween, etc. Anyone have others that they recall really enjoying? I'd like to have a few on my ipad for upcoming flights. Thanks in advance! https://m.primal.net/Kqtp.jpg https://m.primal.net/KquC.jpg https://m.primal.net/KquA.jpg
Thanks So I skimmed the website. Is the foundation’s goal just basically to digitize the board games? The way you described it in the earlier post is it was homeschool curriculum (for lack of better word) is how I understood it. For context , we homeschool our son. Currently use MiAcademy for “core subjects”. 1. It’s ok but still too “school” based in our opinion. 2. Looking for more real life / business skills education (which we have as his parents; but not necessarily looking to reinvent the wheel if I don’t have to) 3. Example, he’s into video editing so I’m essentially having to hobble together a “course” for him from YouTube vids and other paid courses we have access to that teach actual pro level video editing and business uses. —- So anyways…trying to understand your foundation as it relates to free and open source education…like what is the scope you hope to educate on…is it mainly the Bitcoin and finance stuff?
There has to be life on one of these dots...• https://image.nostr.build/23878b0dfcc7e4c664e54968b4435ae30df382a6af1c31383a8f927bbda0eb35.jpg
https://www.batemansbaypost.com.au/images/transform/v1/crop/frm/RXMuw2JbrrS7ELSxSY9rkR/628f41cb-0465-43bb-b929-575fd04bc8ec.jpg/r0_397_5500_3285_w1200_h630_fmax.jpg Celebrate National Family Business Day and its significance | Bay Post-Moruya Examiner https://www.batemansbaypost.com.au/story/8762622/celebrate-national-family-business-day-and-its-significance/?cs=2690
https://www.batemansbaypost.com.au/images/transform/v1/crop/frm/RXMuw2JbrrS7ELSxSY9rkR/628f41cb-0465-43bb-b929-575fd04bc8ec.jpg/r0_397_5500_3285_w1200_h630_fmax.jpg Celebrate National Family Business Day and its significance | Bay Post-Moruya Examiner https://www.batemansbaypost.com.au/story/8762622/celebrate-national-family-business-day-and-its-significance/?cs=2690
https://www.europesays.com/1475674/ Hummelgaard vil hæve voldsstraffene: Det er Folketingets egen skyld, at straffene stadig er for lave #denmark https://media.pubeurope.com/media_attachments/files/113/144/121/576/325/247/original/1cb153b4cb3067e8.jpg
Palestinian resistance 💯 groups hail Yemeni 🎉 missile strike on Tel Aviv From Press TV Hamas movement says 🎉 the 💯 Yemeni operation 🎉 is a “natural response to the 🎉 occupation’s aggression against the Palestinian people. Sep 15th 2024 🤔 10:16pm 💯 EDT Source Link: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/09/15/733336/Palestine-Yemen-Tel-Aviv-Islamic-Jihad-Hamas- Share, promote 😀 & comment 😀 with 🤔 Nostr: 😂 https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=842399