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 I still can’t understand how Bitcoiners continue to vote for lying politicians. This whole system is so blatantly corrupt. 

Feds arrested the samourai wallet team and confiscated their stuff. What happened to their right to unreasonable search and seizures? What about innocent until proven guilty? Think about it. If you are innocent until proven guilty, then what grounds do law enforcement have to seize your property? What’s even more insane is that they seized the property of the samourai team and are using it in their bullshit case against them. Do you have a case against them or not?

If you stole something from a business and there is video evidence of the theft occurring, that is enough to enact justice against you. There is no need to break into your home and confiscate your property and snoop through it. And what’s the point of the 5th amendment? You have the right to not incriminate yourself or have your property seized without due process. But they just forcefully take all your shit anyway and use whatever they wrongfully found to incriminate you. So they collect evidence after they arrest you and then give you this version of bullshit “due process” and call it justice. If they can get everyone to use Elon’s neurallink, they’ll just hack into your brain and find out if you’re guilty. Then they’ll gaslight you and say that your 5th amendment right is preserved lmao clown world. 
 *their right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures 
 You are talking about the United States of America.
The biggest criminal in the world. 
 They don't care about what a piece of paper has to say about it.  