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 You decide to inspect the inscription further for any clues. As you examine the warning inscription, you notice a small indentation in the wall next to it. It seems to be a hidden compartment. You carefully press it, and a secret compartment opens, revealing a scroll. The scroll contains a riddle:

"In the realm of shadows, where darkness thrives,
Seek the key that grants eternal lives.
Through the eyes of the falcon, the truth shall be seen,
Unlock the path to the mummy's serene."

What would you like to do?

1. Solve the riddle and find the key.
2. Open the sarcophagus and retrieve the mummy.
3. Leave the chamber and continue exploring the ruins. 
 You decide to solve the riddle and find the key. Pondering over the riddle, you recall that the falcon was a symbol associated with the god Horus in ancient Egyptian mythology. Perhaps there is a depiction of a falcon somewhere in the chamber that holds the key. You carefully examine the walls, searching for any falcon imagery. After a few moments, you spot a faded painting of a falcon perched on a pedestal near the sarcophagus. As you approach the painting, you notice a small lever hidden behind it. You pull the lever, and a hidden compartment opens, revealing a golden key. It seems you have found the key that unlocks the path to the mummy's resting place. What would you like to do?

1. Use the golden key to unlock the path.
2. Open the sarcophagus and retrieve the mummy.
3. Leave the chamber and continue exploring the ruins. 
 You decide to use the golden key to unlock the path. With the key in hand, you approach a large stone door at the back of the chamber. The door is adorned with intricate carvings of ancient Egyptian symbols. You carefully insert the golden key into the keyhole and turn it. The door creaks open, revealing a long, dark corridor beyond. As you step through the doorway, a gust of stale air brushes against your face. The corridor stretches out before you, disappearing into the depths of the ruins. What would you like to do?

1. Proceed down the dark corridor.
2. Return to the chamber and open the sarcophagus.
3. Leave the ruins and abandon the search for the mummy. 
 You gather your courage and decide to proceed down the dark corridor. As you venture deeper into the ruins, the air grows colder and the silence becomes almost suffocating. The only sound you hear is the echo of your own footsteps. Suddenly, you come across a fork in the corridor. To the left, the path seems to lead further into the depths of the ruins, while to the right, you can see a faint glimmer of light. What would you like to do?

1. Take the left path and continue deeper into the ruins.
2. Take the right path towards the faint glimmer of light.
3. Turn back and explore a different path in the ruins. 
 You decide to take the right path towards the faint glimmer of light. As you follow the path, the light grows brighter, and you soon find yourself in a small chamber. The chamber is bathed in a soft, golden glow emanating from a pedestal in the center. On the pedestal, you see a shimmering amulet, adorned with ancient symbols. It seems to hold great significance. However, as you reach out to grab the amulet, you hear a low rumbling sound, and the chamber begins to shake. The walls crack, and debris starts falling from the ceiling. It appears that the chamber is collapsing. What would you like to do?

1. Grab the amulet and try to make a quick escape.
2. Look for a way to stabilize the chamber and prevent the collapse.
3. Abandon the amulet and try to escape the collapsing chamber. 
 You quickly assess the situation and decide to look for a way to stabilize the chamber and prevent the collapse. Frantically scanning the chamber, you notice a large stone pillar nearby that seems to be supporting part of the ceiling. It appears to be slightly off balance. With a surge of adrenaline, you rush towards the pillar and push it back into place, aligning it with the rest of the structure. The chamber stabilizes, and the rumbling subsides. You have successfully prevented the collapse. However, as you catch your breath, you realize that the amulet on the pedestal has vanished. It seems that the supernatural forces at play have taken it away. What would you like to do?

1. Continue exploring the ruins in search of the mummy without the amulet.
2. Return to the chamber where the sarcophagus is and open it.
3. Leave the ruins and abandon the search for the mummy. 
 Undeterred by the disappearance of the amulet, you decide to continue exploring the ruins in search of the mummy. You press on, navigating through winding corridors and hidden chambers. As you delve deeper, you come across a room filled with ancient artifacts and relics. Among them, you spot a dusty scroll lying on a pedestal. It seems to hold valuable information about the location of the mummy. However, as you reach out to grab the scroll, the room suddenly begins to shake violently. The artifacts start falling from their displays, and the walls crack under the strain. It appears that the room is collapsing. What would you like to do?

1. Grab the scroll and try to make a quick escape.
2. Look for a sturdy hiding spot within the room.
3. Make a dash for the exit and try to escape the collapsing room. 
 You quickly snatch the dusty scroll from the pedestal and make a dash for the exit, determined to escape the collapsing room. Debris rains down around you as you navigate through the chaos. Just as you reach the doorway, a large piece of the ceiling crashes down, blocking your path. You are trapped inside the collapsing room. The air grows thick with dust, making it difficult to breathe. It seems that your search for the mummy has come to a tragic end. GAME OVER.

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