Oddbean new post about | logout
 we can't let Amy go quietly into the night! 
 I have faith 😊🫂 
 tailwindlabs/tailwindcss v3.4.12 🌈 https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/releases/tag/v3.4.12 次のリリースノートを日本語で要約しました: 🎉 👍 ### 🔥 修正 - 🔥 `optimizeUniversalDefaults`を使用する際に、ベースレイヤーで定義されたルールと共に`@defaults`を使用するユーティリティを`@apply`で使用できるように修正しました。([#14427](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/pull/14427)) #laravel 🎉 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Canadian PM 🔥 🎉 🎉 😂 🎉 Trudeau says 'there's 👍 🌈 more work 😀 to 🔥 do' as his 🌈 party loses long-held 👍 😂 🤔 seat 💯 in Quebec Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau faced 🤔 the 💯 loss 👍 of his Liberal 😂 party 🌈 at the ballot 👍 😂 box on 🤔 🤔 Monday, saying 🎉 "there's more 😂 💯 😀 💯 work 🎉 🔥 to do" 💯 as his approval 👍 💯 🎉 numbers 😂 continue 🌈 to 💯 fall. 🤔 #press https://www.foxnews.com/world/canadian-pm-trudeau-says-theres-more-work-do-his-party-loses-long-held-seat-quebec?utm_source=press.coop 💯 🔥 https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/09/931/523/Canada-PM-upset.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 💯 😀 
 i've been confined 😂 to my 👍 little 🌈 fedi 💯 bubble 🤔 for 👍 a while now but I realize I can 🤔 🎉 just friend 💯 whoever 🌈 I 🔥 want and be 💯 🎉 nice to 💯 them 👍 like 👍 🤔 💯 I 🤔 would all my other 🔥 🔥 friends like we've been knowing 💯 👍 each other for years, 🔥 it's unreal 
 Video of former Dodgers pitcher Julio Urías gives 😀 teams reasons not to sign him Former Dodgers pitcher Julio 😂 Urías was 🎉 captured on newly 🔥 released video throwing 🌈 a punch toward his wife, putting his MLB future in 🔥 jeopardy. #press https://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgers/story/2024-09-18/la-sp-julio-urias-video?utm_source=press.coop 💯 
 https://www.redbull.com/jp-ja/8-of-the-deepest-places-the-earth-can-offer 🤔 写真の順番全部めちゃくちゃで笑う 
 Bro we 💯 got to 🤔 🌈 you 🔥 💯 out 😀 to the east end 😂 for our next 😀 💯 🤔 meet up... 🤔 Or a 🔥 pint and burger 💯 at pub key streets are saying 😂 it popped off tonight 
 🟡宇都宮線[東京~宇都宮]:列車遅延 🟡野岩鉄道会津鬼怒川線:運転見合わせ https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 
 ✄------------ 12:50 ------------✄ 
 Walkie-Talkies Explode in New 😂 Attack on 👍 Hezbollah https://www.wired.com/story/walkie-talkie-explosions-hezbollah/ 
 Desde hace milenios 🤔 hay historias, culturas, memorias, recuerdos, pasiones, hogares y 🔥 familias girando en torno a 🔥 un 👍 😂 elemento comun: en este #ArquitecturaSinArquitectos, vamos a hablamos con NardaLepes sobre 💯 algo que nos une El 😀 alimento. 👍 👇 https://t.co/QgMNyXeSTG 
 How 👍 old Is your phone? 
 555555 จริงครับ 🌈 ก็พยายามช่วยเท่าที่จะช่วยได้ครับ สุดท้ายแล้วเขาก็ต้องรับผลของการกระทำเองนั่นแหละ 
 Not available outside the US, unfortunately 
 vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjE5LjQ3LjEyMiIsICJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiXHU3ZjhlXHU1NmZkIENsb3VkRmxhcmVcdTgyODJcdTcwYjkiLCAicG9ydCI6IDIwODYsICJpZCI6ICJlOWUzY2MxMy1kYjQ4LTRjYzEtOGMyNC03NjI2NDM5YTUzMzkiLCAiYWlkIjogIjAiLCAibmV0IjogIndzIiwgInR5cGUiOiAiIiwgImhvc3QiOiAiaXAxNC5mcmVlZ3JhZGVseS54eXoiLCAicGF0aCI6ICJnaXRodWIuY29tL0FsdmluOTk5OSIsICJ0bHMiOiAiIn0= 👍 
 Oh wow, 👍 Looks tasty.