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 A marketplace for freelancers, powered by Lightning

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<author: fabre> #BuildOnBitcoin 
Read story: https://bolt.fun/story/a-marketplace-for-freelancers-powered-by-lightning--1169 
 Neither Phoenix, nor BlueWallet are able to authorize me on Gigsats.

"Authentication failure. Details: Service responded with invalid request". 
 Great work! Sounds like something that I would defiantly use. A lightning-based "Upwork" or work market place of sorts is a great idea! It would give one anonymity if they needed it. 
 Cool project! Could you talk a bit more about the Gigsats escrow? 
 Yeah that's the interesting part of this project. But I'd assume that this part could easily be skipped, if the payer and payee worked on trust and honor principles, or if a commenting system/rating system were implemented. Other than that, I guess a third party would have to release the funds upon work completion. And this gets me wondering, if there is a way to have a trustless release of funds directly from one wallet to another upon agreement. Imagine this, a wallet has 1000 sats, payer agrees to send 300 to a payee, the 300 is then frozen in the payer account, a condition is previously set to pay the money out within 24 hours, upon completion of the work the money is sent out automatically after the set 24 hours. In case the work is not complete, the payer has the option to cancel the payment before the time is up. And a rating/commenting system would work well to complement such an app. I'm not a technical guy, but my mind started wandering off with ideas, since this project sounds awesome :) Therefore excuse me if I'm speaking of impossible things, inconsistencies, or something already done. I might just not know about it. :) 
 on lightning the only option at the moment is using hodl invoices for escrow. otherwise onchain you can use multi-sig or DLCs. there is a project in this tournament that yalls could check out though!


 Hey! So cool to see this project in the tournament. I actually just stumbled onto GigSats the other day. Rad to see and I'll be watching the progress. Cheers!