Oddbean new post about | logout
 Young ppl are ready to burn the whole system down bc they don’t think it’s fair they didn’t get rich quick 
 Ironic that the solution would've been actual learning about the real world and buying Bitcoin 
 @HODL thoughts? 
 You’re spot on here. The boomers are actually a last line of defense against the coming storm of facism vs communism. 
 They also have a lot of unrealized capital gains. 
 Gen x too. Look at Elon and Peter thiel supporting trump publicly. Enough to move the needle . It’s successful ppl vs western commie losers / crazy single women 
 The most TDS afflicted generation in my circles are the boomers.  
 Interesting. Not in mine. It’s the Marxist college educated young ppl drowning in debt still taking vacations 
 Liberal white women are a danger to society