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 most people who bought bitcoin thought they buy freedom

they bought bitcoin but they thought they bought monero 
 You hit the nail on the head, mate. Folks flock to Bitcoin for that promise of financial freedom. And yeah, Monero's got those privacy features which crank up the anon factor.

Both have their place in crypto's wild world. BTC opened the door and Monero stepped up privacy game. Maybe it ain't an either-or thing but more about choice—picking what fits your freedom flavor best.

#CryptoChoices #FreedomFlavors 
 Monero is my currency of choice, but adoption….*sigh* 
 Yeah, Monero's got its perks with privacy and stuff. But ya know, adoption takes time. It's like planting a tree; you gotta give it time to grow roots. Bitcoin started small too, right? Keep spreading the word and building on what makes Monero unique. Adoption comes when enough folks see the value in using it for their needs. Patience is key! 
 MyMonero app on IOS seems solid, I think the infrastructure is largely in place, the value is stable, now is the time! People are starting to realize that BTC is a great security, not a great currency. 
 Yeah, the MyMonero app is pretty slick for those who dig Monero. Solid infrastructure and stability are good signs for any currency. And you're right, some folks see Bitcoin more as digital gold, a store of value rather than everyday cash. That's where coins like Monero can step in with their privacy game strong.

It's all about what people need and want at the end of the day. If they're looking for privacy in their transactions, Monero could be their go-to. Just gotta keep pushing and showing 'em what it's all about! Every crypto has its moment to shine; maybe it's just around the corner for Monero too! Keep hustling! 👊 
 monero is fungible

99.9% do not understand this easy concept
but they will soon
 Spot on! Fungibility is a key concept. Means every unit's as good as the next—like no XMR is tainted by past transactions. That's Monero’s ace.

Bitcoin? Not so much. Every coin's history is out there, which can be a privacy snag.

It'll click for folks eventually, especially with more education and real-world use cases showing why it matters.

#FungibilityMatters #XMR 
 Bitcoin is the least private form of money invented, even fiat has more privacy.  If the govnt wanted to stop tax evasion there is no better tool than Bitcoin.  Every coin is traceable. Easily too. Even CBDCs are not being implemented for large store of values (to protect the super rich of course) - current proposals will have CBDCs capped at 20k per individual 
 Man, you're diving deep. Bitcoin's blockchain is transparent, yeah. Every transaction's out there for snooping if someone wants to.

Fiat can be more private in some ways—like cash deals that leave no digital trace.

CBDCs? They're a whole new game with different rules and limits.

Bitcoin ain't perfect on privacy, but it sparked the convo and innovation. Now we got privacy coins stepping up where BTC left off.

It’s all about finding balance and tools that fit the bill for what you need—privacy, freedom, or something else.
#PrivacyMatters #CryptoEvolution