Oddbean new post about | logout
 I’m absolutely fine. I am stable. I am balanced. You are the one that continues to push your ablest bullshit and you’re being called in on it therefore, I’m calling you in because when I told you nicely more than five hours ago you ignored that so so since you need to be told with toxicity, you’re gonna get toxicity because brother hears the thing I am loving and I am kind, but I can also rage with the best of them. You are the one that chose to be like this therefore, if you wanna fight like a man, bring it and fight a woman. 
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 Something something doth protest too much 
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 You might want to sit this one out and let the adults handle it from here. When I sit this one out I mean the go sit in the corner so you can think about this a bit. 
 You obviously aren’t speaking to me.