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 Disruptive or not, #bitcoin needs to be widely adopted to be useful. And it needs to be useful to be widely adopted. 

Like it or not, the world runs on dollars. Businesses run on dollars and it’s a pain in the ass adopting bitcoin for business transactions. And I’m not taking about technical difficulties. Not even network fees which are actually quite decent most of the time. But the simple need to introduce an unregulated, highly volatile asset in one balance sheet is not for everybody. Add the additional accounting effort needed and tax uncertainty, as governments are not sure about how to tax bitcoin transactions and can change the rules anytime. 

Even so, I am open to offer payments in #bitcoin in my business, but there is zero demand for it. Can you guess what the only demand in crypto payments is? The answer is #USDC and #USDT. Why let #ethereum steal the show, if #bitcoin can do it better and cheaper on #lightning?